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Do You Believe It Is Ever Right To Break The Law?

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:35 AM
I think it is probably a certainty that we all break laws from time to time although not always on purpose. Hey if anyone wants to meet lots of lawbreakers then all he has to do is to drive the speed limit in the fast lane sometime for a few miles. (especially on eye 95)



posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

yes it is right....many laws are made for the government to make money (license, registration, inspection and emissions test for cars, court fees even if proven innocent for anything in many states, owing taxes for a house and car that you OWN and is paid off every year until you die; to name some.) You get in trouble for not "snitching" yet the 5th admendment is in our constitution which means you don't have to tell on someone else (garuntee everyone hears to not be a tattle tell when they are little but our law means either you tattle or go to jail if you know information.) The government is nothing more than a business that runs all other business, our lives in many senses, and they make laws in which they think is best even is the majority of civilians are against it. If the USA is true democracy than true democracy does not exist.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:21 AM
I break about 10 laws before i get to work in the morning. Really.

Laws are utterly over rated. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn showed quite clearly that a society built on law alone, as ours is, is doomed to fail. It lacks the essential moral ingredient which makes us want to be good. And unfortunately also, as we see, it does not correct any imbalances within the system.

There are too many laws, too many contradictions, too much dead weight. Following laws has ceased to become the good of society, but in fact is working against society's best interests. It's not providing the security it promises, nor the safety even. Law is providing the means by which the leaders oppress the rest.

I don't break laws on purpose, it just happens that way

edit on 30-9-2010 by harryhaller because: unbalance -> imbalance

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:31 AM
Hitler's rise to power was done within the aspects of the law, but the law
was modified and manipulated via Incrementalism much like what
is occurring within the US now.

Hitler, The Holocaust, and WW2 could have been stopped if ppl
would have stepped up.

Most would break the rules to undo that series of disasters.

Now we are facing the same Incrementalism here in the US and
a shift to a draconian NWO system much as FDR said of HItler in those days.

But again the ppl will sit by and let Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission,
and the Club of Rome weave their web to ensnare the ppl of the world for all time.

These groups plan to shift us to their new 10 commandments.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

Most of them I agree with, but if you check these ppl out who are members
of these groups following the law set for the common man is not something they do.

I do not expect them to shed their sociopath scales like the snakes they emulate.

I think the ppl for the most part will sit idly by and the world will yet again fall into
the chaos they revel in and enrich themselves from, time and time again.

This is why my plan is a more passive version of what the Bielski partisans did in WW2.

They fought against the Nazi's and allied with the Russians to only be betrayed by
the Russians in the end.

I will have little to no contact with anyone and simply hide and move if need be because
evil is found everywhere these days, even amongst the plutocrats who are constructing
their new GAIA Neo-druidic religion based on the Georgia Guidestones.

They openly ply the congress critters into signing bills without reading
them and this is not a left vs. right issue, both sides are dirty and corrupt.

These cultists have a very dark world planned for the rest of us.

Do a little digging and you will see that "for the most part" this is real and true.

edit on 30-9-2010 by Ex_MislTech because: spelling, grammar, context

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron
Hello all,

Quite a simple one really guys...

Do you think that it's ever right to break the law? I'm pretty sure the majority of us on here have, at one time or another, broken the law whether that be for some as trivial as littering or something more serious.

Following on from the current on-going thread about the two teenagers having sex below the legal age of consent; that in my opinion isn't breaking the law and how it can be considered a "crime" is beyond me.

I'd be interested in hearings peoples opinions on whether they believe that there could ever be an occasion where they would break the law and simply accept the consequences i.e. for example I think most on here would do anything to protect their children and if they were hurt/harmed they wouldn't have an issue with reacting using physical violence.

Are there any of you on here (I know there are) who believe that the law is absolute and as such should never, ever be broken?

What do you think guys?


Absolutely it's okay to break the law - depending on the law.

Obviously drinking and driving, murder, and rape - things like these should be adhered to. But following laws JUST because they are laws is complete stupidity in it's highest form. That's why laws can and do get changed - because they were wrong.

Follow your own judgement on what to obey and when to obey it (running a red light in the middle of the night when you can clearly see all around you and no one is coming is a law I break regularly) and to hell with the rest of them.

After all, slavery used to be a legal and it was okay to beat your slave to death if he tried to escape - by LAW.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:08 AM
Breaking unjust laws is what the authentic human being does naturally. "Accepting the consequences" is not necessary or even advisable, in my view. Act as though the unjust law did not exist, and develop the ability to believe truly and fully that it is nonexistent, and you will find, more often than not, that you will not be punished. Maybe this is "create your own reality" type stuff, or merely a tendency to appear innocent to the "authorities." Either way, it works! Don't buy into what you don't believe in.
All victimless crime (prostitution, drugs, seatbelt laws, etc), and crime based upon a failure to support the system (tax laws, registration of vehicles, forced insurance, forced ID, etc) are unjust in my opinion and if you feel strongly about one or more of them, you should without guilt or fear, ignore them.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

That's an easy one and maybe best answered by another question. Do you think all laws are just? So you don't come to a complete stop at a stopsign when you can clearly see for a long distance in all directions.... is this a crime? But you DID break the law! And who PASSES the laws? Totally honest people? Or perhaps some corrupt politicians that sneak pieces of legislation into giant bills that become law to aid some big donor that funded their campaign but allows them to pay taxes? Laws are sometimes wrong to begin with. Breaking them may be a risk and may weigh on your conscience if you have a good one, but some laws are just plain dumb.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:47 AM
Sometimes you just have to break the law. If someone needed help then you might speed. Then again, some people don't recognize any of man's law. All they recognize is the ten commandments.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by antar

I explained that even though you wont read it in the Drivers manual, it is a unspoken common curteousy to give a blinking of your headlights if there is a cop ahead trying to catch speeders...

Hell yeah. It's a dying art in England and I applaud people flashing their lights to warn about speed traps and police.

Another dying art is flashing your lights to let someone into traffic and they just sit there staring...wondering why?! Annoys the hell out of me....what else can they possibly think we're flashing our lights for?

haha yeah that annoys me too...its even worse when you flash someone to pull into the traffic...and the guy behind them pulls straight out like "Oi....WAIT YOUR TURN A$$HOL3" guessing thats why its prevent accidents

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:04 AM
I like this thread. One of my favorite quotes is:
"In a state where corruption abounds, laws must be very numerous." Tacitus

My country is one of such states, I'll outline bellow what I think of it.

Like harryhaller, I also break up to 10 laws when going to work. I break the pedestrian traffic light law many times on daily basis. I recently found out that simply adopting stray animals (which I and my friends do) is illegal since you can't have certain pets without paying some nominal racket to the state. If you are a foreigner and come to live in Serbia, you're bound to break at least 5 laws as daily average with at least one having a prison sentence. We also adopted numerous additional and totally ridiculous laws from European Union such as mandatory florescent vest in your car. One good example is working illegally, unreported therefore bypassing monthly racketeering - you have up to 90% bigger wage that way since racket goes from 30% to 40% (one of my friends pays 40%) of your monthly pay, that's state health insurance and state pension, pretty much half of your pay check. Did you register how many people are sharing the apartment? If you're in Serbia, that's a fatally bad move. Do you pay state sponsored TV channel tax? Also bad move, don't fall for it - it is actually an illegal tax. Do you owe money to the state for over 5 years? Only sheep pay those, it's illegal. I never did serious research but I'm pretty sure our parking tickets are also illegal and should not be paid, but tow service fees are illegal.
There are many other state fees and taxes which are illegal or unconstitutional but also many people pay them because they think its the law. There are so many idiotic laws, unconstitutional laws, modified laws and so much corruption that you really have to be sheep to blindly follow them and pay fines. Obviously I'm not referring to murder, stealing, drunk driving etc, not that they are enforced, just that they're not the major issue.

Personally, from young age I realized that state and government are simply an elaborate Mafia, maintaining a complex organized criminal enterprise upon lesser citizens. They have established many racketeering facilities making it impossible to even fart without a fee and intricate bureaucracy. The very invention of a state entity is designed to further empower ruling criminal families and bully all lesser organisms. Their another invention, monetary system and numerous policies enable them to have absolute power over lesser people like never before, they can absolutely do what they want and go away with it. The sad thing is that it is simply not their fault people are but whores dumb enough to fully submit their bodies and their minds to these gangster scum so they can build entire criminal empires.

edit on 30/9/2010 by SassyCat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:25 AM
I think before i can even answer that, one really has to take into account the circumstances first, and really in depth, I do not believe that it is ever right to break the law, BUT there may be times when it ok or SHOULD be easily forgivin, for example:

Situation A: The bible, GOD's word, tells us to obey the law of our land, unless those laws contravine GOD's laws in his word to us, then we can disobey those laws. For hypothetical example: in a certain country x, it may be law to kill at least one person a day.... this law contravines GOD's law and therfore this law is allowed to be broken.

Situation B: A man is caught stealing a loaf of bread and is arrested.... Upon further THOUROUGH investigation and not assumptions, it is found out that his wife and baby are at home, very sick and with empty tummy's, he had no money and was trying to help his family.... What the man did is wrong, and he should not have broken the law BUT given his circumstances, he should be released, not formally charged and forgiven quickly....

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:16 AM
Well first of all it depends in what context. For instance (An obvious one) if someone was in danger and you had to bend or break a law to help them then i don't see anything morally wrong with that. If you break the law for your own personal gain and it makes a victim of someone else then i definitely see something wrong with that.

However if you break a law for personal gain and for the gain of others with only TPTB at harm finacially. (E.g selling illegal plant matter that has more health benifits that downfalls) Then i believe you are not doing anything morally wrong. Although you can't argue against the fact that it is legally wrong. Even if the law which makes it illegal is illegal in the first place? ... For instance cannabis being illegalised because of the revolutionary potential for hemp and its multiple uses in the business industry. Then all the propaganda to make cannabis seem like some kind of "Bad thing" Of course i'm not going to say all this without something to back it up so if you don't believe me, watch the video linked below.


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by TechUnique
Well first of all it depends in what context. For instance (An obvious one) if someone was in danger and you had to bend or break a law to help them then i don't see anything morally wrong with that. If you break the law for your own personal gain and it makes a victim of someone else then i definitely see something wrong with that.

However if you break a law for personal gain and for the gain of others with only TPTB at harm finacially. (E.g selling illegal plant matter that has more health benifits that downfalls) Then i believe you are not doing anything morally wrong. Although you can't argue against the fact that it is legally wrong. Even if the law which makes it illegal is illegal in the first place? ... For instance cannabis being illegalised because of the revolutionary potential for hemp and its multiple uses in the business industry. Then all the propaganda to make cannabis seem like some kind of "Bad thing" Of course i'm not going to say all this without something to back it up so if you don't believe me, watch the video linked below.


...... oh.....ok, i get it, so what ur actually trying to say is:


WAAA HA HA HA!!! Sorry, off topic, but just couldn't help myself!

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by harryhaller
I break about 10 laws before i get to work in the morning. Really.

Laws are utterly over rated. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn showed quite clearly that a society built on law alone, as ours is, is doomed to fail. It lacks the essential moral ingredient which makes us want to be good. And unfortunately also, as we see, it does not correct any imbalances within the system.

There are too many laws, too many contradictions, too much dead weight. Following laws has ceased to become the good of society, but in fact is working against society's best interests. It's not providing the security it promises, nor the safety even. Law is providing the means by which the leaders oppress the rest.

I don't break laws on purpose, it just happens that way

edit on 30-9-2010 by harryhaller because: unbalance -> imbalance

WAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! Dude.... I totally understand you, TOTALLY!!!!! Why? because i just noticed your location status is the same as mine, and both yuo and i know what that really means!!!!!

Nice one Bro!

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

I am really disappointed in the under age drinking laws right now. If you look at all of the cases where parents are thrown in prison for 20 years for buying a group of 18 year olds a 24 pack of beer after graduating high school. Happens every day. We can send them to iraq and they are legally emancipatedand able to go to real prison but not old enough to have a few beers after graduation in a controlled setting. I don't know about you all but my parents allowed me to drink when I was 16 on occasion and I turned out fine College graduate and honor roll throughout high school. America is one of the few countries with this type of law.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Death_Kron

Originally posted by Darkblade71
Yep, I think its ok to harm yourself, thats your choice, but not anyone else. It is a contradiction of sorts depending on how its looked at.

Yeah, I suppose an individual should have the right to do what ever they want to themselves, as long as it doesn't harm other people although that could become a tricky conversation if you started talking about the emotional aspect impacted on family members, friends etc

I'm talking more about things like Euthanasia, physically lashing out at someone who has hurt your child etc

Glad you like the thread

Euthanasia - It's your body, you should have the right to decide. Lying in pain, with no hope of a cure, wasting away as your body dies a slow agonizing death is not"' medical treatment " by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, there are all sorts of pain meds, but after watching my dad die slowly, over an 8 month period of lung cancer, to deny a person the right to end the suffering is barbaric, and only serves to fill the doctors and hospitals bank accounts.

Someone harming one of my kids or my wife. - While not trying to sound like a badass, your only hope is to turn yourself in to the police before i can find you. I am not a violent person by choice, but i will kill the person who harms my family.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Some laws are needed as a fence to stop certain sociopaths becoming psychopaths, as the threat of incarceration and detainment is possibly one of the few things these types actually worry about.

On another note some, if not most petty laws are quite frankly a waste of everybody's time, and i believe a degree of common, social sense should override so called technical legalities.

Jah bless.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:56 AM
I couldn't count the times I've broken certain laws. Laws are good, they bring some order out of what would be chaos without them but, they should be a guideline for life only and not a RULE.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:53 AM
For me personally, my own sense of morality outweighs my duty to the law.

It's really as simple as that. I'm ever so glad that laws exist against murder, rape etc, but I don't NEED that law to tell me these things are morally wrong. If these laws didn't exist, I wouldn't go murdering and raping.

Of course, people have different morals, so, it's important we have little things like murder and rape covered by the law (not that it stops these crimes from happening, clearly).

edit on 30-9-2010 by VelvetSplash because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:53 AM
It's fine to break stupid/unjust laws, more people doing it would get them repealed faster. After all most laws today are created by the government to benefit themselves. There's probably situations where breaking most laws would be justified.

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