posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 09:05 AM
Doesnt it make you feel all warm and cuddly inside knowing your government wants to handle you money..
They do a good job of this really. They have had a few mistakes..
2.3 trillion missing 9/10/01, like 3 tons on money missing in Iraq, and billions missing from the stim package Obama gave us.. which none of us ever
Ya i feel safe with them handling my money...
:: hands money to IRS::
gets call
IRS: ThichHeaded we are calling you in regards to your paycheck, we have seemed to have lost over 2 million paychecks an you were one of these people.
We are calling to inform you that you will not be getting paid this time because we lost that money, but dont fear at least you have a job.
TH: What tf do you mean I am not getting paid, this was supposed to be a good idea, damn government.
Ya sounds plausible..