I recently use to have Seti@home, now i have a new computer and im running the current bionic in advanced mode. im runing windows xp pack3 with 1gb
Ram and 1.80 intel processor and giving them 20GB HD to use for this program. i have all my stuff set to 100% and it seems like its draging and slower
than xmas for downloads and to compleat running the program on bionic at the time. i also have 1.5 MBPS with qwest...
is this common or is there an issue i can or need to fix.. any and all help would be great.
So you give it 100% proc time and expect the computer to be able to download efficiently? Many ethernet adapters offload their tasks to the processor
unless you explicitly state the adapter handles requests. Think about it for a moment... the ethernet driver needs proc time to operate efficiently
and your settings don't allow the proc much room for that.