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Teenager Sex With Cop's Daughter Leads To Arrest

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Wow some of the responses in this thread are just outrageous. So the first time I had sex I was 15 and the girl was a few months younger then me. By some of this threads rationale I was taking advantage of her? Hilarious.

I don't think there is anything wrong with a Dad putting some scare into a guy sleeping with (or trying to) his daughter. But to abuse your power as a cop is bull. I've got a daughter and I don't look forward to dealing with this down the road. And as my friends say they feel sorry for the guys that will be on the other end of this
That being said, it's natural for teens to want and engage in sex. Trying to stop it will only make it worse. Educate your kids simple as that. I think some of the posters here have forgotten what it is like to be a teen.

Orrrrr maybe they are still bitter about not getting laid back then

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

So, oh wise one, what if a man who is 30 years of age but has a medical condition giving him the mind of a 12 year old had sex with this 14 year old girl?

Tell me Solomon, king of kings - what would this silly law obstacle try and throw at these 2 consenting children?

I don't believe I am the one acting like a "King."

I would ask the 14 year old what her motivation for having sex with a handicapped 30 year old was.

Although, I am in no way dissing Rain Man. Lol.

But, your question has nothing to do with my point, which is basically that teenagers like having sex and should not be punished for it.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

Logical fallacy - you guys hear such big words...It's almost endearing that you try and use them.

Generally when a person does not understand something in an argument they have to lower themselves to insults. Case-in-point: all of your posts.

The fact remains, it was a logical fallacy.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by dalan.
But, your question has nothing to do with my point, which is basically that teenagers like having sex and should not be punished for it.

Whilst I'm sure there are some teenagers who like having sex and should not be punished for it the majority will be taking risky and ill-informed decisions regarding what they are doing to themselves.

Education is the key to letting a young person enjoy themselves and as an adult we must appreciate that these young people don't have the same depth of experience as us old yins (And likewise we don't understand this new age that children are brought up in). and so must cover every aspect of potential for mistakes which may have an effect of generations to come.

I only came into this thread because it was all about an 'abusive cop' and I didn't agree with that sentiment. Kids will be kids and will experiment with each other and learn for themselves. I don't deny nor discourage that. But condoning children to make informed decisions without them being educated as to the consequences of those decisions is ignorance in my eyes and bordering on illegal.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:42 AM
To shine a little light on how some 14 year old females think as well. When I was 19 I worked in a store at a mall for a few months. Always see the younger kids there walking around and hanging out with their friends. While I look younger than I actually am it's not by much. I still looked around 18-19 years old. Had a few rather bold girls flirt with me on occasion too.

Then I started asking that one question you never ask a woman, how old are you? Let's just say I got quite a few answers that may shock quite a few of you. Since everyone develops differently once you hit puberty it's kind of hard to gauge age on appearance alone so just to weed out any potential issues I always would ask their age before their phone number. The youngest answer I got was 12, the average was 14. So believe me, it's not just guys that are active at that age.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

Whilst I'm sure there are some teenagers who like having sex and should not be punished for it the majority will be taking risky and ill-informed decisions regarding what they are doing to themselves.

Are you suggesting that having sex is an "ill-informed decision." And what do you mean "what they are doing to themselves?" Sex is only harmful if you are Catholic...and male...and ten.

Education is the key to letting a young person enjoy themselves and as an adult we must appreciate that these young people don't have the same depth of experience as us old yins (And likewise we don't understand this new age that children are brought up in). and so must cover every aspect of potential for mistakes which may have an effect of generations to come.

Agreed. That's what condoms and birth-control are for.

I only came into this thread because it was all about an 'abusive cop' and I didn't agree with that sentiment.

The Cop probably held the same silly beliefs that a good majority of men hold regarding "their precious virgins daughters that must never be tainted." The only difference is that he was a Cop. And he did over-step his boundaries. If that had been my son then me and that Cop could have fought right at my door.

Kids will be kids and will experiment with each other and learn for themselves. I don't deny nor discourage that. But condoning children to make informed decisions without them being educated as to the consequences of those decisions is ignorance in my eyes and bordering on illegal.

So what is your opinion of an "educated" decision? And if you only want teenagers to make educated decisions what was with the vehemence for the 15 year old boy?

edit on 9/29/2010 by dalan. because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by dalan.
Are you suggesting that having sex is an "ill-informed decision." And what do you mean "what they are doing to themselves?" Sex is only harmful if you are Catholic...and male...and ten.

We are finished here.

A high percentage of teenage pregnancies in the US.

Rape victims.

Sex industry workers and the possibility to get hooked on drugs.

ill-fitting psychological profiles adopting dependent relationships.

Imagination, fantasy and role play.

Exploitation by the media and advertising communities.

Yeah, sex is harmless to everyone.

Please run for POTUS so we can all take advantage of this concept and be damned the Human Rights Act for children.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Really? We are worried about this stuff? Come on great minds...move along and lets figure out the meaning of life or something.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

lol, not sure if anyones said it, but if the boy could get charged for statutory (sp?) rape, doesn't that mean the girl could too? interesting perspective m0r1arty.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

how was your time as a teenager would have been the first question id ask you if you visited my office..

seams more to me that your view of life in general is just a misantropic and dysantropic piss in the sea of stereo typeness

when looking at the u.s laws , you can have sex between the ages of 0-6/12, 10 for federal(your not responsible for your acts according by law) then again at 16-18 , thats what the law sais,

rest of what youve spewed out is just subjective non sence,

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by zerbot565

'Do you have a spelling and grammar checker on your computer?' would be the first rhetorical question I'd ask you.

I'd then insinuate that your office must be like the Fonz's.

I'd finish off by saying you should explain your reasoning behind acceptable age limits down at the local bar and to insure your teeth before you do.

So abusive cop - no in my opinion.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

A high percentage of teenage pregnancies in the US.

Maybe it has something to do with criminalizing sex between teens and pushing it into illegality? Look at Europe, age of consent is typicaly 14 years, and teen pregnancy is much lower than in the US..

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

Rape victims.

In a country where it is forbidden to have sex in the time when hormones are at the highest, I am not surprised rape rates are quite a bit above average.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

as the fellow below told , age of consent is a bit lower then whats in the states,
but we have the same 3 - + years boundry ,
and if i recall after the age of 17 you can go do what you want
so if i go to my local bar i bet you most if not all in there had their first runs in 7-9 grade
some might have had a head start even earlier,..

so i guess my teeth will be fine

whats mind boggeling is that your mentaly and physicly capable of commiting a murder at the age of 6/12 federal 10
but your own weewee and honey tunnel is still your parents to controll till your 16-18 casue your not mentaly capable of handeling it... isnt that a bit hypocritical..

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty
Seems I know more than you about it then doesn't it.

Age of consent for sexual intercourse in California (Without parents permission that is) is 18 years of age.

Go and look up statutory rape and see for yourself how it can be interpreted.

I am confident had that cop wanted he could have charge him, or have a colleague charge him, with statutory rape and place him on the sex offenders register for life. Had it been my daughter, and as a regular civilian, I would have pursued this to the full extent of the law and made sure he understood the gravity of his actions.

And the boys parents could have in turn filed a statutory rape complaint against the cops daughter. They were both underage, not just the girl.

If I were the boys parent I would have confronted the cop and asked him if he was willing to let me have the same type of talk with HIS daughter!

Teenage girls today can be every bit as aggressive and promiscious as the boys.

Abuse of power is abuse. The cop used his badge to intimidate, threaten and scare the kid, for something that should not have been a legal matter, but a fatherly issue.

He abused his power in that situation, do you not think he's probably not done so in other situations as well?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:38 AM
Consequences will never be the same.

Because I backtracked it.

They'll be reported to the cyberpolice.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by m0r1arty
Consequences will never be the same.

Because I backtracked it.

They'll be reported to the cyberpolice.


GTFO, moralfag!

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

You're missing the point, had this 'dad' just gone and talked to the boy's parents out the issue...FINE! every parent should take responsibility, but this is an issue of ABUSE of POWER by an officer. I see that his department feels the same way, or there would have been no 'investigation' of the incident.

A police officer's primary duties: DETAIN, INVESTIGATE, ARREST...period, what this officer did was unlawfully detain/arrest a citizen and commit an act of terrorism (more specifically against a minor). There's no justification for his actions and I do hope the parents of the boy seek legal action against this officer.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

A friend of mine intentionally was cleaning his guns when the young man came to pick up his daughter...and yes, he had to come in and pick her up like a gentleman. Of course, he was cleaning the double barrel 12 guage when he came in.... no problems there.

its deeply retarded dont you think so ??

" oh noes my little angel is having sex with a guy one year older than her, and she do without my consent, omg im so frustrated"

well well, if the daddy cop in question acted that way, i think he need a mental analysis , an its HIS work to teach his daughter to use condoms

ITT: retards and biggots

well technicaly it mean ATS is full of rapist paedos , CALL the POLICE NOW HURRY !!!!

FFS, im amazed by the number of retards on ATS

edit on 29-9-2010 by OTTOKARMA because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2010 by OTTOKARMA because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 09:17 AM
So what happens when the girl becomes a woman?
Then her husband and her have to deal with all the guilty feelings she has towards sex and see a therapist so she can try to enjoy womanhood. Its because of the insecure fathers who are afraid to tell them the truth about sex and want control over women through fear and intimidation. Religion is often abused for control through fear as well. You love your little girl and you turn her into damaged goods for a true mate later in life. Butch up and communicate with your children, even if the topic makes you queezy.

I'm not saying you should be your kids "friends". You only need to have their respect. Its simple parenting. I shudder to think you cannot see the difference between friendship, respect, and fear however I suppose its a sign of the times.

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