MMMMM. lets see
humanitys way of first contact... look they come in peace "SHOOT"
sorry but we are not ready for this yet it will all end badly because 78% (guess) is to involed in themselves and there own money to even care
while the govoments and leaders are to fundermentaly stupid and have happy trigger fingers. and have what can we steal from out new alien friends...
WEAPONS because everybody knows how important a bigger gun is.
This is an interesting idea but i have yet to read anything that has said she is the first to talk to aliens should they land. maybe i am missing
something ... but the title now says exaggeration so i guess soo.
Well, for those of you that say the aliens would just pick who they want to talk to may not be true. If they did come to a leader of a country or even
a town the idea is they would send for her because she is much more knowledgeable in the area.
I'm wondering WHY they would nominate a Malaysian? No offense to any Malaysians, but what has that country donated to the efforts of humanity?
If she is not an apt choice to speak out for humanity, then who do you all think should be the choice?
Or which country's citizen should hold this responsibility? I am not saying that she is the best choice but am just asking if there is someone who is
well 'qualified' for being an ambassador to other worldly beings.