posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:48 AM
Seeing as how my comment has been completely ignored by everyone around here, I'll try again:
I have yet to meet a Western evolutionist who has any appreciation whatsoever for the Eastern esoteric traditions; which do not in any way assert the
existence of any God; but focus, instead, upon the issue of reality vs. illusion or maya. In other words, the evolutionists are being disingenuous
when they insist that what they are complaining about is the purported existence of a God. Rather, what they are really concerned about is any
assertion that the consciousness of the 'thinker', based upon sensations and perceptions of an external world, is not the sole repository of
Absolute Truth (and, of course, the religionists assert precisely the same thing from their perspective); something which both Eastern and Western
esotericists, not religionists, refer to as "drunkards" or as being "asleep" with regards to reality.
It seems one of the primary concerns of Western religionists and scientists-evolutionists is to convince everyone how much better they are than their
opposites. It almost seems as though they thrive on this kind of conflict. At least they make a lot of money selling their books detailing their
particular side of the conflict.
But, from an Eastern perspective, such conflicts are looked upon as more or less silly rather than serious; focusing exclusively on the most trivial,
ephemeral and illusory aspects of reality.
And crucial to this understanding is, of course, the experience of a consciousness which is capable of remembering experiences of previous lives and
deaths, in which the experiences and thoughts of any one life are understood as not being nearly as important as they are generally assumed to
Inasmuch as a person's nationality, religion, race, and sex may very well change completely in one's next life; and may very well be, in this life,
completely different than it was in their previous life or lives.