posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 06:56 AM
First video is a plane and as Maybe says the red orb is merely the out of focus plane.
Video 2 is very very interesting for me, when the seemingly one white light was flitting about were you holding the camera still or trying to follow
the light, I ask as the single object appears to move quite far very quickly. So there's 3 possibilities here
1. You were moving the camera about randomly ??
2. There was more than one blinking object out there?
3. There was an object that could move very fast.
I too wondered what had happened to the porch light, the video went from having reference points to being pitch black, if you say you moved position
then that's fine. The one thing I'm having a problem with is the lack of thunder, here in the UK if you see a bolt of lightning then you count to
see how far away the lightning really is by the time it takes to hear the thunder. In that video there must have been a couple of hundred very large
flashes with no noise at all?
I'm no weather guy, is it possible to have such a storm with no noise of thunder?
I have to say you were quite brave to stand outside while all that was going on.
Lastly, there's been a long standing notion that where you find storms you will find UFO's, some people thing the UFO's feed off the storms energy,
some people think the UFO's create some of these storms. There's quite a famous video form the shuttle showing storms going on over earth and then
suddenly a ball of light seems to travel across in descend into the area that the storm was going on and then the storm stops.
Weird stuff.
Thanks for putting the vids up and hopefully you will answer a few of my questions in this post.