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Teenager Sex With Cop's Daughter Leads To Arrest

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by zerbot565
reply to post by maybereal11

is refusal to pay a parcing ticket considered a federal case or misdeminor

I don't think it is a "Federal Case" under any circumstances...and I am guessing it is a misdemeanor, but I am not a lawyer.

I did have a cop knock on my door once regarding an unpaid ticket. I had a bad day, returned to my car and found a ticket and tore it up like confetti on the spot and tossed it up in the air. The cop who wrote the ticket found it later...and I am not kidding...scotch taped the ticket back together, ran my plates to get my address and knocked on my door and handed it to me. ...I said "thanks, I was wondering what I did with that ticket" He wasn't smiling..

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:59 AM
Why is it always the males fault and the male who gets repremanded when they both consented to the act of having sex? As if females are never wrong and never initiate the act themselves. very sexist in my opinion

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Mitsuskitzo

Thank Feminism for that. Women shall be treated like oversized children; men shall be treated like 2nd class adult citizens. Disagree? Misogynist. Men are always the aggressors and women are always the victims.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:38 AM
It's a sticky situation. On the one hand, the cop's emotions got the best of him but he did just find out his 14 year old daughter is having sex. It could be viewed as an abuse of power or just a lapse of judgment under stressful circumstances. He will most likely get a slap on the wrist and for once I believe that is the best course of action. It's not like he hurt the kid in any way, besides maybe enforcing the common knowledge that police will sometimes use their position to facilitate their own motives.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:36 AM
Seriouslly...I have daughters.

If I was the cop, would I have done the same thing? YES...would I have been "right" in doing it? Probably not.

Legally did he have a right to do it? Yes, but if so...his daughter should have also been "arrested" and it should have been done by a less "invested" cop.

Legal or not, should either of these kids been approached from a legal perspective...No and most judges would toss it out anyways.

What's to say? Dads and daughters...Sometimes instincts rule over "right" and "wrong" or "legal" or "illegal"...all a dad can do is wait and hope for his better judgment to kick in, but until then...the reality of your little girl with some teenage boy on top of her doing the nasty...well it kind of shuts down the "better judgement" centers real fast.

I don't know what to make by the "cop haters" on this thread. The guy was in the wrong, big deal. I suspect by now he knows it. But between a dad that doesn't care and this guy...I would choose this guy any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by nagabonar

In the eyes of the law, even if the act was 'consensual', because she is a minor, she automatically cannot give consent. That's why it's called the 'age of consent'.

The fact that the boy is also a minor means he cannot be prosecuted for the offence either. Statutory rape would only apply if he was an adult, i.e. over the age of consent.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Under current rules of criminal procedure established by the U.S. Supreme Court, a valid warrant is necessary to arrest someone in their home, unless exigent circumstances exist. There was no warrant here. And an arrest is effectuated when a person is detained for a significant period and put in handcuffs. Moreover, a confession was improperly obtained as rules were violated with regard to the Miranda rights of people/minors.

Secondly, when two underage individuals of approximately the same age have intercourse and there is no secondary age division increasing the level of the offense, both will share equal culpability for their actions. In this case, there was no such secondary cutoff, meaning if the boy was to be cited for something, then so should the girl unless some complicating factors existed like coercion or duress. It's rather ignorant and sexist to say that boys are more responsible for an act than girls are.

edit on 1-10-2010 by IamCorrect because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by eonpeon
reply to post by nagabonar

In the eyes of the law, even if the act was 'consensual', because she is a minor, she automatically cannot give consent. That's why it's called the 'age of consent'.

The fact that the boy is also a minor means he cannot be prosecuted for the offence either. Statutory rape would only apply if he was an adult, i.e. over the age of consent.

That's only partially correct. If he is more than two years older than her, or she is under the age of consent, which she is, he can be prosecuted for statutory rape. The age of consent in california is 16 so long as the older partner is within two years and or 18 with the older being any age.

It doesn't mean that the boy is to be prosecuted, the older party will be prosecuted if any one is, but the boy is usually prosecuted if anyone is.


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Sex between a 15yo and 14yo, what is the big deal? im sorry, but if both agreed on it, I wouldn't find that much of a problem, that would acctually be legal in my country (Sweden), the real crime here is this police officer.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Epic Wolf

I might not win an awards for father of the year. But Your damn right that thats what I would do. Some of lifes lessons are best shown in fear than education. From the text of your reply It scares you that there are people like myself who are in the world. GOOD! If nursing a black eye and bruised ego keeps 2 kids from facing decisions that they might regret later in life then so be it. And as for your ill attempt at a electronic insult about my daughter...

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 01:41 PM
This cop was way out of bounds on this one. Total abuse of power. The only minor he should he should be talking to about sex related consequences is his own daughter. Just the fact that the cop asserts his power over the minor is almost as sick as an adult asserting their power over a minor to make a sexual advance. Do your job as a parent and your children wont make bad decisions.
If this cop did this to any of my sons, I would be paying him a little visit that night and make sure he got an in depth talking to - from one ADULT to another.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by tsloan
I might not win an awards for father of the year. But Your damn right that thats what I would do. Some of lifes lessons are best shown in fear than education. From the text of your reply It scares you that there are people like myself who are in the world. GOOD! If nursing a black eye and bruised ego keeps 2 kids from facing decisions that they might regret later in life then so be it. And as for your ill attempt at a electronic insult about my daughter...

How does inflicting trauma, angst, and resentment, and instilling a desire for rebellion or revenge help anything? All it does is risk long-term psychological consequences and set-up an emotional wall between parent and child. That's the ignorant man's approach. An officer on a power trip with an IQ of 80 marching over to the boy's house like the boy has sole responsibility for the act, and then saying, "I'll learn you a lesson fer touching me girl, boy!! Harr!"

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:34 PM
Well personally I would much rather have cuffs thrown on me at that age rather than having a loaded over under shotgun pointed a few inches from my face followed by the dad cursing and yelling up something nasty. Which one would scare you more? That happened to me at the age of 16 after our homecoming; the female, which was my girlfriend at the time, was 15 and was turning sixteen around Christmas.The dad's fear tactics really did a number on me. Needless to say, after that night, I never talked to that girl again. I avoided her at all costs at school, football games, the mall, eveerywhere I saw her. I honestly thought the dad would kill me if i ever talked to his daughter again.

The little $h!t kid who wants the officer arrested should get over it. That's what you get for playing the game. Some people pick the wrong time and place and get caught, should have been smarter. Wonder what the dad said to his daughter.

It's going to happen, people are gonna have sex at a young age, and with the talk about children going through puberty at earlier stages in life, the number of teenagers engaging in lude acts will continue to increase. That's just my opinion...created it as I typed it out!

edit on 2-10-2010 by milkmustache because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by milkmustache

The little $h!t kid who wants the officer arrested should get over it. That's what you get for playing the game.

A police officer has to keep his emotions in check, especially in a tense and conflicting situations like this. That man in the article definitely should not wear uniform, and I would be afraid to know that such a psychologicaly unstable person walks around with armed gun.

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