Before I begin, immediately after I saw my first two sightings and after reporting them to nuforc and mufon, I started refining my experience by
writing thoughts down to the best degree humanly possible. Take in consideration, what I saw was not supposed to exist and I am describing how it
perceived to be through the eyes of a well-intended person, me.
1st Sighting:
Approx. Time: 1 minute //Approx. Altitude: Not in Space //My Vision: 20/20 //Night: Not a thing in Site (not even planes for that minute, now that I
think about it, it was dead silent).
On April 21st, 2007, 11:59-ish pm, I was on the computer when I felt like something was calling me outside to my backyard. Now that I think about it,
I kind of felt like gravity was pulling me outside. I enter the backyard and lay on the concrete and I close my eyes for a brief moment to think to
myself and then I open my eyes to a weird extremely bright white luminesce object that was ovalish above me (my first reaction was a plane with an
all-encompassing light surrounding it). It was like no other, the object seemed capable of containing its own light from being emitted outwards.
About 2 seconds into observing it, I noticed it start to interestingly part into three (3) ovalish crafts still moving towards my left. I say
interestingly because it looked like it was melting into three of them. I noticed it start to "melt" from the front (considering it was headed
northwest) making its way to the back in this "melting" fashion; "breaking up" into three separate objects. And it did it fairly quickly;
I immediately felt my body being overcome with something like no other. I have experienced adrenaline rushes before, like speeding down a road or sky
diving, but this was 100 times amplified, I was instantaneously content and felt larger than life and death and the planet. As the objects continued
to move equally apart from each other, the middle craft started to move towards the one bottom of it, back and forth several times. One can describe
it as bringing the opposite ends of the magnets and watching them retract from one another. The craft above the middle one did not deviate from its
path as it moved in sync with the other two (2). All three (3) made no sound and they were "gliding" through the air.
The light coming from the objects were still to my amazement so I had to find someone in my house to see what I was seeing, so I ran inside to get my
teenage brother pointed them out to him, but they were now at some distance where city lights take away from the night sky, even though the city
lights did not totally obscure them. Unfortunately my brother could not make them out because he was inside the house with lighted rooms and watching
tv. After the event, I could not believe what happened, there was an overwhelming feeling over me, it was as if I was being pulled in all directions.
I felt like something had expanded in my mind and I had this sort of connection. Wow, I saw a craft so close over my head split into 3 deformed oval
shape beautifully lite crafts moving in a way as if it was communicating with me. Endorphins have nothing on this experience. I felt touched by
another level of consciousness. I went to bed and woke to my normal day, did my deeds and the gravity-like feeling/connection was still on me strong
as ever.
2nd Sighting:
Around 10:30 pm (approx. 10 hrs. & 25 min from my 1st sighting) I took my 2 teenage brothers to the backyard to lay and observe the sky and approx. 30
minutes later, an anomaly seemed to be occurring. My youngest brother saw it first, and notified the other brother, and then I saw it. It started out
with one “flash” per person; interestingly enough. It was a stationed blinking light miles in the night sky, as if it was in space. The
flash/strong white blinking effect occurred every 11 seconds for 5 minutes. I then grabbed the flashlight my brother retrieved and started to
communicate with it, at first flashing it inconsistently with its flash and then I did it at the same times it did (maybe 3x ; since this seems to be
a magic number for me), as described in my initial report(s).
The lights stopped “communicating” with us. We stared into the sky looking for any activity and roughly a minute later three (3) objects came
flying down. It had lights at first, but half way through its decent (as it appeared) it stopped being lights and became three solid whitish objects,
it just turned off its lights; just imagine seeing any white object in the dark. It flew so close to us, closer than what I experienced the prior
night. I saw it come out of the sky so fast my eyes obviously could not keep up (like a turtle or another animal when compared to people). I saw it
for 30 seconds as it moved from my center to my right side behind my trees, I think it was around the tree line. I was still capable of seeing all
three of them. As it exited the tree area there was about a 7 second span of seeing them clearing the minor obstruction to when they entered a small
cloud to the left hand side of my house. It made us do a 100 degree turn. In that 7 second span I still had the flashlight in hand, and shining the
flashlight on it was possible. Even though it did cross my mind to lift my hand, a create fear came over me. I don’t know why my mind reacted like
that. The objects never exited the cloud.
It happened again, the odds are astronomical, how, why, and what? So I recap with my brothers and the one that I dragged outside on the 1st sighting,
experienced the flickering light above us and us communicating with it but could not see the objects because of a non-severe impairment of the eyes;
he needed new glasses. Sucks for him. My other brother experienced the flickering light and noticed the objects flying behind the tree and into the
cloud, but not when it zoomed down. After these events occurred, my two brothers and I started to have coincidences, synchronicities, and telepathy,
which ever you prefer. It’s one of those weird things when you are thinking about something, and right after the person next to you states the exact
same thing that was in your mind. When that occurred, we considered that we might have seen the same movie or was influenced by something for us to
think the same thing; but we could not come up with such influence.
With these two experiences I immediately started to call up the local news and reported it to all main stream media outlets. One call was to a
reported that sounded he was in his car on a cell phone. He stated that if something comes up he would let me know. Another one was to a reporter
(Orlando Sentinel?) that reports on astronomy; I only left a message with no call back. I did all this hoping that someone else saw what I saw. I did
also call Peter Davenport, which was the first one I called, exactly after my first sighting. When answered, he practically yelled at me made me feel
like an asshole for, what he thought was prank calling. I didn’t even get a sentence in. I tried pretty vigorously to convince him that I was
legit. He apologized and said that I called in the middle of crazy prank call frenzy and he simply told me to submit an online report; I did.
As I sifted through my Journal last and after 3 years of not reading it (using my memory to serve me right on the last forums since I could not find),
I soon feel confident that I experienced a third sighting.
3rd Sighting:
On April 25, 2007, missing April 24th, 2007 because of my busy life, I wrote:
I went to a friend’s house, 6 miles away, to tell about my sightings. It was hard for the person to believe me. I went ahead and forced my friend to
outside to see if the impossible could happen again. We sat and looked up as I pointed out all objects in the sky; stars and planes. I tried to do a
warm up with the person to better prepare them. Twenty (20) minutes went by and I noticed a white flash in the sky, thousands of feet up, way above
the airplanes that were traveling underneath it. The flash was stationary in the sky, like the second sighting I had but at 40 degrees from my zenith,
directly over my home. The light was more bright/intense than the planes lights it was over; even the ones that seemed to be coming towards my
direction. My friend was noticing it at times but again, with somewhat the same problem as my brother, she needed different glasses since my friend
was wearing reading glasses, in combination with atmospheric distortion. The white light was going in and out. At eleven (11) seconds it flashed, five
(5) seconds flash, then in eight (8) seconds it flashed again, and was continuing to flash white erratically for 5 minutes. I spent some time trying
to point out the light to my friend, but with no luck. My friend went inside to retrieve the “better” glasses but I believe the inside light
effected my friend seeing the night sky because my friend still was having a hard time seeing it. I got extremely upset because of the bad luck I was
having getting the person to see it. At that point the object then flashed one red flash and a ½ second later it flashed (3) white flashes and then
At that point I was very skeptical of what I saw (as my Journal tells me), A. because we waited 15 minutes for it to come down, but never did and B.
It was to impossible for me to have this type of interaction with something that does not exist; again for the third time. This night was nowhere near
the occurrences of previous days but it still felt, how do I say this “alien”. What I do know from what my journal states is that it could not be
explained and did not fit the description of anything I have experienced when watching planes, helicopters, etc… I have lived in this city off and
on since I was (9) nine and 14 years later I have this stuff happen to me. I also spent an entire year outside at night in 2005 and saw meteors hit
our atmosphere and I always expressed enjoyment to myself over them, but this UFO business in my backyard was like a million meteors.
Well, the reason why I am posting this is because I feel like I have to. I feel like something big is about to happen with the earths ufo phenomenon
but it needs our help. I will present some things (like a crop circle, my personal experience, & others) from the day I saw the light craft(s) in
2007 until now, which shows a connection to my experience. I think they left me with a formula for us to all have a massive sighting and hopefully me
opening up a dialogue here and where ever fate guides me can bring change.
So I report my sightings:
On June 28, 2007, near Mr. Davenport:
The posted image above shows such crop circle. When I saw it I thought it was oddly close to the day of my sighting, next to a person I just not too
long ago had a brief conversation with. I grant you that it was not the same day or a month later; it was approximately 70 days; 2.25 months. This
formation was cool but I was only fascinated by it appearing 2 months after my event in April 2007. It did not seem that important at the time up
until a couple of weeks before my first post on other forums on September 6th, 2010
When I saw the objects and appearing the way they did, it seemed like they tried to play this acknowledgment game. It was like them saying “do you
see me”, “when we want to be seen we will to whoever”. You probably can compare it to seeing the way a person moves and how much body language
can say about a person and their mood. In my experience, my thoughts for that one week were of only certain thoughts and ideas and it kept running
through my head (not obsessively like a mad man in the corner of the room, I was living a regular life, i.e., work, school, children…). My thoughts
on expanding on “their message”? from my experience was of them wanting to be seen or videotaped when they want because they know when they are
being seen or videotaped. I know my sighting alone should already be unbelievable but there are more outlandish stories out there than the one I am
claiming. I was not abducted and my time seemed to be accounted for.
So with my interpretation of everything that happened, I start to think about all the accounts that relate to my own story. In regards to the
telepathy that I believed to have at my two sightings, I only came across two people with similar accounts; Dan Aykroyd and the cameraman of the 1996
Wiltshire Oliver’s Castle incident. Dan Aykroyd in a popular documentary, I forget the name, and the cameraman in a follow-up interview; I think he
was with his girlfriend during the interview and standing near the crop circle he videotaped. Both claimed to be practically dragged to observe a ufo
phenomenon. When hearing the cameraman explain how he got to videotape the incident, he looked and sounded convincing despite all of the controversy
of the video being real or not.
The 1996 wiltshire crop circle looks similar to the 2007 wilbur crop circle.
After the 2007 crop circle, Mufon started to have reports around Sept. 2007 of massive ufo sightings in Stephenville, Texas. To my knowledge, Mufon
had radio towers in the area around one of the events and they broke down that data showing a ufo flying a distance towards Crawford, Texas. So from
what I gather, this event was very promising to go down into history. In knowing a few massive ufo sightings, the first one that interested me in the
21st century was the O’Hare Airport Sighting on voting day for the next president of the United States of America , which obviously happened before
my backyard sighting. This event apparently had many eyewitnesses and struck me as very amazing. I just never thought I was going to be personally
involved in what was to come in Stephenville, Texas (if there even is a connection). One reason I feel there is a connection is because in the
beginning of 2008 I started to search for my biological father and found him Nacogdoches, Texas; the oldest city in Texas. This city was not the
epicenter of the phenomenon towards the end of 2007 but out of all of the places for my creator to live, it had to be near all of these ufo sightings
I went to go spend time with him and when he came to my house in Florida, I told him, in my backyard, that I saw the two seperate unidentified aerial
phenomenon’s right above his very head. He asked if I was on shrooms. That day was as if I was on something that was better than shrooms, even
though I don’t know how it feels to be on them. Even though I did not have support from my father I still thought it to be a big opening to a world
that we normally don’t live.
Doubt, something we all can relate to. After having this connection with my first sighting for that week, the days went on where doubt was weighing in
on me more than I expected. It was like a depression of doubt not going away. It was because I saw something that shouldn’t even exist, less alone
communicate with me. So the feeling of the event became stagnant but the crop circle and the Stephenville, Texas incident reminded me of what happened
to me. Now when I heard about the Chinese Ufo that shutdown the airport, and then seeing those weird spirals all over the world, I think there were 3
of those type of sightings, I was once again reminded of my experience.
So the Chinese Airport incident stroke me as interesting but how do they really relate to me? I don’t know about the spiraling ufo’s (even though
I have looked into them; very cool) but the China ufo incident obviously involved an airport. After jotting down my thoughts on here, I soon realized
what I saw my first sighting also involved an airport as shown below.
Conclusion as of now:
After posting my initial thread on another forum on Sept. 6th, 2010, I feel like I have come to many revelations about my event. I have only went knee
deep into finding stories like my own and actually tried to make since of the “my” objects alien-like-lighting features, especially for it to have
the ability to “melt” the way it did without disrupting the lighting being created; that is some quantum physics that probably involves time
travel; even though my perspective is that time does not exist since everything is one to me, it’s more like space travel. So since time is not
linear and space is forever, what does that make the craft(s) that I saw that day?
There was a man with his family that seemed to encounter the same light(s) as I did back in 2007 around the days of my sightings. He described the
light as a “piercing light” which was one (1) “light” then seemed to become (3) three when going over his car.
I then noticed someone stated they saw this unique object on September 4th, 2010:
It looks like the same intensity of light I observed that night.
Another example is this:
They both exhibit similar lighting as my object, even though the youtube video snap shot shows some yellow in it with an emission? trail behind it.
The first Ufo pic is 98% likeness to my sighing, and if it was recorded by a high definition video camera or pic camera it still would be 99.9999%
likeness, because my eye balls give me the ability to see truth 100% of the time, since I can deduce what I saw through comparing and contrasting; but
again truths are meant to be broken because I don’t even know how the craft’s did what they did. My truth will evolve to another, thus breaking
I tried to find how these “lights” “crafts” “ufos” , whatever you can call them, exist and found info about LED lighting. Even though it
has been around for a long time, the light that I saw that night seemed like a “superior” natural-looking white-light LED.
Links: &!F318904DBA09B415!1943.entry
Then you go to wiki , and under Quantum Dots (experimental), you see not much is said about the
article above only about Michael Bowers, which under Quantum Dots created a white light from a blue one, back in 2005, which created warm white light
with a slightly yellow cast. Looks like the Ufo that crashed in the desert. Does anyone know when the Ufo crashed happened? On youtube, it just goes
back to August 18, 2006, and who knows how long someone withheld that tape.
Pursuant to wiki this “superior” lighting does not exist and I can’t find any other references on the web at this time. But going back to the
article, it states the ability for this “superior” light to work depends on a combination of manufacturing cost, efficiency, brightness and light
quality. This article from CNBC states that LED Makers to Light Up Market, what on 2 year old technology?
So the only thing that comes close to my sighting is the “Superior” natural-looking white-light LED. I remember stating that the craft(s)/light(s)
I saw were moving very naturally and not mechanical. Could this be do to what I describe in my story as magnetism (looks natural; magnets) and a
“Superior” white light (natural looking light)? I think so. But what about the physics around the quantum dots that must be stabilized and not
ripped apart by the “melting” effect I witnessed? If someone is thinking about a blimp coated in the 2005 Quantum Dots Lights, then consider that
I did not see yellow what so ever. If you think it’s a blimp coated with “Superior” LED, than how do you explain that my sighting another
families sighting occurred before this technology was invented? My sighting April 22, 2007, “Superior” natural-looking white-light reported to be
invented July 16, 2007; a discrepancy of approx. 86 days; 2.7 months.
If you are telling yourself it is the government that has already invented it and somehow used the Quantum Dots “Superior” Light approach and
exhibited the impossible physics I observed, then we even have a bigger problem. It makes me feel that I am living on a planet with two different
worlds, slaves and the masters. People are starving all over the world, America has been filled with people taking their airplanes and crashing it
into the IRS. All the men that died on the oil rig died in vein. All the people that have no jobs and have no electricity running through their homes
are going to suffer in vein. While their impossible crafts glide through our backyards.
Then there is that question, why is the military visiting people like me with their high technology crafts. Are they toying with us?
From my personal experiences, what I saw was not military, even though government has something to do with this phenomenon. The craft(s) the first
night is not even supposed to exist, but now they do, and people have to except it as their new truth. These objects are from another planet, because
no laws of physics seems to make-up for what I experienced.
Pictures of craft(s), light(s), and the size of object. First two pictures do not give the sighting justice, but one can grasp the idea.
edit on 18-9-2010 by scar7 because: Stuff
edit on 18-9-2010 by scar7 because: Arranging pic.