posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM
UFOs & Nukes - Media Coverage
New videos added to the batch with their official descriptions:
September 27-2010
NECN Comcast
Former Air Force officers go public on UFOs
ABC7 - September 28, 2010
Ex-Air Force officials reveal UFO sightings
Several former Air Force officials spoke out about UFO sightings they experience while on U.S. military bases.
ABC - Air Force Vets Talk of UFOs
September 28, 2010
Former officers say alleged UFOs shut down nuclear missiles on military bases.
ABC - NOW@9 - Group says UFOs found nuclear weapons
September 28, 2010
UFO Believers Say ET Could Come Calling on the Metro
Fox 4 - September 29th, 2010
A plant under construction in south Kansas City to produce parts for nuclear weapons could soon be getting some visits from outer space, according to
local UFO activists who say that recent revelations by former U.S. Air Force officers about UFO sightings at nuclear weapons facilities give their
movement new credibility.
Best Wishes