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H5N1 Bird Flu in Pigs. Humans Next?

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posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 08:11 PM
Not scare-mongering. But something is going on here.

...The CDC is leaning on the Indonesian government, saying that if they don't do their job, we'll soon have a new pandemic flu on our hands - H5N1 Bird Flu, this time around.

On the surface, the CDC's conclusion looks sensible, and their actions responsible. But this is the CDC - a deeply political organization partnered with Big Pharma and the global Agri-Industry…

My reading?

Looks like the Big Boyz expect a new pandemic - maybe H5N1 Bird Flu, maybe an H5N1/H1N1 reassortment. But they're already covering their butts, and positioning to scapegoat small farmers in Indonesia.

In summary, we found that influenza A (H5N1) viruses have been transmitted multiple times to pig populations in Indonesia and that 1 virus has acquired the ability to recognize human-type receptors. Of particular concern is that pigs infected with influenza A (H5N1) viruses showed no significant influenza-like signs and were likely transported to and from different provinces in Indonesia. On the basis of our findings, we encourage the Indonesian government to control the transport of pigs within Indonesia. Otherwise, opportunities for this avian virus to adapt to mammals will increase, as will the risk for emergence of a new pandemic influenza virus.


A bit of background:
1. Pigs are considered "mixing vessels" where animal viruses mutate into forms that can infect humans.
2. Factory farms are like petrie dishes - animals are packed close together, fed human antibiotics and other drugs, and the slightest infection can rage through a herd - popping out new mutations with every go round. …But small family farms in the developing world are being targeted as most likely to generate new mutations that infect humans.
3. The 2009 H1N1 Swine (+bird+human) flu went pandemic, but didn't kill many people. [Reports aren't in on the fallout: flu-related chronic disease and fetal effects.]

Pigs have long been considered potential intermediate hosts in which avian influenza viruses can adapt to humans. …the viruses had been introduced into the pig population in Indonesia on at least 3 occasions. One isolate had acquired the ability to recognize a human-type receptor. No infected pig had influenza-like symptoms, indicating that influenza A (H5N1) viruses can replicate undetected for prolonged periods, facilitating avian virus adaptation to mammalian hosts. Our data suggest that pigs are at risk for infection during outbreaks of influenza virus A (H5N1) and can serve as intermediate hosts in which this avian virus can adapt to mammals.


* H5N1 Bird Flu has been found in pigs in Indonesia - infection in pigs was previously reported in Vietnam and China.
* One of these "had acquired the ability to recognize a human-type receptor" - meaning it could be easily transmissible to humans.
* H5N1 can be infectious for a long time without being detected, in pigs as in birds - meaning there's a huge window of opportunity for mutation, adaptation and jumping to other animals or humans.
….NOTE: We'll never know if H5N1 infected North American or European pigs - corporations are MUCH better at censorship than Communists. (They call it "Confidentiality Agreements.")

Scientists have long anticipated the "Perfect Microbial Storm," and do watch emerging infectious diseases closely.

More key info:

...the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus is a reassortant that originated from 4 genetically distinct viruses and appeared to be generated in pigs (24), suggesting their role in the generation of pandemic influenza viruses. Infection of pigs with influenza A (H5N1) viruses has been reported in Vietnam (25) and China (26); however, the infection status of pigs in Indonesia remains unknown.

…although influenza A (H5N1) viruses may not have been extensively circulating in pigs in Indonesia recently, these animals are susceptible to influenza A (H5N1) viruses and can serve as asymptomatic reservoirs for these viruses.

We also found evidence of pig-to-pig transmission of influenza A virus (H5N1), …Pig-to-pig transmission would likely prolong the duration of influenza A (H5N1) virus infection within a pig population, thereby increasing the likelihood of adaptation and the subsequent generation of influenza A (H5N1) viruses that replicate efficiently in humans.

…The lack of influenza-like signs in pigs infected with influenza A (H5N1) viruses has several public health implications. …pathogenic influenza A (H5N1) viruses could easily evade detection as they spread…

H1N1/H5N1 hybrid next?

edit on 26/9/10 by soficrow because: tinkering

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:00 PM

Of particular concern is that pigs infected with influenza A (H5N1) viruses showed no significant influenza-like signs and were likely transported to and from different provinces in Indonesia.

This just struck me as odd. If these pigs showed no real signs, then how did the CDC even catch wind of this situation in these remote little provinces in Indonesia? Unless they just happened to know where to look for this new strain. Yep, with uncharacteristic efficiency and effectiveness, the CDC was able to zero right in on the 'epicenter' of this outbreak, possibly thwarting a new pandemic. Forgive the cynicism, but I just can't shake the notion that there must be a smoking syringe somewhere...

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:13 PM
You may not be trying to fear monger, but it is fear mongering. This will just go by the wayside like every other deadly "pandemic". These are all so ridiculous, once one strain of influenza comes out its as if its the Spanish Flu of 1919 again. There are other disease out there that are real and are coming other than these silly flu's.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by new_here

Of particular concern is that pigs infected with influenza A (H5N1) viruses showed no significant influenza-like signs and were likely transported to and from different provinces in Indonesia.

This just struck me as odd. If these pigs showed no real signs, then how did the CDC even catch wind of this situation in these remote little provinces in Indonesia? ...

As the source article states, Vietnam and China have reported H5N1 in pigs - so a study was done in Indonesia. ...The source article is the study report.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by denynothing

You may not be trying to fear monger, but it is fear mongering.

So you advocate complete ignorance, non-disclosure and a total media blackout on this (and other?) uncomfortable topics?

This will just go by the wayside like every other deadly "pandemic". These are all so ridiculous, once one strain of influenza comes out its as if its the Spanish Flu of 1919 again. There are other disease out there that are real and are coming other than these silly flu's.

You're right - there are other diseases that are a more immediate threat.

But - watching flu IS important. For one thing, when "real diseases" come together in a host and re-assort, we'll have a truly complicated super-bug. The poop will just fly from the blades like it never has before in history.

See: Beyond Bird Flu: The Perfect Microbial Storm

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by soficrow

No I'm not advocating ignorance, but to sit here and say the words "perfect microbial storm" to describe a virus that hasn't much manifested itself, that is indeed fear mongering. Other diseases will kill us quicker than the flu, Tuberuculois is on the rise that is far deadlier than the flu. Honestly these viruses ebb and flow, they're not alive so for them to constantly adapt is not going to happen. The only way a hybrid virus will be a reality is if they share DNA, which is a hard thing to make viruses do.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by denynothing

No I'm not advocating ignorance, but to sit here and say the words "perfect microbial storm" to describe a virus that hasn't much manifested itself, that is indeed fear mongering.

We have changed our planet, and life on this planet is mutating and adapting. The microbes are ahead. Wayyy ahead.

Infectious microbes don't just cross species barriers these days - they cross kingdom barriers.

I did not use the term "perfect microbial storm" to "describe a virus that hasn't much manifested itself," but rather, to explain why emerging infectious diseases like flu viruses are closely monitored.

...You might want to read the actual text instead of just the headlines.

Honestly these viruses ebb and flow, they're not alive so for them to constantly adapt is not going to happen.


You don't read much on the topic, do you?

The only way a hybrid virus will be a reality is if they share DNA, which is a hard thing to make viruses do.

I draw your attention to H1N1 "swine" flu, which contained "genetic material" from human, pig, and bird flu viruses:

In 1998, a novel triple assortment H1N1 swine flu clade (containing genetic material from human, pig, and bird flu viruses) infected a human in Wisconsin. In 1997, a new triple assortment clade of previously human H3N2 flu appeared in U.S. Mid-West industrial hog barns. In 2001, the 1997 triple assortment H3N2 swine flu clade merged with the classical H1N1 strain to create a novel triple assortment H1N2 swine flu strain. Another triple assortment clade of H1N1 swine flu was isolated from a sick Iowan swine farmer in the 2004 Agricultural Health Study. The study also showed that U.S. farm workers exposed to swine - and their nonswine-exposed spouses - had been infected with H1N1 swine flu.

FYI - by not even reading the original source document, OR the supporting links - you are not just advocating ignorance, you are wallowing in it.

edit on 27/9/10 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:24 PM
I don't have to read much of it when I've worked with Viral DNA myself, have you ever coaxed animal DNA into accepting Viral DNA to change its structure to make it have different genes thus allowing it to do different things that wasn't previously possible? Have you ever changed bacteria into an antibiotic immune pathogen due to Viral DNA coaxing? Your right I didn't read it I have other issues to worry about other than a sudden rise of another pandemic flu that whatever you would like to believe wont manifest itself past the stage of fear but, I can guarantee you that I have more experience with Viral DNA than you do. You can stand by your research, and I'll stand by my experience. Its not you but I would just like to say viruses are not alive.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by denynothing
I don't have to read much of it when I've worked with Viral DNA myself, have you ever coaxed animal DNA into accepting Viral DNA to change its structure to make it have different genes thus allowing it to do different things that wasn't previously possible?

Nope. No experience at all with bio-terrorism.

But just to clarify... Are you questioning the scientific veracity of the Journal Emerging Infectious Disease, as well as the credentials of the following people?

Chairul A. Nidom, Ryo Takano, Shinya Yamada, Yuko Sakai-Tagawa, Syafril Daulay, Didi Aswadi, Takashi Suzuki, Yasuo Suzuki, Kyoko Shinya, Kiyoko Iwatsuki-Horimoto, Yukiko Muramoto, and Yoshihiro Kawaoka
Author affiliations: Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia (C.A. Nidom); University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (R. Takano, S. Yamada, Y. Sakai-Tagawa, K. Iwatsuki-Horimoto, Y. Muramoto, Y. Kawaoka); Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, Indonesia (S. Daulay); Agriculture and Livestock Agency, Tangerang, Indonesia (D. Aswadi); University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka City, Japan (T. Suzuki, Y. Suzuki); Chubu University, Kasugai City, Japan (Y. Suzuki); Kobe University, Kobe, Japan (K. Shinya, Y. Kawaoka); and University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA (Y. Kawaoka)

Your right I didn't read it

Then I hope you agree that you have absolutely no legitimate comment - except regarding the headline, which is an editorial issue, not a scientific one.

I have other issues to worry about other than a sudden rise of another pandemic flu that whatever you would like to believe wont manifest itself past the stage of fear

Virtually all the evidence shows that the planet's life is in a period of accelerated evolution, and an evolutionary crisis - sparked and fed by industrial activity.

I can guarantee you that I have more experience with Viral DNA than you do. You can stand by your research, and I'll stand by my experience. Its not you but I would just like to say viruses are not alive.

Aren't you the prickly one? ...But it's not my credentials on the line here.

Do you seriously think that your anonymous posts are more credible than the Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases and a dozen PhD's from Universities around the world?

Reality check:

1. You can't legitimately comment on something you haven't read.

2. If you want to say your sources are better than my sources, you better post some academic quotes, with links. Just claiming, anonymously, that you have "superior qualifications" doesn't cut it.

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