posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 03:17 AM
Hello All,
I am a newly registered member of ATS although I have been observing for a year now. Similarly as my name states I am generally an observer and enjoy
absorbing any information presented. I do not usually get involved unless I feel compelled to provide input when it may be insightful. I try to avoid
taking sides in regards to information but have no problem when pertaining to actions. After a year of silently participating with the ATS community
I have grown and gained an appreciative amount of knowledge. I have now decided to contribute back to the community in hopes that you all may grow
from my insights. As a caveat to future posts I would like to state I make no claims of definitive knowledge, I try to live from an observer’s
point of view and apply knowledge to the reality familiar to me as an individual. I truly hope to find the time to actively participate with the ATS
community and build relationships that may take me further down the rabbits hole than I ever envisioned.