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Teenager Sex With Cop's Daughter Leads To Arrest

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty

Originally posted by SinkingSun
There was no "rape" involved here.

When did you take the bar? It, as you quoted, is "Statutory Rape" in every sense of the legal term.


The term statutory rape generally refers to sex between an adult and a sexually mature minor past the age of puberty.

Since both were minors, the term doesn't seem to imply.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by zerbot565
they should sue the cop and he should get fired , he broke atleast 10 laws when cuffing that kid .

as to teenage sex ,

well biology tells us that when a female human get her periods shes ready for makin babies
and as for boys i guess it starts when the balls drop down to the sacks and a stiffy + jiffy can be achived ,

then as for social taboo and moral dogmas, its anyones subjective thougths on the subject ,

no rape happened , get over with it ,.

i had my first intercourse when i was 12. i enjoyed it and it was fun,

So its ok for a 45 year old man to have sex with a 12 year old now? I mean they have periods at that age sometimes.

What about a man who is having sex with a boy? Since they are not able to menstruate ever, where is the line drawn? 11? 10? 9? 8? Where will it end?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

If you start having sex at 15 with a 14 year old girl then you've not got your priorities set clear.

Hellooo, kids will be kids dude it's perfectly natural to have sex when the urge to do so is calling my friend, we're the only species on the planet that tries to fight natural inclinations, dear god when will we grow up ?

A teenage pregnancy and shedload of tears later and nobody wins.

You ever heard of contraception and education my friend ?

This father took the correct actions and scared the kid into thinking about what happens when you have underage sex. T

Indeed, nothing changed in centuries then if you don't know how to deal with something then a healthy dose of fear takes care of things nearly as good as a bag of money.

Dude the less prudish of us will admit that, the minute we discover how absolutely bloody amazing orgasm is, well that's the end of it we most defiantly need to have sex with another person.

Before a I get flamed and my words twisted as molester talk let me make it clear I'm not advocating any involvement with an adult here.

Teaching respect for the actions and their consequences is one thing but bringing fear into the subject of possibly the most wondrous act two people can ever have together is downright stupid.

I had buckets of sex at that age and absolutely loved every second of it, I used contraception and totally loved each partner in their own unique way. Everyone involved had a good time no one caught itchies and remarkably I didn't become a father till my thirties.

Now I am older and hair grows out of places that I didn't know hair could grow from, I have a very healthy attitude toward sex with no hang ups. Women of my age regardless of their looks can have sex with almost any man the choose at the drop of a hat but I have to work at it now. Fortunately I can look back and consider the quality and the quantity of sex over the years which makes up for the lard on my waste these days, I know so many poor souls who had very few and some only one, sexual partner all their lives who sorely regret not acting upon opportunities when they arose.

We teach our kids that when they need to pee it is appropriate to use the toilet not focus on the bad things that can happen as a result of taking a pee in a thorny bush.

Education and honesty can go along way let them know that masturbation is ok and gets good results etc encourage them to restrict their partners etc, there is plenty that can be done sensibly. But try and stop them ? naw I don't think so when they 're ready they're ready so be a responsible part of the process.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:59 AM
I'd be smelling a big fat lawsuit for kidnapping, wrongful imprisonment, terroristic threats, assault on a minor. Resulting in one broken jobless cop who has to explain to his little princess why there on welfare.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by m0r1arty

Originally posted by SinkingSun
There was no "rape" involved here.

When did you take the bar? It, as you quoted, is "Statutory Rape" in every sense of the legal term.


The term statutory rape generally refers to sex between an adult and a sexually mature minor past the age of puberty.

Since both were minors, the term doesn't seem to imply.

Generally is the key word here.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:07 PM
I contend that this law was intended to protect minors from predatory adults.

It's application to two minors, especially this case, I see as an enormous grey area.

Can anyone with access to legal info, locate a case similar to this that was successfully prosecuted?

Not against the cop, but the 15 yr old boy?

This may be a feat if Juvi records are sealed as I understand. I just don't see any criminal intent anywhere in this situation that would result in anything significant in the way of punishment or conviction.

Anyone, in my opinion, who would choose to have this boy punished by way of registered sex offender or any long-term record that would affect his future really needs to re-examine his calling in life.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by The Djin

Hey Djin,

I've never once said sex was bad, that children don't have it with each other (or something close to it) or that education and contraception is not the key to making it worthwhile for a lifetime.

I too had plenty of sex just beyond that age but was lucky enough to have lived in a country were 16 is deemed legally acceptable as consensual.

I too was taught to put a sock on it and be careful of my partners to limit the possibility of STDs, pregnancies and/or skanky wastes of space.

I too understand that it can't be bottled up and it will happen as nature is an overriding factor - particularly at that age.

I'm posting here because I think that the cop father did the right thing for all parties concerned and acted responsibly and is being lambasted as something other than honorable in his actions.

Kids do just grow up by themselves but what you give them to help them grow will play out a major factor in their overall upbringing. Discipline, education and fear of the possibilities of potential outcomes are not bad things.

The law is the law and things could have gone much, much worse in this situation and I think the OP is picking on the guy for his being a cop and nothing more.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Lysergic

Bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!! obviously the cop have no clue on the sexual promiscuity of his own daughter.
, so as a father he has failed to keep up with his daughters personal life at such young age.

What a failure.

edit on 28-9-2010 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

I think the OP is picking on the guy for his being a cop and nothing more

Ok I take your point

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Y2KJManGenerally is the key word here.

In same way as "generally s3x between minors is not a good thing". So I agree.

Besides, was the kid convicted in the court of law?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Y2KJMan

biology tells us that and most mammals procreate in their first years,

social dogmas and moral faliurs to understand subjectivity tells us other wise

yet in this case even the law is on the youths side , not the fathers

heck you might aswell insert stoning to family guide lines in simular cases if thats what your promoting ?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by MilzGatez
And as for me, If I caught my daughter having sex with another kid that isnt overboard older, I would have just beat his ass for coming into my home and disrespect the home then I would lock up my daughter in her room with no net,no tv,no phones, no entertainment, Just Books and only books about sex and other life learning subjects after I eat her ears out with all the yelling that I will be making.

edit on 28-9-2010 by MilzGatez because: (no reason given)

Yeah, I guess your way is better!

The guy put him cuffs and took him home. What's the big deal?

He could have beat his ass for coming into his home!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by Y2KJManGenerally is the key word here.

In same way as "generally s3x between minors is not a good thing". So I agree.

Besides, was the kid convicted in the court of law?

yes a subjective notion tells "us" that its bad, mmmkay

but its not illegal so you have not legal case , just a social taboo , moral subjectivity

so instead of telling them its bad which it isnt , you might want to educate them on how to do it properly
without getting kids or std´s . its fairly simple, talk to the and listen to what they say ,

as in this case the father clearly missed out on them two points.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:31 PM
I have one question to ask those who think this boy should face jail time for S. Rape.

Did you ever play "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" type games when you were growing up?

If so, how are you not a hypocrite who deserves to be on a sex offender's list for child pornography? Yes, vouyerism is pornography.

But, back to the policeman. As far as what I got from the story was that even the parents were unaware of the cop's intentions. IMO, it is NOT the cop's duty to parent other people's children.

If he was there to arrest the kid on charges, then fine. But, oh, wait. Even that would have been against procedure. As it involves his family and would be a conflict of interest.

Either way, this cop fracked up IMO.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by m0r1arty
I'm with the cop on this one.

If you start having sex at 15 with a 14 year old girl then you've not got your priorities set clear.

A teenage pregnancy and shedload of tears later and nobody wins.

This father took the correct actions and scared the kid into thinking about what happens when you have underage sex. The kid'll still do it - he'll just make sure he doesn't have to meet a dad like that again. Talking to the kids parents was also the right ting to do as it's transparent and everyone now knows the details.

One of the benefits of having a daughter I'd say is scaring the crap out of a younger version of yourself!


If you believe the kid will still have sex, why do you also believe false imprisonment is the correct choice? If it is not goign to scare the kid "straight" then why do something illegal like arrest him?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

if you watch the video it will become pretty clear that the officer came just short of insinuating that his daughter was a borderline mentally challenged innocent little princess. give me a break the officer is in complete denial. i wonder if he read his little princess the riot act or if he put her in handcuffs as well as they both committed a crime and were both cited as such. if you think that the kid deserves to have a sex crime on his permanent record than so does the girl.

dear officer, learn how to discipline your own child before you go throwing stones.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Nutter
Either way, this cop fracked up IMO.

Again I'll accept that - I like your reasoning.

But, would you say it was an abuse of power or just progressive parenting educational techniques*?


*The same as old school techniques but without all the bull of Opera and Doctor Phil distorting a parent, or a cops, responsibility to their local community.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

You really feel ruining a 15 year Olds life forever is the proper course of action? I guess you never had sex with anyone when you were a teenager. It was consensual, the kids did nothing wrong.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:53 PM
The cop has those cuffs to handcuff criminals. They are not there for personal use. Since that cop clearly gets a thrill from handcuffing very young men then he should do it on his own time, and with a partner that is of legal age and who consents to being cuffed for the sake of the officers' personal pleasure.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by drock905
You really feel ruining a 15 year Olds life forever is the proper course of action? I guess you never had sex with anyone when you were a teenager. It was consensual, the kids did nothing wrong.

Way to change subject on the copper 'abusing' his power.

Slow clap.


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