posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:14 PM
as a spin off from the
news article thread
i slip on my tin foil chappeau and wonder to mysrlf - who did it and why ?
the " usual suspects " are THEM you know - the godless athiest scum [ like me ]
granted - stranger things have happened - but what would ye olde evil atheists TM actually gain ? seriously its a shot in the foot for serious
protests against the of catholicism - think about it - they now have an issue to deflect attention and cast themselves [ catholics ] as
my musings are that infact - religious fanatics have far more to gain by doing this and using it as " evidence " that we [ atheists ] are the scum
they portray us as
they have far more to gain
and one last point - i just watched a TV news report and the footage was very illuminating - when it fell - the top shattered , it was clearly rotten
to the core
granted - the base was obviously solid - but the cross was in need of repair
hang onto your tinfoil hat - and condider the benifits of " vandalising " a land mak in need of costly repairs - at a time when most churches are in
dire financial straits and blaming " evil atheists "
edit on 20-9-2010 by ignorant_ape because: BBcode gaffe