reply to post by inforeal
Liberals amaze me at what they can accomplish in the attempt to do the right thing, while taking down everyone else in the community, state and
location that they are at. Lets look at modern American History and the states, and attempt to see where the ideas of the progressive liberals have
taken effect in the society and country at large.
Liberals tend to do the stick on the wall policies. Name a topic and a liberal has the solution that may or may not work, and force everyone to deal
with it, often forcing people to accept rather than see that the solution does not work, or forces all of the population in an area to be severely
unconvinced by the policies and borders on the violations of the law. They try to force progress and change only to have it blow up in their faces,
when it comes tumbling down.
Social security was when it was created was a good idea, but originally was not never intended to be used as a sole means of income. It was there to
assist the people in a time of dire need. It is an entitlement that has grown way out of proportion and both the Conservatives and the Liberals and
the progressives abuse it, using it like a blank check book and credit card, and never paying back the money that is stolen. It is the ultimate in a
Ponzi scheme with predictions that by 2012 to 2020, it will be bankrupt, and all of those people who are on it, will be out of luck.
Deny people health care? Really, last time I went into any ER, I got health care and looked at. And most surprising, is that many states, cities and
counties have programs already to assist those who need health care and to see a doctor on a regular basis. And on top of that, if the hospital and
medical centers are on the ball, they know all of the grants and programs to assist people with health care and free medicines. Where I live, every
single hospital in the area and county have on the walls of the admissions about sliding scales to help with medical costs. Oh you do have to do the
paper work, provide things like proof of income, bills and residence, but wow free health care. No one in the country is denied health care and
ultimate it will never be free, as we all have to pay for it, either by taxes, or private insurance.
Wow, ever think of what would happen if all of the people who were out of work, did not get a paycheck, there would be a mass migration to the states
where the jobs are and the country would jump start, why keep providing money for the long term and keep people where they are at? Maybe it is time
to take a reality check and start to swallow our dignity, roll up our sleeves and do things like scrub toilets and flip burgers for a living. It may
not pay 50 or 60 K a year, but hey it is income.
Well if the Unions kept out of the political area, people would not have a problem. If Unions would take the time to realize that if a state or a
company is doing back and actually give up some of the concessions, just maybe they would be viewed in a good light. But hey, the biggest political
lobbyist group out there is: A UNION. The current problems with most states budgets are: Union contracts and the unions not willing to give up the
biggest pensions. I guess that the days of unions actually helping the workers is long over and it is just a political Nazi that runs roughshod over
its members.
Military budget: Don’t know about you, but hey I like to sleep at night knowing that I am going to be protected against a foreign power that may
attack us, big military requires a big budget and equipment. Things cost and requires money. The military does not fight for free.
The Rich, well they are keeping the country going, and as they do have the money, and are paying taxes, well then it is only fair that they get to
help vote on laws that may be favorable to them.
Well they don’t give welfare to the corporations, they give tax breaks, with gives a business the incentive to set up shop in a town or a state and
put people to work. Take that away and where do you think those businesses are going to go: Overseas to more favorable conditions.
Well guess what, reality is if a business is only in the US or one country it dies, and goes out of business, or can no longer afford to do business,
so it has to be global for money. Businesses are there to make money not to give to charity.
Well the values of America is the following as you have asked:
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, a country where it is a government of the People, for the People, by the People, where every one is equal
in the eyes of the law, as justice is blind, and the final thing that a conservative stated as a value and statement: Ask not what your country can
do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. To the people of the world, ask not what America can do for you, but what we can achieve
Actually folks should read more from the history of the United States, and what the past presidents and congresses thought and said, it is alot more
informatitve about what all they wanted for their children and the generations were to come.