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Dolores Cannon, The Hollow Earth theory.

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:47 AM
I have been following Dolores Cannon for quite some time.
And i came across this video.

The part that gets me the most, is the 2 holes in the south pole. That on Google earth, are just white. Plain white with no detail.

In the video, Rodney Cluff mentions thats a listers son had a NASA scientist visit his school, after the class discussion he followed him down the hall, and asked him, 'do you have satellite images of the south pole opening?' to which he replies ' yes, but we paintbrush them out to look like ice and snow'. I've also seen evidence of this where NASA ex-employees admit to airbrushing over evidence before making images public.

Also in the video. Dolores Cannon, which i find as a very trustworthy and knowledgeable person. Who has written many books (which i can provide links to) about her experience with the 'ET's' as she calls them.
In these books is the mention of underground cities, that the 'ET's' live and work in. She also mentions about huge underground lakes which provide water for these beings. Which is mentioned in this post The entrance to this cave seems like it's pretty hard to get through, is it keeping us out for our own good? In Dolores's contact with these ET's they mention that this underground base is in a mountain, they won't disclose which mountain it is for their own safety, but they do say that the government know's about the base. And that they have been to the governments base and shared technology with them, such as how to perform the first heart transplant. They also shared other technology with the government, but through misuse of this technology, a few human lives were lost, and therefore we lost trust of the 'ET's'. The Atomic bomb of Hiroshima also made them stop and think ' Can we really trust them?'.

The underground bases also serve as a base to monitor earths balance of energy.
This may sound far fetched, but they are causing some of the earthquakes kind of like a release of pressure in the earth, and they say ' If we didn't do that, the earth would get much bigger quakes and volcanic eruptions, as the 'pressure' the earth is under would just get larger and larger until it would eventually just 'snap' and we would be hit by one huge event.

There is a Legend about he mountain 'Untersberg' which i believe is on of many entrances to the 'hollow earth' that I found very very interesting as it mentions little dwarf-like creatures ( could be referring to grey's) taking care of the sleeping 'Fredrick Barbarossa' will be awakened when his beard has grown 3 times around the table, when this occurs, this will mark the end of the world, and the last battle Walserfield west of Salzburg. I took this segment from an article on wikipedia about the mountain.

According to legend Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (of the Holy Roman Empire) is asleep inside Untersberg, taken care of by the "Untersberger Mandln", small dwarf-like creatures. His beard is said to be growing longer and longer around a round table and to have grown round two times. Myth says that when the beard has grown three times around the table the end of world has come. Every hundred years he awakes and when he sees the ravens still flying around the Untersberg he sleeps for another century. When Frederik leaves the mountain, the last great battle of humankind will be fought on the Walserfeld. This is a field at Wals, west of Salzburg. There is a similar legend for the Kyffhäuser Mountain in Thüringen. Other legends say that it is Karl der Große Charlemagne waiting inside the Untersberg There are also legends about the cave system below the mountain. There is a lake in 930 meters depth. An expedition in August 2008 revealed that its lowest point had not yet been reached

Hitler also called the cave ' passageway to the inner earth'

Could this refer to the 2011/2012 events? Someone really needs to send something down into these mountains.

This is just my oppinion, please don't get too caught up in it.

Please share your thoughts.


edit on 29-9-2010 by GetRadNZ because: Info.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:44 AM
While I personally think the hollow Earth theory ranks up there with flat earth and the moon being a manned space station, I did, however, really enjoy reading about the legend of the beard and overall this was an entertaining read.

I simply think (THINK, not know) that people are so desperate for something fantastic to present itself to them that they're willing to believe just about anything. Let's face it, real life is boring. You work, you play, you sleep, and you die. That's pretty much it. Some of it's fun, a little of it is great, but nothing really fantasical really happens. This is when people start believing in aliens living on Earth, or inside it as the case may be. That we're capable of things like remote viewing or telekenisis are delusions of people who simply cannot accept that they're normal.

Anyway, my $.02 worth.

edit on 9/29/2010 by KILL_DOGG because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:02 AM
Explanation: S&F!

The earth is 99.999999% HOLLOW! Here is the science of why that IS so!...

Is Planet Earth really Hollowed? (thread by ^anubis^ , post by OmegaLogos) [ATS]

Atom size [wiki]

Atomic radius [wiki]

Yahoo Answers []

What % of an atom is empty? []

Wiki Answers []

Hydrogen Atom Scale Model []

Personal Disclosure: So yeah...from a scientific POV the Earth is 99.9999999999999% HOLLOW!!!

P.S. Science... do you know it?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by GetRadNZ

There's a great thread specifically about the Unterberg mountain here on ATS - link above.

In fact, it's the all time most flagged thread on here!

It's now at 58 pages (and growing), but we have amassed a wealth of information, fact, legend, folklore, etc, surroungding the mountain throughout history.

It's well worth spending a few hours (or days) reading from the beginning.

The Dali Lama called it the Heart Shakra of Europe, and a Sleeping Giant. And if you believe everything you read, he is supposed to be the representative on the outside, of those who live on then inside, in the mountains of Tibet........

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:24 AM
I find this topic fascinating and Truthful - Argartha, Shamballah - scented by God. But what is not being mentioned is the Dyson Sphere - surrounding the entire Solar System. This is why now it's postulated that 75% of the universe is "Dark Matter".

What is called Heaven is the Outer Surface of this Dyson Sphere. All the AstroPhysicists are just studying the reflection of sunlight off of the "Diamonds in the Sky" - on the inner surface of this Dyson Sphere.

Think about it - the probes must have crashed, and keep crashing for them to even suggest such a large percentage of "Dark Matter". We haven't even begun to see the true universe...

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:44 AM
I am a consultant in the computer industry in Johannesburg, South Africa. Some years ago I became interested in a very strange old scientific idea first proposed by Sir Edmund Halley - the Hollow Earth Theory. I was fascinated by this bizarre old idea and read through various literature regarding it - most of it being rubbish. Nevertheless, there was a certain underlying logic to it all, and it was this which I set out to explore. I decided to do my own feasibility study of this old idea using modern-day science as my basis. Is it possible that planets could be hollow and that scientists might have somehow missed it? This was a question I posed myself. My 5 year obsession with this idea resulted in me writing a book of almost 600 pages examining every aspect of science imaginable and seeing if any of this might mean that the planets of our Solar System are hollow.

Jan Lampredht wrote an amazing book called Hollow Planets, A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds, could the Planets Mercury, Venus and Earth Possibly be Hollow? Check out some of his papers on his web site.

Art Bell interviewed Jan in 2002 which was amazing, I still listen to that interview on occasion. Jan looks at this from a scientific view. His book is a study and not an easy read. Nothing against Dolores Cannon, I know her work, she is all over the place opposed to Lampredhts work.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:16 PM
I find the books by Dolores Cannon fascinating. In the Convoluted Universe Book Two, I believe, is where the story about the underground cities, with lakes and different creatures, and it's own sun, is from. She brought up a good point in the book about the connection between this, and cryptozoology. Could the Lochness Monster swim up from it's underground "home" through these entrances to the earth. Are Big Foot and the chupacabra common entities underground?

Also I'd like to mention the Unidentified Submerged Objects (USO's) What causes them? Where do they come from?

If you can get a couple pieces of a puzzle, you can start to put something together, but you still need all of the pieces to get the full picture. It's a very interesting topic that can really get you thinking about the "what if's".

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

Yes I've read that atom's are 99.9999999% hollow. But this isn't the hollow I'm meaning.
I'm getting at the fact that the earth may house another species of intelligent life below it's surface.
I just found out last night that these 2 holes are no longer covered. They are visible on google earth right now.
They may just be lava tubes. But I think some serious research is to be done.
Just my oppinion.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:38 PM
The Hollow Earth
Strange Beliefs: The Pole Holes & the Underworld

To most, the above Apollo 16 photos 1, 2 show a cloud formation, but hollow earth proponents claim they reveal a massive hole into the hollow earth secretly hidden and guarded for years. We know our planet is not flat because it makes a circular shadow on the moon, because ships disappear in the distance and because we've seen it from space. How can a reasonable person know that the Earth is not hollow?


Due to a link from here (page now removed) mentioned on the Art Bell show by Dallas Thompson we had a record peak of 22,893 web hits in one day on Oct 5th, 2002. After that one angry email called this story "unbelievably unbelievable." Of course it is! That's the fun of it. There are also people who think the earth is flat. The intent of the Reasonable Person's Guide to Strange Ideas is to promote science and critical thinking on an Internet full of nutty fringe ideas. See our RODS article regarding another Art Bell guest. Now, just for fun, stretch your imagination ... around the HOLLOW EARTH.

Dallas Thompson is an interesting guy, he had plans to go check out the hollow earth theroy for himself. I haven't followed his work in recent years so don't know what is going on with that.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:40 PM
Well at the moment I've came across a lot of scientific evidence to say that the earth can't be entirely hollow below the surface. However it still hasn't ruled out the possibility that there are cities below the earths surface.

At the moment I'm doing some research into this. I'll make a post within the next few days as to what I've found.
Theres so much information!


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:07 AM
The Expedition To The North Pole

Sir Richard Elvyn Byrd was a US Naval Officer specializing in exploration. He was a pioneering american aviator, polar explorer, and organizer of polar logistics. Byrd claimed that his expeditions had been the first to reach the north and south pole by air. His claims were greatly backed up by a consensus of those who have examined the evidence. He was awarded the Medal Of Honor.

On his North Pole trip, in 1947, Byrd kept an diary and a flight log. Which I have managed to find a copy of.
I've taken a segment of the diary that caught my eye while I was reading through it. Here's the segment i read this from. It is very very interesting indeed.

0955 Hours- Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence again.

1000 Hours- We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!

1005 Hours- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. The Light here seems different. I cannot see the Sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant! NO!!! It looks more like a mammoth! This is incredible! Yet, there it is! Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed - it is definitely a mammoth-like ani mal! Report this to base camp.

1030 Hours- Encountering more rolling green hills now. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit! Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact base camp. Radio is not functioning!

1130 Hours- Countryside below is more level and normal (if I may use that word). Ahead we spot what seems to be a city!!!! This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond!! My GOD!!! Off our port and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we! What has happened. I tug at the controls again. They will not respond!!!! We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type!

1135 Hours- Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent! The message is: 'Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes! Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands.' I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless.

1140 Hours- Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! The downward motion is negligible, and we touch down with only a slight jolt!

1145 Hours- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blond hair. In the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I comply. END LOG

Upon flying over the north pole, Byrd seemed to have entered a void into another world. The 'hollow earth'.

What really fascinates me is about how he mentions the swastikas on the sides of the unidentified objects flying beside his plane. This isn't the first time I've heard of 'Nazi' UFO's. There is also evidence of UFO's having swastikas present on the sides of these craft here
It would also explain Hitlers obsession with the mountain ' Untersberg' , decribed as being the passageway to the inner earth. Byrd describes being approached by 2 beings, tall and blonde. Which correlates with what the Nazi's described as 'the perfect race' or Aryans. His diary then continues after exiting the plane. There is also evidence of sightings of these beings

From this point I write all the following events here from memory. It defies the imagination and would seem all but madness if it had not happened. The radioman and I are taken from the aircraft and we are re ceived in a most cordial manner. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with no wheels! It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. It appears to be right out of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a Buck Rogers setting!! We are given some type of warm beverage which tasted like nothing I have ever savored before. It is delicious. After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing hosts come to our quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. I have no choice but to comply. I leave my radioman behind and we walk a short dis tance and enter into what seems to be an elevator. We descend downward for some moments, the machine stops, and the door lifts silently upward! We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. Over the door is an inscription that I cannot read. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. One of my hosts speaks. 'Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master...' I step inside and my eyes adjust to the beautiful coloration that seems to be filling the room completely. Then I begin to see my sur roundings. What greeted my eyes is the most beautiful sight of my entire existence. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. It is exquisite and delicate. I do not think there exists a human term that can describe it in any detail with justice! My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality, 'I bid you welcome to our domain, Admiral.' I see a man with delicate features and with the etching of years upon his face. He is seated at a long table. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following. 'We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral.' Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! 'Yes," the Master replies with a smile, 'you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. We shall not long delay your mission, and you will be safely escorted back to the surface and for a distance beyond. But now, Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarm ing time we sent our flying machines, the "Flugelrads", to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. That is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on. You see, we have never interfered before in your race's wars, and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely, that of atomic energy. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our Culture and Science is many thousands of years beyond your race, Admiral.' I interrupted, 'But what does this have to do with me, Sir?' The Master's eyes seemed to penetrate deeply into my mind, and after studying me for a few moments he replied, 'Your race has now reached the point of no return, for there are those among you who would destroy your very world rather than relinquish their power as they know it...' I nodded, and the Master continued, 'In 1945 and afterward, we tried to contact your race, but our efforts were met with hostility, our Flugelrads were fired upon. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There will be no answer in your arms, there will be no safety in your science. It may rage on until every flower of your culture is trampled, and all human things are leveled in vast chaos. Your recent war was only a prelude of what is yet to come for your race. We here see it more clearly with each you say I am mistaken?' 'No,' I answer, 'it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.' 'Yes, my son,' replied the Master, 'the dark ages that will come now for your race will cover the Earth like a pall, but I believe that some of your race will live through the storm, beyond that, I cannot say. We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife...and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this message.....' With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. I stood for a moment as in a dream....but, yet, I knew this was reality, and for some strange reason I bowed slightly, either out of respect or humility, I do not know which. Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful hosts who had brought me here were again at my side. 'This way, Admiral,' motioned one. I turned once more before leaving and looked back toward the Master. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face. 'Farewell, my son,' he spoke, then he gestured with a lovely, slender hand a motion of peace and our meeting was truly ended. Quickly, we walked back through the great door of the Master's chamber and once again entered into the elevator. The door slid silently downward and we were at once going upward. One of my hosts spoke again, 'We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled timetable and you must return with his message to your race.' I said nothing. All of this was almost beyond belief, and once again my thoughts were interrupted as we stopped. I entered the room and was again with my radioman. He had an anxious expres sion on his face. As I approached, I said, 'It is all right, Howie, it is all right.' The two beings motioned us toward the awaiting conveyance, we boarded, and soon arrived back at the aircraft. The engines were idling and we boarded immediately. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. After the cargo door was closed the aircraft was imme diately lifted by that unseen force until we reached an altitude of 2700 feet. Two of the aircraft were alongside for some dis tance guiding us on our return way. I must state here, the airspeed indicator registered no reading, yet we were moving along at a very rapid rate.

215 Hours- A radio message comes through. 'We are leaving you now, Admiral, your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!!!!' We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment. We quickly recovered her control. We do not speak for some time, each man has his thoughts.... ENTRY IN FLIGHT LOG CONTINUES: 220 Hours- We are again over vast areas of ice and snow, and approximately 27 minutes from base camp. We radio them, they respond. We report all conditions normal....normal. Base camp expresses relief at our re-established contact.

300 Hours- We land smoothly at base camp. I have a mission.....

A few interesting things he mentions in this log.

-The 'master' mentions the name of the underground city. Arianni, sounds a lot like Aryan, the perfect race.

-The 'master' also mentions after the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, they sent craft called the 'Flugelrads' to investigate what we were doing. They were also fired upon and chased maliciously. This isn't the first time we've heard of fighter planes trying to destroy the craft.

-The 'master' also refers to the underground race trying to make contact with humans, but they were met with great conflict. In Dolores Cannons books, she mentions the ET's trying to make contact with the humans, they even shared technology with the humans, but through misuse of it, human lives were killed, and the ET's decided not to remain in contact with us. I can dig out a link to this book if you really must.

-The 'master' mentions that Atomic weaponry is not meant to be in mankinds hands. We have evidence of this also. With over 120 ex-airforce witnesses claiming that UFO's have shut down nuclear testing plants. And have been seen hovering over nuclear storage facilities. They are trying to stop us from using these weapons, they are obviously doing it for our own safety.

I have a lot more to say on this matter. It will take some time. But it is all starting to make sense to me.

Please share your thoughts and oppinions.
There will be much more I have to say on this matter.


edit on 30-9-2010 by GetRadNZ because: Txt size

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:31 AM
Please share your thoughts on the information I've just gathered.
I'm very interested in what you guys have to say.
I have a theory coming along.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:27 AM
Hi folks,

Hope someone will read this post as the thread is quite old. So I will post this reply at the bottom of every Hollow Earth thread I find, sooner or later it should give some results.

I have been fascinated by the topic of the Hollow Earth since the past five years. At first I have ridiculed the idea of Earth being hollow, as we have all learned at school what it "really is like". Actually my girlfriend has made me aware of that topic.

Ever since then I have been looking for further informations / evidence, mostly photographic material and testimonies. Now there's a fact that such informations do come up very rarely plus the most important thing is there's no photographs of the poles to be found anywhere. I have seen literally thousands of pix of the Earth from space however there's no pictures showing the poles. Not NASA, nor ESA, the Russians do not post too many pix and the Chinese neither.

All you can find regarding polar areas are animations showing the state of polar ice caps over the years but not real photographs. Try yourselves, you'll see.

I have even subscribed to ESA and a couple of universities having something to do with astronomy, space travel etc. I have asked for polar photographs with even the least possible resolutions. No reply. All you can find is the B&W pictures showing the poles from the 1960s. On these there's a blacked out circle in the middle...

So the lack of materials and the impossibility to get an answer even from scientific and space institutions made me totaly sure there's something strange going on around the polar areas, whatever it may be.

I have read explanations for there being no photos of the polar areas such as that there's no satellites orbiting around the poles - not true for there are a couple of Polar Orbiters. Yes, satellites specialized to orbit the Earth around the poles. Plus there are a couple of other satellites orbiting near to polar areas, having them within the reach of their cameras. Plus the strange "black-outs" on Google Earth in the very North and South. Again many explanations of why it's not possible to make a photo map of these areas! So why was it possible to photograph them from space during the 60s but not now? I always thought we were going forward with our technologies, not backwards. Why can we find Area 51and even many more secret bases on Google Earth but not the poles? Is it because the interest in Area 51 is much higher than in watching the polar areas? I mean if people couldn't find the Groom Lake facility, do they fear there would be a sort of a public pressure to release some pix? We all know that it is not a problem to publish a photograph of a place from time there was nothing going on an almost empty base or so, paintbrush the most important secrets and so. Plus the main secrets going on any base usualy happen inside them or beneath them.

Another thing then is why don't they post at least altered photographs? Is it because there will be a disclosure about it in the future and they don't want to be sewed for lying to the whole humanity like they did regarding UFOs? Because if they posted at least the "Photoshoped" pix, maybe I would never have bothered researching the topic any further but accepted their "evidence" and would look only at the pyramids and simillar stuff. The lack of information makes me crazy and surely there's something about it then. For there's more evidence that something is being covered than evidence everything is as they say.

I would love to go far North or South, however even that seems impossible. Not only for such an expedition is quite expensive and time consuming, but also for the rumors around it being a closed military areas and so on.

I have been waiting with great expectations for the Curreys' expedition. It has first been postponed due to passing of Steve Currey, then later cancelled totaly. Now I will speculate a little. What if they have been warned not to proceed with the expedition and upon ignoring the warnings Steve Currey had to be removed from the face of mother Earth? His son promised then it would take place later but then he cancelled. I think they have got a warning from somebody... I think it's because they have advertized the expedition too much and promised to publish what they found and filmed. So there was no other way how to stop them than by threatening, leting pass and going on with the threats on the junior. What would anyone else of us do in such a situation?

Two years ago there was a Czech guy, even brought to mainstream media, who wanted to fly over the North Pole in order to become the first Czech to do so. It was advertized as a great news story before he took off and they promised to cover the story further on. The last news however was that he took off heading to Greenland to refuel and to go on. Then you could not find a line mentioning any results. He probably did it, maybe was rerouted, however the promised media coverage did not happen. Strange as well. Guess I should go and find the guy to interview him. I think I'll do it.

Anyway what I wanted to say from the beginning was the idea I got a couple of years ago for the lack of any evidence regarding the given topic. It needs a very skilled hacker who would hack into one of the many satellites orbiting around or close to the polar regions, hack into it's camera and take as many snapshots of the poles as possible. I'm quite skilled at IT, however not a hacker. I can go pass my passwords in my computer but that's where my abilities end by now. So no chance to hack into a satellite to get a live view. But I'm sure somebody can do it. And I'm sure that on the ATS there might be the one or at least someone who knows the right one.

Or there might be some current or former Astronaut willing to testify or to post some of his own photographs.

If so, please post here or U2U me. One printscreen snapshot of the polar area would be a great deal! Well, possibly without clouds :-)

There's also the way to go remote viewing or astral travelling there. My problem is that I'm not yet capable of neither of the mentioned techniques and those out there who are can't physically take photographs. Now it gets on my mind that some of the remote viewers could find a location of such photographic material either on the internet or elsewhere and post the location... Or anybody else who knows of such...

I can't wait to get some replies!

Hopefully soon all we interested will get some new info!



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