posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Ketzer22
For us it was about 15 years. After the 15th year we both settled down a little.
We have been married 36 years.
He is my very best friend and the only human I can truly depend upon and trust.
I hope I go before him.
The physical stuff is nice, but there needs to be more to a relationship.
Having someone dump you for the reason your girlfriend did sounds immature...............maybe you need to look around for someone a little more
But then again, as each decade progresses more and more people seem to be less able to commit to a long term relationship.
The chemistry is important, however as one gets older you begin to realize that trust, being able to compromise, being able to depend upon promises
made and being supportive are also as if not eventually more important.
I tried scaling this down don't know if the whole thing will show.........famous painting called Romeo & Juliet by Frank Bernard Dicksee 1894