reply to post by MagesticEsoteric
Hey there!
A nice little subject matter here...
what do you see in the mirror... you know, once upon a time in my life (and i'm not that old/physically ^^ mentally I feel much older) I looked into
the mirror and I too also felt the way you did... something about it was not quite right, something about the reflection in the mirror didn't
As we all age and grow during our times from young - old, we begin to see great changes in our physical bodies; some drastic and some barely
noticeable. The endless cycle we go through to keep up with fashion, trends and the latest hair styles. I've been through many physical stages/phases
from having short hair, long hair, coloured hair, no hair, even mowhawk
It didn't make a big difference to me as how I presented myself (I thought at the time) people can think/judge and believe what they want, they would
never truly know me unless they had made an effort to.. I think 'hair' does somewhat play a big part of our ego/physical aspect as how we choose to
present ourselves...
That being said, it is not IMPORTANT in the end.. things come and go, nothing ever remains the same and we are never truly the same person we first
started out to be (this is the best part).
We can at times become attach to illusions, thinking that nothing will ever change, we will be a certain someone carrying a certain persona (mask) for
a period of time... having certain beliefs, possessions, friends, even partners and family. We have our EGO vs our SOUL, it is hard to make sense of
what you see in the mirror; most people assume they are their bodies, their names, their job, a son/daughter to their parents, a 'somebody', a
'someone' but ultimately we are only a reflection of each other (prob a bit to take in)..
Life is ever changing, as too our minds/bodies; as we go through the next chapters of our lives, we begin to let go of our old self. Do not be
alarmed/scared/worried/frightened that you do not recognise the person in the mirror reflecting back at you... the person looking back at you isn't
bound by the physical limitations but rather what's deep within you. Smile back at the mirror, look at yourself and acknowledge that "this is apart
of you" and it is "not you" or who you truly are inside.
Maybe too, you could be feeling unhappy? perhaps there are areas in your life which you could improve on, but deny it... they say our physical bodies
reflect who we are on the inside, and if you are not happy with yourself on the outside that means that you are probably missing certain aspects in
your life that maybe could be face & dealt with. It's not easy, the journey to "re-discover" yourself (true self) and to let go of what you are
limited by in front of the mirror.
(Hope it doesn't sound like I'm preaching here
) just speaking from personal experience) So, in the end to answer the question.. When I look into
the mirror I see a person, a body, inherited with genes from my family/parents.. But I also know that I am not my physical body and "life is ever
changing" I am happy for being exactly the way I am, not because I am super good looking (which I am not), or if i've got a stunning smile (which I
do not), or a nice set of hair (nopes), or all the b.s things that don't matter... it's because I accept myself, and appreciate that I am. Simply
thankful to the experience I am receiving through this physical body, even though at times can be followed by some anxiety and self conscious at why
people are staring my direction (still working to see past this hehe)
Just know 1 thing, NO ONE/NOTHING is PERFECT (not in this physical realm anyways)
we ourselves at times forget, we forget that we are more than our physical body =))