Originally posted by SevenThunders
Indeed I was about to mention this. Martin Malachi's 'fictional account', "Windswept House", describes the satanic ritual that allowed the
devil access to the Vatican. Some say that this work was not entirely fictional, given Malachi's intimate access to Vatican secrets.
This book wasn't fiction in the traditional sense. It was, according to him, mostly fact written to read like fiction. He said the book contained
about 85% real events and characters. The characters were real people with their names changed. A key is available on the web revealing most of the
identities of these people, which he wouldn't endorse, but which he remarked was 'well done.' There's a name for this literary device, "roman a
This person was a genius by any measure of the word. Not only was he vastly learned, holding three doctorates and masters degrees in two additional
fields along with speaking something like a dozen languages, he also had accumulated a wealth of worldly and practical knowledge. He was also one of
the people who originally studied the Dead Sea Scrolls and published on them.
And he never hesitated to expose corruption in the organization. After he left the Vatican in the mid 1960's and began writing, he suggested that he
had been used by his superiors to do things which he later regretted during the time of Vatican II. A number of his books expose a history of
corruption in the organization of the Catholic Church.
His position was that the organization of the Catholic Church is very corrupt, even calling it a potemkin village, but maintained that the traditional
Catholic faith and dogmas are valid.
With regard to the subject matter of this thread, Fr. Martin himself in one of his taped interviews stated that there were "a bunch, a whole bunch of
Catholic prelates in Rome who belong to Satan." He said that they were "the servants of Satan." He said their aim was to "destroy the
Catholicism of the Church and turn it into a stabilizing factor in world affairs." In other words, he was talking about people wanting to subvert
the Church so that it would become a "creature of the New World Order", which was going to be part of the title of his next book which he never got
a chance to finish.
Fr. Amorth himself several years ago in an interview with 30 Days Magazine said that "legions of demons have installed themselves in the Vatican",
and that it was "not a joke."
The book Windswept House referred to events of the past while also predicting the future. One of the things he mentioned in Windswept House, written
in the early 1990's, was a future plan headed by Gorbachev to use the fraud of climate change as a basis for a new ecumenism with the Church, as a
justification for redistributing the world's wealth and controlling the flow of goods and money. Mentioning that only briefly, he focused more time
on a scheme by a satanic secret cabal to stage a future world economic collapse in the banking sector. The purpose of all this, according to him, was
to pave the way for the "imminent rise of the "Prince of this World." And we all know what that means.
He also quite plainly in his writings starting with his book, "The Keys of This Blood", spoke of a widespread problem with sex abuse in the Church,
linking it to Satanic infiltration. Much of his last book, Windswept House, dealt with this very topic. In fact, in "Keys of This Blood", written
in the late 1980's, Martin wrote the following:
"Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in
certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the ‘superforce.’ Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its
installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI’s reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the
Sanctuary’. . . an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia—rites
and practices—was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United
States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites." (p.
And what do we have happening right now? Well, we have a pope called the "green pope" because he had endorsed the cause of climate change. We have
continual warnings and fears of a world economic disasters and suggestions for a world currency. We have the United Nations representatives openly
admitting that they plan to use climate change as a way to redistribute the world's wealth to lower income countries. We have Pope Benedict within
the last few months openly admitting himself that the sex abuse scandal was part of Catholic prophecy.
Fr. Martin also warned about the liberalization of faith and Church teachings in the context of all this. And what do we have happening right now?
We have all manner of groups taking advantage of the Church in its presently weakened state, petitioning for women's ordination, changing the rules
on sexuality including homosexual rights and repealing rules on marriage and divorce and married priests, etc, etc.