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Teenager Sex With Cop's Daughter Leads To Arrest

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:32 PM
I can't believe some of the posts on here. Do you people not know how to interpret laws? Or read, for that fact?
There was a ONE year difference of age... not THREE! So Technically, there is a huge LOOPHOLE in the law... a whole age group under 13-17... are not covered under Cali state law regarding statutory rape (something that is not the case, since both "victims" were consensual).

If he arrested the boy, he better of scared his daughter the same way.

But since the parents thought the officer was on duty (impersonating an official, he showed up in complete uniform, gun included, while off duty) and the officer had no permission to "scare" the teen straight.

Most father would be outraged sure, but then they should also remember what it's like to be that age. BOTH girl and boy crave sex at that age.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

there are way too many leaps in logic on your part. This guy could be 1 month older, just because he's 15 and she's 14 doesn't actually mean that he is a full year older. Maybe he just turned 15 and she's about to turn 15 as well.

Also, in most states regardless of the age of consent there are limitations on the DIFFERENCES in age. In Minnesota for example, those having sex must have an age difference of 24 months or less. i.e. a 16 year old and an 18 year old who are 23 months apart is perfectly legal.

Additionally, pressing charges and reporting people to the authorities for personal issues (and dare I say minor issues) won't often show them the "gravity" of their actions, but more likely the callousness and gravity of their accuser's actions. I've personally seen homes and lives torn apart by overreactions and going right to a very extreme course of action.

I think it was inappropriate and unethical for the officer to have responded the way he did. Funny thing though, it wouldn't bother me as much if the cop just acted as "dad" and kicked the kids @$$ a little bit.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by havenvideo
A couple people in this thread are just ridiculous, claiming it was statutory rape...

Jeez man, the guy was 15 and the girl was 14. I'm almost 100% sure that there couldn't have been more than a few months age difference between the two, for instance the boy could have just turned 15 last month and the girl was about to turn 15 next month. And you've got people in this thread saying he should be put on a sex offenders list? Give me a break. Methinks that you are jealous that you weren't getting any at that age, or are not getting any now. The most ironic part is the guy who said that has an avatar encouraging kids to drink alcohol.

I think you are wrong about the avatar. All I can think is 'Gacy...Gacy...ugh'. I see it in my peripherals as I read the amusing sentences.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by IrishCream

That's what I keep on thinking...what if they were IN LOVE????

That poor girl...her one and only dashed from her life, and FOREVER. And with each passing day, she becomes closer to the image of a withered school marm, while he ages into corruption, both of them one day closer to DEATH!!! Because society has deemed that 'time' is evil.

Looks like a great thread to bring out all the moral majority, hero types. Just pick your favorite movie sketch and be a real hollywood star for your daughter or son, rather than come up with something on your own...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Maybe he should get his hoish daughter under wraps before going and regulating on someone else child?

I mean just a thought.

I agree with you, except for the insult part. BOTH families and BOTH kids are at fault. The cop is putting undue blame and stress on the kid and his family. He should be fired or at the very least demoted to a pencil pusher with less pay.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:06 PM
I would like to find out to all you defending this so called innocent angelic girl what Amish town you grew up in?

So sick of the double standards in todays society. Like the female teachers who sleep with underage male students and get a slap on the wrist while if a male teacher did it he would be thrown under the jail.

Neither kid should be having sex that young but its going to happen. Im 36 when i was 15-16 i knew 13 and 14 y/o girls who were very sexual. They would sneak guys in their bedroom windows, go to the mall dressed sexy as well. The girls in my town were as bad if not worse than the guys!

Get the idea that all these young girls are innocent out of your head. Stop demonizing boys who are in the same age range having sex with these girls when they can say NO. This girl could have told him NO. She didnt so you end up with two underage kids having sex. Neither is to blame its human nature. If you are gonna punish the boy you had better punish the girl as well. Daddy will just have to deal with the fact his little girl is no angel. Just like most of you fathers with daughters will have to deal with some day. I have a 14 y/o son and a 14 y/o nephew. My nephew has a 14 y/o gf and they are allowed to spend time together supervised. Her parents and his parents let them. You should see how flirtations she is and she clings all over him if you would let her. If one is wrong in the posted situation both are wrong.

edit on 28-9-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by m0r1arty

Originally posted by MilzGatez
hmm do you know what statutory rape actually means? I didnt know statutory rape also included if you just one year older the the person you will be going away.

Seems I know more than you about it then doesn't it.

Age of consent for sexual intercourse in California (Without parents permission that is) is 18 years of age.

Go and look up statutory rape and see for yourself how it can be interpreted.

I am confident had that cop wanted he could have charge him, or have a colleague charge him, with statutory rape and place him on the sex offenders register for life. Had it been my daughter, and as a regular civilian, I would have pursued this to the full extent of the law and made sure he understood the gravity of his actions.

The fact that a cop chose not to follow this perfectly legal judicial process when his own daughter is involved speaks volumes about good character and preserved integrity.

Next time though you can betcha mister the cops will make sure that a mistake made by a 15 year old boy will chase and haunt him for the rest of his life via going the route I would have followed for fear of being told he had abused his position of power. This man as a cop and as a father showed real restraint, understanding of the two children's impulses and was trying his best to look out for them both.

I'd say feed the boy to big Bubba and catch him whilst he's breaking parole for the rest of his life. Keeps crime targets up and down and keeps my daughter out of harms way.

Or am I abusing my power as a regular law abiding citizen by saying this?

Perspective guys - get some.


you should be banned for this post

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:23 PM
Well I got into this late, only read the first three pages.

Tell you what, the cop made a mistake.

Problem is, if I was a father and I knew my daughter was dating or whatever, I would have a little talk with the boyfriend and just let him know about all the people that disappear every year and how much my little daughter's happiness meant to me.

You know those little talks that mean so much nowadays.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by ker2010

I would like to find out to all you defending this so called innocent angelic girl what Amish town you grew up in?

edit on 28-9-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

I am SOOO glad you wrote that!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

I grew up in Lancaster County, PA!!! All my life except for two years in AZ as an adult!!! I was raised in the Church (a Mennonitte affiliation to be exact) and you have no idea what you are talking about!!!

I do not participate in name calling on this site or in life in general, however, you stirred me up and you are not so very bright! Amish people ONLY have sex when they are 14 if their father (uncle, cousin, neighbor, family friend, whatever) rapes them or during Rumspringa. Let me tell you, the Amish can PARTY!!! Rumspringa!!! Rumspringa is when the Amish community allows their children (age 14-17) to experience the "English" way of life and decide for themselves if that is an optimal choice for them! Even the Amish recognize the age of consent!

Do a little research before posting such things, just sayin'!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:29 PM
The father was doing his job as a father, hell Its better than what my uncle did to his daughter. The first time he met her boyfriend he took out a knife and a jar of ball bearings and said "boy... you touch my daughter and your balls are mine understand? Good....tell your parents I say hi" They live in a small town... everyone knows everyone.

I think every good overprotective father has the right to beat the boy/man who touches his daughter... So he's a cop if he wasn't would it make a difference... Fathers right to protect his daughters virginity.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Xiamara
The father was doing his job as a father, hell Its better than what my uncle did to his daughter. The first time he met her boyfriend he took out a knife and a jar of ball bearings and said "boy... you touch my daughter and your balls are mine understand? Good....tell your parents I say hi" They live in a small town... everyone knows everyone.

I think every good overprotective father has the right to beat the boy/man who touches his daughter... So he's a cop if he wasn't would it make a difference... Fathers right to protect his daughters virginity.

She could have protected her virginity by saying no.. A father protects his daughters virginity by instilling knowledge in her to know the consequences of sex and not to be forced into doing anything she really doesn't want to. You are dealing with a 14 y/o girl and a 15 y/o boy both minors why does she get off the hook? The father should have grounded her and had a long talk with her then he should let the boys parents know what happened. Not go in in uniform trying to use scare tactics and bullying. Lets say she even instigated the whole situation by rubbing on the boy and pressuring him to do it. It is in the realm of possibility. How many 15 y/o males do think would say no. We arent talking about a 20 y/o and 14 y/o we are talking about to young teenagers.

edit on 28-9-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:43 PM
The police officer is human too he's not infallible, I've seen them do dumber things than this under pressure and/or emotionally straining situations like most normal people would do (maybe worse). He only reverted to what he was brainwashed (trained) into doing. I can't say I would or wouldn't have done the same or not however I can understand.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Xiamara
The father was doing his job as a father, hell Its better than what my uncle did to his daughter. The first time he met her boyfriend he took out a knife and a jar of ball bearings and said "boy... you touch my daughter and your balls are mine understand? Good....tell your parents I say hi" They live in a small town... everyone knows everyone.

I think every good overprotective father has the right to beat the boy/man who touches his daughter... So he's a cop if he wasn't would it make a difference... Fathers right to protect his daughters virginity.

I really do understand where you're coming from (as a woman myself)! However, however you said it yourself, his DAUGHTER'S virgintiy! It was hers to give to whom ever she felt worthy. Granted these days, who is "worthy" versus who is not is up for discussion, but it was her's none the less! Her father needs to deal directly with his daughter and her need to do something this stupid, whether it felt stupid to her at the time or not!

THEN and only then, should he approach the boy in any way! Personally I feel that the correct way would have been to talk to the boy's parents, PERIOD! Who knows, they could have been all for the scare tactic method he came up with, seriously! As the mother of three boys I know that the last thing I want for them in life is to burden their future with children of their own at too young an age or a horrific STD!

Just sayin'!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Xiamara
So he's a cop if he wasn't would it make a difference... Fathers right to protect his daughters virginity.

Let's explore this scenario.... some guy shows up to my house, handcuffs my son, threatens him with bogus legal charges and berates him like a common school yard bully.

I think the main difference is - I wouldn't be suckered in to thinking he was acting with any legal authority; so the illegal nature of his actions would be obviously apparent.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Who cares about laws, I mean really, they had consensual sex.

It was their choice and a choice they made, it has nothing to do with the parents, parents should advise and help, not control and force.

Pretty simple really, they both wanted too, it would of happened somehow.

The father oversteps his mark abusing his power.

The right thing to do in this situation is talk to them about condoms and such.

It is worthless to try and prevent "under-age" sex, so the next best thing is education.

Its all rather simple really, I don't some people don't see it that way, but each to their own...

edit on 28-9-2010 by Concept X because: added.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by IrishCream

Not so very bright . I grew up in a major college town (party school reputation) with a marine base just miles away. I assure you it made the teenagers in your town look like party poopers.

edit on 28-9-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:10 PM
I can only speak for the laws in Florida as I'm not familiar with Cali. If there are overriding Federal laws, they did not apply in the situation that spurred me into researching the subject.

What these two kids did was not illegal because they are both underage. If it was illegal, then the state would have pressed charges as a matter of course and it would have been taken out of the parent's hands, regardless of the parents wishes.

What the father did was totally an abuse of power and also a huge expression of insecurity. A real man would have been brave enough to discuss how he felt about this with his daughter without resorting to fear and intimidation. Also the boy should not have been subjected to the wraith of this father, since he is not guilty of any crime. Ideally the father should foster a healthy relationship with the boy, and the boy could then respect his potential father-in-law and not have to seperate from the daughter who obviously is smitten with him. I know it is a long shot they will stay together but these things do happen.

The problem is the idealogy of these hypocritical religious nutjobs and the children who resent them. Thinking this boy should be on a sex offender list is rediculous and stupid. Abstinence DOESNT WORK! If you don't want your daughter getting knocked up then put her on birth control and give her condoms. If you want to mandate she is too young too date I would encourage it! Still give her the condoms and tell her you will not judge but are there for her if she is feeling pressure or has questions. If you think this will encourage her to have sex, you're wrong. She will respect you for your love and understanding instead of fear and might just listen to you. The worst thing is not discussing the elephant in the room and punishing her for what her body is naturally telling her to do. Do you think this girl will ever talk to her father if she is thinking about sex? At the end of the day he is now cut-off with no control! You are much better off having a relationship with your daughter and her boyfriend then the cliche "shotgun in the rocking chair" approach. It is pretty easy to keep two people from being alone together, and that has worked for generations.

The father punished them both because he is frustrated with the unwanted adult activity. He had not addressed STDs and pregnancy. Hand-cuffs instead, good grief, typical near sighted egomaniac who will always have a distant relationship with his daughter. I would be much more on his side if the boy was loder and took advantage of the girl. Instead they are both just kids with bad parents who are doing what is natural.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:23 PM
Hey everybody

Girls like having sex. Even really young ones!

Who woulda thought?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by King_John
What do you mean by protect the girl? I don't see why gender matters, you should educate the girl as well and hope she does what you've taught her is right, just as you would a boy.

I educate them both, but I know that there is a much greater worry of my daughter getting pregnant then of my son. I still worry about him getting some girl pregnant, and I would understand that that girl is somebody's little girl, but it is not the same. I can threaten to beat my son to near death, recesitate him, then beat him again, should he ever get a girl pregnant. I hope that that is enough along with education on what it means to be a father and how much responsibility you have being a father for him to make a good decision and abstain from sex until he is older and more responsible. My oldest daughter got pregnant at 19 and got married. It didn't work out and she is now single. My youngest is now 18 and can make her own bed. But I was more cautious of her growing up than my son. Maybe it's old school or sexist, I don't care. Once you are a father of a beautiful little girl, you tend to get very protective. Wrong or right, that is how it is for me. My biggest fear is that my son will be just like me. Only I know what I did as a teenager. If I met up with a father like me, I wouldn't be writing this today. Boys are just easier to handle.

I think the cop did the right thing. I applaud him. And if he brought my son home in handcuffs, I would hope my son learned a lesson from it. I would not be bitter at the cop.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Maybe he should get his hoish daughter under wraps before going and regulating on someone else child?

I mean just a thought.

I agree, also if I'm not mistaken he's a minor also so why isn't his daughter being arrested or having the same thing done to her. I mean if he wants to arrest him for this (even though it's fake) he might as well arrest his daughter for having sex with a 15 year old. I don't like this and the family should really reconsider what that police officer did. On the one hand you want your kids to be naive and wholesome and not pay attention to sexy things or movies or even look like having sex before marriage or definitely when they are "teens". But then on the other hand when they aren't armed or know nothing about these worlds and their bodies and then it becomes to easy for them to be seduced via some 14 year old girl coming on to him or 15 year old boy coming on to her. And then we say said boy or girl should have known better. People always wonder how can so many people do horrible things and go to prison and such. If you trace their history you will see that in the majority it had to do with family life. You want to say and adults want to say that parenting isn't perfect, then don't expect the child to be perfect also. A police officer who is the father of the girl that (it takes two to tango) is underage like the boy used his position as a police officer to intimidate this boy. Does the parents of the boy have the right to go over to the police officers home and to his daughter and discuss to her about the issues and such in being a "loose" girl and trying to seduce their son?

The father won't allow them to do it because he things the guy did wrong and not her. So unless a crime is committed or a disturbance, he has no right coming to that house putting that child in handcuffs and intimidating him. For the simple fact this is just retaliation for the fact this young boy had sex with his daughter and he wanted to put a scare in him. Who to say that at some time in the very near future the son gets picked up on a trumped up charge.

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