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TRUTHERS! How do you feel about Obamas Comments about Ahmadinejad 9/11 accusations?

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posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by impressme
IT seems they took it out on the Germans after the war, they killed some 11 million Germans civilians and military, so that was good pay back.
And it also appears the Israelis learned well under their German keepers, as to know how to commit crimes against humanity.
I don't care , I was thinking about becoming Jewish If I can, I already speak Hebrew in my sleep, Oy vey

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by moltquedelo
(And to my opinion, it is ridiculous to say Obama agenda is the same as Ahmadinejad agenda)

on certain issues, like global security and securing and maintaining public order and safety of 9+ billion humans they may be partners on the same team

white ops
grey ops
black ops

Just some thoughts I entertain,

edit on 26-9-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by CynicalM

Huffington post credible???
Fine, what is the question I haven't answered?
I promise to try and answer for you.

You will find my question below.

What has he done to be considered a National Threat ???

My answer to you was :

Ahmadinejad has admitted publicly that the Holocaust never happened; second he wants nothing better than to wipe Israel off the map. Any government who wishes to wipe out a group of people, a country because they are successful in everything they do, are truly sick, envious, and full of hatred. In my eyes, he can be considered as dangerous as Hitler.
Either the man is completely ignorant or he just another monster who wishes to kill all Jews.

You were implying that my opinion was wrong by stating below:
Not to mention, did I offend you with my above statement to you? It is not my intention to affend you.

This was your answer to my responds to you below:

Go back and do some real research instead of listening to MSM crap

Here was my reply to you.

I don’t watch MSM and if you are implying that my last post about Ahmadinejad is wrong then why don ‘t you prove me wrong?

I gave you a couple of sources to back my opinion:

In 2005 the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader, Mohammed Mahdi Akef, denounced what he called "the myth of the Holocaust" in defending Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust.[109]

[color=gold]Ahmadinejad says Holocaust a lie, Israel has no future
TEHRAN — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a lie Friday, raising the stakes against Israel just as world powers try to decide how to deal with the nuclear ambitions of an Iran in political turmoil.

Perhaps, it is you who has failed to do any research.

However your response to me was how many Jews you think were killed in Auschwitz? What?

Not only did I prove my original statement was true, you avoided my question altogether by completely ignoring it, and changed the subject to how many Jews you think died in Auschwitz, which has nothing to do with the subject I was talking about in the first place.

Again, my question was:

I don’t watch MSM and if you are implying that my last post about Ahmadinejad is wrong then why don ‘t you prove me wrong?

To immediately insult me in my second post to you and then change the subject as to find some kind of fault in anything to do with the Holocaust has nothing to do with my post to you. What kind of game are you playing in here anyway?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:53 AM

Does it ever end?

Only when theres a non biased investigation.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by impressme

Ahmadinejad has admitted publicly that the Holocaust never happened; second he wants nothing better than to wipe Israel off the map. Any government who wishes to wipe out a group of people, a country because they are successful in everything they do, are truly sick, envious, and full of hatred. In my eyes, he can be considered as dangerous as Hitler.
Either the man is completely ignorant or he just another monster who wishes to kill all Jews.

Ahmadinejad never stated the holcaust as described by the Jews was a myth..Just the numbers as I have already posted...The original numbers are a myth as agreed by many Jews...

Ahmadinejad also never stated he wanted to wipe Israel off the map, just the zionist regime that controled it..

Any other questions ?? The above two can be googled so don't ask for more proof...Do it yourself.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:10 AM
Politicians always get pissed when people know the truth and don't believe their lies. It means their leardership skills are lacking at best. All that means for them? They have to shift gears to Ruler for awhile no big deal.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by CynicalM

Now I understand your game, your “[color=gold]opinions” are your facts, thank you for sharing, if your answer were true you would have posted a source because you refuse we will consider it false and only your opinion.

Just the numbers as I have already posted...The original numbers are a myth as agreed by many Jews...

Again, what do these numbers have to do with my statements or my question ??

You still refuse to answer my question so instead you continue to avoid it. I may as well be talking to a brick wall. Good day to you.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by impressme

Mate. as the saying goes. sh&* or get off the can...

I have answered everyone of your questions with links...
Links even to Israeli sites.......

You want more???

I'm not sure what more proof you need...

I have answered your questions as you requested...
Ask another and I may or may not answer, but I will definetly not answer the same questions again!!!

Do some of your own friggin research....

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by CynicalM

Mate. as the saying goes. sh&* or get off the can...

Not only did you just lie to everyone on this thread but you lied to me as well.
Your language is unsuitable and disrespectable to ATS to continue to have any more conversation with you. Your game is over with me.

Welcome to my *IGNORE.*

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by impressme

Not only did you just lie to everyone on this thread but you lied to me as well.
Your language is unsuitable and disrespectable to ATS to continue to have any more conversation with you. Your game is over with me.

Welcome to my *IGNORE.*

Where did I lie?
I gave links which you didn't...

If you choose to ignore the facts, then so be it...
Saves me from answering multiple times

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

- to who? who exactly did that offend? he spoke what a lot of people think, so im sure people will be glad once its all out in the open.

- why? shouldn’t it be of absolute importance if indeed there was someone within our ranks who assisted in this attack? dont you think its in the nations best interests to at least investigate this? before they brush it off?

where was the hate? shouldn’t this be taken as a warning? that maybe we're being tricked? and we should be looking into things?

Lets all be honest, Ahmadinejad spoke the truth. I dont like what he does, but that doesnt mean i should just disregard the times when he actually has a point.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

I couldn't have said it better Esoteric.


I was at a dinner party last night with members from my husband's family.

They are all professional, well educated and very mainstream, rational people. Two of my sister in laws commented that they to no longer trust the US Government at all and wonder about 911.

For them to make this comment to me was earth shattering because they are very mainstream, rational people. I have always kept my mouth pretty much shut and other than dropping occassional hints here and there and have never voiced my real inner concerns about the who and how America is actually being run.

Wow, for them to make a comment like this is really something.

To me, this means that the average person is waking up.

Yes I believe Obama and Ahmadinejad and all the other leaders in the spot light are mouthing the scripted lines they are being programmed to recite, like well paid actors.

They are nothing more than puppets.

Who are the script writers and puppet masters? That is the real question.

And what movie are we all starring in?

I think Obama is sincere (unconsciously controlled) and angry. The stage is being set and the next act will be played out in Iran.

Will it be the beginning of the grand finale or simply another act to be followed by more remains to be seen.

edit on 26-9-2010 by ofhumandescent because: grammer

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

Who are the script writers and puppet masters? That is the real question.

Useful information:

The CNN and NPR Interns Incident
In the 1990s it came to light that soldiers from the 4th Psychological Operations Group had been interning at the American news networks Cable News Network (CNN) and National Public Radio (NPR). The program was claimed by the Army to be an attempt to provide its PSYOP personnel with the expertise developed by the private sector under its "Training with Industry" program.

Wikipedia's Psychological Operations (United States) Article.

White Propaganda
Is attributal to the source of the PSYOP product.

Authorized to engage in white activity directed at foreign audiences are: The State Department, USIA, the Foreign Operations Administration (a predecessor of the Agency for International Development), the Defense Department and other U.S. Government departments and agencies as necessary.

The source of the gray PSYOP product is deliberately ambiguous.

The true source (U.S. Government) is not revealed to the target audience. The activity engaged in plausibly appears to emanate from a non-official American source, or an indigenous, non-hostile source, or there may be no attribution.

Gray is that information whose content is such that the effect will be increased if the hand of the U.S. Government and in some cases any American participation are not revealed. It is simply a means for the U.S. to present viewpoints which are in the interest of U.S. foreign policy, but which will be acceptable or more acceptable to the intended target audience than will an official government statement.

Black Propaganda
Main article: Black propaganda
The activity engaged in appears to emanate from a source (government, party, group, organization, person) usually hostile in nature. The interest of the U.S. Government is concealed and the U.S. Government would deny responsibility. It is best used in support of strategic plans.

Covert PSYOP is not a function of the U.S. military but instead is used in special operations due to their political sensitivity and need for higher level compartmentation. Further, black PSYOP, to be credible, may need to disclose sensitive material, with the damage caused by information disclosure considered to be outweighed by the impact of successful deception.[5] In order to achieve maximum results and to prevent compromise of overt PSYOP, overt and covert operations need to be kept separate. Personnel involved in one must not be engaged in the other.
Wikipedias's Psychological Operations (U.S.A.) Article

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Dear OP,

The motto of AboveTopSecret, as you may well know by now, is 'Deny Ignorance'.

I encourage you and every other person who has not yet taken the time, to watch and listen to Ahmadinejad's entire speech.

If you are going to hate on somebody and have such an outspoken opinion on the issue, it is only polite to familiarize yourself with the source material instead of what news pundits say and what headlines read.

By watching the actual speech instead of getting regurgitated sound bites you can see through the media bias and see how they intend to spin it. But that of course requires that you do not spin it yourself, which I dare say, we all do to a certain extent.

Even the title of the video I have posted is biased, but as you will see it is only the translation of his speech.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 04:51 AM
There are quite simply too many of us to go after each and every one of us, no matter how annoyed he is.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:26 AM
Must be nice to have a bogeyman nobody can find to justify ongoing operations with no clear objective. Just do what you want, write your own paycheck, right?
"Of course we're after Saddam Hussein, I mean Bin Laden"
So let's look for a moment at what the guys who were running Bin Laden (funding, providing weapons, etc) are up to, shall we? It's about as un-American as it can get: (CIA gulfstream crashes with 4 tons of coc aine on board) (supplemental evidence for above)
The United States government knows what's going on with the drug trafficking, the banks know. The money has to be transferred somehow.

It was no accident that the hijackers trained at Huffman Aviation. All evidence points to it being a CIA front used for drug trafficking. What we have here is an attack on our country by the CIA with the full foreknowledge and cooperation of our sitting president and vice president.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:26 AM
Then sitting president rather...

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:39 AM
You will find the same people involved in the circumstances surrounding the Kennedy assassination popping up again. Many scandals represented here, non of it good.

The people responsible for 9/11 were in our own government.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by winston_jones

Is there a video of A-jad talking at the UN?? The news here mentioned he spoke but they did not discuss the content. Of course, they went live to hear Obama speaking.

It is my opinion that in order to have unbiased reporting, ALL sides must be reported upon, no matter what they may be saying. ALL sides are full of propaganda and spin; the truth is somewhere in the middle.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:31 AM
Impressme, you seem kind of slow, so I'll try to point out what he was saying with a little more clarity so you can follow. You obviously dont speak farsee, so most likely your only translation has been from 3rd party groups with great intent and glee to defame and libel ahmadinejad. Many impartial scholars, jewish, arabic, persian, and american, have pointed out the intentional mistranslation of his words. He himself has stated that he knows that jews (and others) were killed in germany. He has explained, MANY TIMES that when he said myth, what he was referring to was the myth that 1)it was as big as it was, 2)it was the sole trial of the jews, as is often emphasized, and 3)its a valid reason for the jewish to have been placed in palestine, and to massacre the palestinians and take their land.

A further mistranslation is that he stated he wanted to wipe out the israeli's. First off, he was repeating a quote from the ayatollah, and secondly, what he stated was that the zionist regime must fade from the pages of time. That is not a threat. A threat, is like when the jews say that if the US does not attack iran, then they will, and they may use nukes....THAT is a THREAT, see the difference?

Furthermore, it is interesting to me that people on here criticize ahmadinejad and iran, as psychotic, crazy, and compare them to hitler, when iran has not attacked another country in over 200 years. Meanwhile, our last two presidents, republican and democrat BOTH, have been responsible for some 1.2 million iraqi casualties (for no reason), 4 million iraqi refugees, and who knows how many afghani casualties, MOSTLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN. And this is AFTER we overthrew irans democratically elected leader, installed a dictator, helped saddam get into and maintain power, gave him weapons to attack iran, gave iran weapons to fight him back, trained osama bin laden to instigate russias invasion of afghanistan, and turned down afghanistans offer to hand us OBL 2 times!! Dont these actions sound much more deserving of the descriptions "crazy, psychotic, hitleresque"??

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