posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Supposing mathematics is the language of the universe. That means there is a formula somewhere that describes how everything works, the relationships
between everything, etc. Computer models are often used to predict the outcome or behaviour of events/things based on various circumstances. These
models are obviously not 100% accurate in most cases as we do not know all the variables.
Supposing a computer program was created, which had all the variables, all the correct formulae, algorithms etc, which was essentially a model of the
entire universe, ultimately an exact copy. Now, as everything is based on maths, that leaves nothing to chance.
In this model universe, when life evolves on the model earth, would it be identical in every way to how it is now? Peoples lives and thoughts are
shaped by the lives of others and the environment. Is there a mathematical formula that can determine everything about an individual person's entire
life, interaction with the environment and others?
Are we actually inside said model universe? Where does this leave free will? Is it actually an illusion, and everything is pre-destined to occur as it
is? If it deviated even slightly, would it cause the universe computer to crash, or at the very least become locally unstable?