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9/11 OS Challenge..

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Obviously chronology in any investigation is critical. You understand that but choose to ignore it, making you intentionally ignorant. Then you go on to claim that I am not interested in truth when you have not used your own contacts either, at least in the past 9 years.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

Obviously chronology in any investigation is critical. You understand that but choose to ignore it, making you intentionally ignorant. Then you go on to claim that I am not interested in truth when you have not used your own contacts either, at least in the past 9 years.

Uh... what? Are you telling me you have contacted investigators that were at the flight 93 crash scene? Please let me know what you learned. I'm fascinated!

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Speaking of atta..

Atta called a pilot named Wolfgang Bohringer "brother"..

According to info a Brit "official" Inquiry into "systemic corruption in the Turks and Caicos Islands" that was supposed to be redacted.. but appeared on wikileaks... a connection was made between attas 'brother' wolfgang and another pilot named michael brassington. It also happens brassington did business with jeffrey watson, a clinton aide in the WH.. and was co-pilot on a lear jet that had 40+ of heroin on board..

The "connection" was that both pilots, attas 'brah' wolfgang & brassington, flew for the Russian Mob.

The jet brassington was flying with the drugs.. owned by wally hilliard, owner Huffman Aviation where atta and al-shehhi took flying lessons.

Check out the letter brassington handed a customs agent apr 6th 2004... years AFTER being co-piloting 40+ of heroin he had a 'pass go" card signed by gloria marshall, head of the "Information Disclosure Unit" of the "Mission Support Division".. US Dept of Homeland Security...

Amazing atta associated with this guys circle of friends?

This is in reference to your letter of Sept 23 2003 when you expressed concerns you were having clearing customs when returning to the United States from foreign travel.
”Please let us apologize for any inconvenience or unpleasantness you may have experienced. On behalf of the border and Transportation security directorate, let me assure you it is not our intent to subject the traveling public to unwarranted scrutiny.

"The traveling public is entitled to and is accorded the utmost courtesy and facilitation we can offer within the limits of our enforcement responsibilities. Regrettably our efforts can occasionally cause inconvenience.”

"We have reviewed our records and taken action so you will no longer encounter any automatic special attention beyond normal probabilities upon future return to the United States or territories thereof."

This link:
Points to several others all referencing articles, pdfs, official brit stuff and whatnot.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by govtflu
Speaking of atta..

Atta called a pilot named Wolfgang Bohringer "brother"..

According to info a Brit "official" Inquiry into "systemic corruption in the Turks and Caicos Islands" that was supposed to be redacted.. but appeared on wikileaks... a connection was made between attas 'brother' wolfgang and another pilot named michael brassington. It also happens brassington did business with jeffrey watson, a clinton aide in the WH.. and was co-pilot on a lear jet that had 40+ of heroin on board..

The "connection" was that both pilots, attas 'brah' wolfgang & brassington, flew for the Russian Mob.

You need to know I am immune to such games. This "connection" is just a five degrees of separation, "Kevin Bacon" game, linking everyone to everyone else through five independent people who otherwise have nothign to do with each other, which is fraudulent game #3 on the list of fraudulent games the conspiracy theorists use to get people all paranoid over shadows. All you're saying is that Atta knew another pilot, who knew another pilot, who knew another pilot, who has contacts with the Russian mob. We both know you can't say Atta had contacts with the Russian mob himself so you use these cute mind games to drop innuendo and make accusations without coming out and saying them.

Tell me, in all honesty, if you're getting this desperate to prove there's some secret conspriacy afoot, doesn't that say that you're just making a mountain out of a molehill with this whole bit?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Six Sigma, that table you posted on the first page of this thread is highly suspect for the following reasons. For one, it probably came from the phone call monitoring company Amdocs, which according to the Fox four part series, is an Israeli company that our phone companies use to keep data regarding all calls - sender, receiver, and length of call. It is also implicated in helping some of the 125 art students who were infiltrating government buildings into the country.
Second, look at the call lengths. According to the list, Beamer started a phone call at 9:42 and the call lasted 65 minutes (3925 seconds divided by 60 = 65 minutes). As you can well imagine, this is impossible, as the plane crashed at 10:03:10. It could not have lasted 65 minutes

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:30 AM
GoodOlDave, these drug connections are NOT a game. They are deadly serious. In other news:
The Link: Donna Blue Aircraft - same address as Huffman Aviation, trainer of the terrorist pilots on 9/11
Tail number: N987SA
3.2 tons of coc aine on board when it crashed in the Yucatan. These same tail numbers are reported to have been involved in rendition:

Your rejoinder will then necessarily be that it's not the same company involved with the rendition and therefore there's no proof that it was CIA. Even without the circumstantial evidence pertaining to rendition (taking people from other countries without a trial straight to secret prisons or Guantanamo), the fact that Donna Blue Aircraft is at the same address as Huffman is HIGHLY suspicious. So what you have is proof that there is drug trafficking by a company at the same address as Huffman Aviation.

Do you still want to say we're playing games, do you need more evidence?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by diginess

So, the families and the 911 operators are lying. And, the Jews did it.

Typical truther.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:35 PM
Here is a hypothetical question for the Official Story (OS) believers:

Lets say we believe the official story about what/how/when, about what happened on 9/11, and realize that WTC was damaged beyond .. what you call it FUBAR'ed ? Ok.

Rule out ALL the talk about buildings and whatever speculation about the collapses, what hit Pentagon and so on, simply focus and concentrate on the political stuff up to, and after the attacks. Look carefully for the dirty stuff.

Please try these searchword in the searchengine you use. Posting links i find is kinda hopeless.
Please take a few minutes to try:

"Enron scandal"

You remember the Enron scandal up to 9/11? Funny how that was completely forgotten after 9/11.
What happened to all the documents and computer databases surrounding the Enron scandal on 9/11?

If there were only 19 terrorists and they all died in the attacks, who spread the anthrax letters?

Please search:
"Anthrax 9/11"

Just for fun.. try search
"12 september 2001"

Pick the links you find credible. Put it all together.

What do you think?
edit on 6/10/2010 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/10/2010 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 06:44 PM
Funny how truthers completely missed the Enron trials isn't it? Just shows how short the memories of some people are.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by kloejen
"Enron scandal"


You remember the Enron scandal up to 9/11? Funny how that was completely forgotten after 9/11.
What happened to all the documents and computer databases surrounding the Enron scandal on 9/11?

The media focus on the Enron mess shifted to the 9/11 attacks. Appropriately so...but...then.....

What was going on....

October of 2001 when the scandal was revealed? Key dates 10/16 10/22, 10/23/ 10/25 and 10/27/01. Look them up

December 2nd 2001 Enron declared Bankruptcy?

There was big news on November 8, 2001.

In 2003 the non-fiction book Anatomy of Greed was released ...then..

January 25th 2003 ...there was a made for TV movie based off the 2003 book that was aired on CBS...called "The Crooked E"

How about in 2005 when the documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room was released? It was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 78th Academy Awards in 2006.

Then in January 2006 there was that small trial of Kenneth Lay and and Jeffrey Skilling.Both went to jail.

All in all 16 people pleaded guilty for crimes committed at the company, and five others, including four former Merrill Lynch employees, were found guilty at trial.

So, exactly who forgot what about Enron??

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma

So, exactly who forgot what about Enron??

What happened to all the documents and computer databases surrounding the Enron scandal on 9/11?

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:44 PM
First.. please explain this disingenuous statement made by you:

Originally posted by kloejen

You remember the Enron scandal up to 9/11? Funny how that was completely forgotten after 9/11.

Thank you. Now... your question:

What happened to all the documents and computer databases surrounding the Enron scandal on 9/11?

In order for me to answer this question you will have to first explain what documents and databases you are talking about and what affect, if any this had on the trials on those that were involved. I have already shown you that MANY people went to jail and MANY people admitted to their crimes.

Oh, and while your at it. I posted 10 facts about the crash on flight 93 that proves the "OS" is in fact true. It's yet to be refuted by anyone here at ATS.


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
In order for me to answer this question you will have to first explain what documents and databases you are talking about and what affect, if any this had on the trials on those that were involved. I have already shown you that MANY people went to jail and MANY people admitted to their crimes.

If you read the Freedom Of Information Act request #09-01257-FOIA, that was published in 2009:

After consulting with other Commission staff, we did not locate or identify any records pertaining to the SEC investigation records stored at the SEC offices once located within floors 11-13, of World Trade Center building 7, in New York City, New York, as of september 11, 2001.

The letter ends:

Send you appeal to the FOIA/Privacy Act Office of the Security and Exchange Commission located at bla bla

Scanned Letter

The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) was currently investigating Enron.
What do you think about this?
edit on 6/10/2010 by kloejen because: not published in 2008, 2009

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by kloejen

Maybe you should reread the FOIA request...especially this part...

"that no responsive records were located pertaining to thousands of SEC investigative files reportedly destroyed"

Its not about records that were stored in WTC 7, its about records of the records that were supposedly destroyed. In other words, the SEC did not have a report on file about the records that were supposedly destroyed.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by kloejen

Maybe you should reread the FOIA request...especially this part...

"that no responsive records were located pertaining to thousands of SEC investigative files reportedly destroyed"

Its not about records that were stored in WTC 7, its about records of the records that were supposedly destroyed. In other words, the SEC did not have a report on file about the records that were supposedly destroyed.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by kloejen

Maybe you should reread the FOIA request...especially this part...

"that no responsive records were located pertaining to thousands of SEC investigative files reportedly destroyed"

No, that is not what was said, please re-read the entire paragraph:

The following is a January 28, 2009 Freedom of Information Act reply from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, within which they indicate that no responsive records were located pertaining to thousands of SEC investigative files reportedly destroyed on September 11, 2001 following the collapse of World Trade Center building 7.

This is even described in the letter.

After consulting with other Commission staff, we did not locate or identify any records pertaining to the SEC investigation records stored at the SEC offices once located within floors 11-13, of World Trade Center building 7, in New York City, New York, as of september 11, 2001.

edit on 6/10/2010 by kloejen because: quote errors

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by kloejen

So, there were these alleged files... and they are now gone. What is your point? Do you know what was on these files? Please show with evidence pertaining to what was on these files. Please show with evidence who "got off" by these files getting destroyed.

Again... when will you be retracting your disengenious statement regarding everyone forgetting about the Enron scandle?

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Good luck on the response. He/she knows they were nailed.

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Six Sigma

How can i elaborate on records that were destroyed? My Point? My point is for you to THINK!

Come on!

posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by kloejen
How can i elaborate on records that were destroyed? My Point? My point is for you to THINK!

Come on!

Thank you! You have no idea what if ANYTHING was on those files. You are implying that flying a plane into two towers would somehow cause them to start fires in another building to destroy files that imp licate a member of the US Government?

ME think? lmfao.....

Do you still believe that Enron was "forgotten" after 9/11?

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