posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 07:27 PM
Well kinda stupid really..
You know what you never hear on TV? The fact that Israel is in a state of
civil war and civil unrest
Palestine doesn't exist, Gaza lives under an apartheid rule and have a separate government and separate defense force, fighting against the main
Israeli forces which controls the border, airspace, exports and imports etc. Those are all Israeli territory, if they were not, there would be another
nation there.
What they are not telling us? They are not telling us that Israel is in a state of chaos and has been for a long time now, some of the territory
isn't even under Israeli control, although they control the border, inside it is controlled by Hamas completely.
While US always praise Israeli Democracy etc, they forget to mention the chaos which exists in Israeli territory, which shows a failed governing
Jerusalem, May 14, 2008 … President George W. Bush -- beginning his historic visit to Israel on the 60th anniversary of statehood -- hailed the
Jewish state as "one of the world's great democracies" and "one of America's oldest and best friends in the world."
Israel is not a Democracy (Palestinians don't/can't vote), it doesn't even have borders, so it is not a nation.
Israel is in a state of civil war and no one should regard it as an example for the Middle East. Iran is the example