Sick horrible sub-human scum. I can't believe that freak then tried to post it on Facebook as well.
He should be publicly named. As much as I hate Facebook and the stupid groups, I hope one is created solely for the purpose of identifying these
horrible b*****ds!
More than a few people know the guilty here!!!
edit on 17-9-2010 by Big Raging Loner because: to remove offensive words.
What is the world coming to? I swear if something like this ever happened to someone close to me........
Even Satan would start having sleepless nights.
What is the world coming to? I swear if something like this ever happened to someone close to me........
Even Satan would start having sleepless nights.
I notice you said the word "Kids"...makes you wonder what kind of adults these perverted excuses of scum will become...A 50yr stretch in the slammer
will cure them.
They won't be drugged when they get the same treatment in the big house. I hope they have the worst time possible in jail. I hope they all get
"punked" by their cell mates.
I'd be really peeved off if this scum are placed in solitary confinement to protect them. Out in the general population of the's open