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Turkey: We expect formal apology, compensation from Israel over Gaza flotilla

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posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Turkey: We expect formal apology, compensation from Israel over Gaza flotilla m

Turkey is still waiting for an apology from Israel over the Gaza flotilla raid, Turkish president Abdullah Gul told the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday.

The UN Human Rights Commission released a report on the incident on Wednesday. The report, compiled by three United Nations appointed human rights experts, said that Israeli forces violated international law when they raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, killing nine activists, earlier this year.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 02:59 PM
It's about time the UN has made their judgment on the blockade, which is prohibiting humanitarian aid into the strip, and the barbaric plundering of humanitarian aid ships traveling to Gaza. I really hope that Israel's punishments aren't as simple as an apology and compensation to the victims families. I think the UN should put the pressure on Israel to remove the blockade, or at best downsize it, so humanitarian aid can get through.

Israel was also arguing, the report being to "biased, politicized and extremist approach"...This is the same organization they are calling on to stop Iran's nuclear programs....The irony! m
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 23-9-2010 by BiGGz because: Grammar

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by BiGGz

All I can add is,

Don't hold your breath waiting for Israel to apologise..

I've NEVER heard of them doing it before, why start now?

To them it's as simple as "God's chosen can do no wrong"

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