Actually, I was feeling the opposite.
I have always tried to look at the sunny side of things, even when life was not going so well. Right now things are going (what Middle-America would
consider...) well and for all intents and porpuses I should be feeling peachy! However, I find myself moving in a decidedly gloomy direction
emotionally over the past few weeks now.
I feel "something" is coming, it's blowing towards us on a warm Universal wind! I sincerely can't even decide whether it feels like something
FANTASTIC or something DEVESTATING! Do I need Bug Out Bags for my family or do I just find inner-peace with it?
My journey to this end has taken many paths of research and incorporation. In other words; I take what "feels" right and leave the rest. Through all
of these years, one theme has remained the same; "Something wicked this way comes"! Wicked does not necessarily mean negative, just wicked in the fact
that it is either "forbidden", as in knowledge or it is "frightening", as in it could imply death.
Side note: DEATH is very scary for many people and it is used as a threat in anything "organized" which keeps people under it's rule! Look at
government and their frightening consequences to breaking the law, i.e. jail! Even the Bible tells you to : "Obey the laws of the Land" because if you
don't... Hail, Fire and Brimstone shall rain down upon you! Hell, in school they say "walk the line or your consequence is a longer sentence." As in:
you will be here longer with much harsher restrictions; i.e. dention, in school suspension or even expaultion (sp).
I see all the corruption, I am aware that I am "enslaved"; as are my children, I know that I should be prepared for SHTF and I also know that there is
a far better chance of survival if you can remain calm. I need to feel better right now and I don't know how to do that effectivly. Drinking doesn't
work, at least not very well after more than 4
! I really just don't know what to do and I have people that depend on me would, should, could some
major event happen.
I envy you your "clarity" my friend! S&F!
edit on 27-9-2010 by IrishCream because: grammatical error lol