posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 07:05 PM
i can see them, i don't need these steps you put... and the colors you put up are not accurate. they don't tell moods, it's more of like their
personality, who they are. and yes i may have epilepsy, the random blank seizures.
the colors i know are like this:
red- energy, always going,
yellow- optimistic, bright, intelligent
magenta- nonconformists
INDIGO- (most misunderstood by people on this site) humanitarian, leader, intuitive
orange- people person
green- i can't remember
white- chameleons of the aura spectrum, assimilate characteristics of other auras into theirs
blue- motivated, loyal, cannot think of sex unless in love, great friends
i myself am indigo, and the colors do vary from person to person in their meaning.