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Where do Black Budget Scientists come from?

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:14 PM
They say this stuff is not taught in school, that the academic climate is not conducive to OTB thinkers/ideas.
Often the people who do know about this and are versed and may be the sole experts are "unofficial proponents" and self-taught mad scientists with no credentials.

Are these guys scouted and vetted, like patent secrecy orders?
Who is qualified to differentiate madness from genius?
Are these academics rising up into cracks?
Independents with a sufficient reputation and body of work to get noticed and hired?

Do the black budget people understand that there are people out of their loop quite capable of grasping their "occult" knowledge?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:27 PM
If you are researching something extraordinay, and find equally extranordary results, then they might approach you.

when john Hutchinson made his claims of levitating objects, the US navy wanted to see all the fuss, and maybe even hire him. but he couldnt replicate the results. and was exposed as obviously faking some of his videos.

Maybe he did do it, but couldnt replicate it. so under pressure made the videos to prove it is possible.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:41 PM
While I'm sure there are a certain number of scientists who are willingly participating in nefarious (and some not so nefarious) black operations, my impression is that for the most part, they are compartmentalized into and funded by various organizations like universities, corporate laboratories, philanthropic foundations, NGO's etc. They are tasked to research certain very specific areas that are quite innocuous in and of themselves. Their research and findings can then be used in various combinations to invent and/or perfect more questionable / dangerous projects, as well as the products and technology that they sell to the masses to make their coin.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:14 PM
The vast majority of scientific personnel contributing to so-called black projects have no idea what the final applications will be, but I'm sure they can guess. These people are not federal government employees; they are employed by contractors. I spent a few years in "personnel security" for a few black projects, and I'm always amazed at the way the average citizen thinks they work. The few people that know what I did asked "what were the projects about"? I don't know. I had absolutely no need to know, so what would I be read into the project? I have a relative with a PhD in math who is working for Raytheon. His work product has many possible applications, but I'm sure that he doesn't know what the final application or applications will be. Why would he ever need to know?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Kalki11

Are these guys scouted and vetted, like patent secrecy orders?
Who is qualified to differentiate madness from genius?
Are these academics rising up into cracks?
Independents with a sufficient reputation and body of work to get noticed and hired?

1. Yes, generally it seems from my experience, "candidates" are fully examined and profiled prior to entering into disclosure or R&D agreements. Selection does seem based on two things, the "candidate's" ability to complete the task or produce the product and the ease of getting rid of them, if necessary, when the job is done.

2. People in the military/industrial or paramilitary complex or their handlers.

3. Sometimes, it depends on their political and ethical/moral outlook, but generally, while a thousand academics are saying something is impossible, the lone wolf mad hatter in the corner is doing it.

4. Yes, independents get hired. They are not usually told what the end result will provide in the way of product as these projects usually exceed anyone's moral or ethical capability to relate to, technology used for death regardless of reason tends to effect people's conscience, so it it's better not to tell them lest they implode halfway through the work. There are some cases, although very few that I am aware of, where an individual that has been hired through nefarious, surreptitious or even direct means, is totally non-compartmentalized on a project. Gerald Bull springs to mind.

I am not telling everything I know obviously ;-)

Cheers - Dave

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Kalki11

Where do Black Budget Scientists come from?

in america we got many of ours from germany after world war two.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Kalki11

They recruit them out of top colleges. They go into a school like CalTech and find kids who are short on cash and heavy with loans and sign them up to work for the government for scholarships, kind of like a ROTC gig. When they get out, many with masters or doctorates, they go and work for the NSA/CIA/DOD/DOE for a number of years to pay off their obligation to the government. Many stay for their entire careers. If you are a hard core engineer it is the best place to work. Unlimited budget, best in class facilities, the whole deal.

The work is heavily compartmentalized, so that few folks know what the pieces put together actually mean.

A high school friend of mine was picked out of Cornell by the DOD. They paid for his college and all the way through his Phd at Princeton. That was 25 years ago. He still works for the DOD. Ask him what he does and he'll tell you that he works on lasers. Thats it. He's a laser man. You'll never get any more out of him than that

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:53 PM
Remember the really geeky kid that no one talked to who got such good marks they left school 4 years before you? Those kids get snapped up by the elite often. If only they knew what they were getting themselves into...

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 10:34 AM
Langmuir GE UFO

Among those pages find the story of Nobel Prize winner Langmuir.

Had a part time job with GE and stayed.
He evacuated glass bulbs like Tesla did years ago but with tungsten filaments.
The out gassing of tungsten was being investigated.
One of Tesla's main concerns was gases or air that would be agitated by
his waves, so air inside copper wires would cause heating he did not want.
Tungsten is some what of a shield as used by Tesla so I have no idea what
GE was up to.
Langmuir plugged away and the out gassing continued until he realized the
bulb was the source.

He ultimately found the non relativistic atomic Hydrogen process and given
a Chemistry prize instead of a fundmental physics prize.

Some how GE or who knows who sent him on a UFO campaign that
mostly likely claimed aliens do it better than we can and surly he
was never clued in that Tesla did it better.

Quite mad. Quite scientific. Quite Illuminati.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 03:19 PM
I agree with several of the above posters that the answer lies in compartmentalization. I know that the vast majority of folks working on projects don't know more than their particular scope of work in regards to the whole.

While in the Air Force, I was stationed with a Master Sergeant who had nearly put in his 20 years. Over beers we talked about what he had done. He claimed to have worked at Area 51 for a short time, and explained how they were flown in and out. (This was back in about '90...before the internetz detailed the practice.) He worked aeronautic hydraulics at the time, and long after the fact realized he had been working on the SR-71.
He was escorted into the hangar, through a tunnel of black plasic to the hydraulics systems he was to work on that day. He never ever saw the planes he worked on during his time at Area 51.

Perfect example for ya about how black projects are compartmentalized for the workers.

As for the folks who put up the plastic...I would imagine that scientists aren't just plucked from the scientific community and handed SR-71 schematics. In my mind, i would expect that they would begin compartmentalized as well, and as they were indoctrinated into the community, more responsibilities and knowledge would be granted to them.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Most of them work for contractors - as another poster already commented.

The rest generally come from military service - whatever reasons they have for joining. They perform well, make rank, and earn the respect of their senior leadership. When the leadership has a problem, the 'conscripted genius' is either asked to develop a solution - or simply proposes one. If it's that expensive, political favors get called in and things are made to happen.

That's drastically simplified and makes it sound like competence begets rank, 'genius' is realized, and that said 'genius' has the connections to be utilized. To my knowledge, there's not an organization looking for bright, agile minds to work for the government. It is all up to the managers within defense contractors and senior leadership within the military (enlisted and officer) to take note of the abilities their people have, and what is within their budget. The only commands I know of that actively seek out bright minds are spec-ops related, and they recruit from within the military with priority-one billeting (if you apply and they want you, they've got you, regardless of who you are currently billeted to). They are also the only commands really given a budget to do prototype and field development. They buy a standard predator drone, gut it, then fill it up with all kinds of technologies to fit a mission requirement.

It should also be noted that 'genius' can also be replaced with 'fool,' 'tool,' 'douche,' etc. Rank does not equate to competence. Nor does a link (direct or indirect) to Washington. Look at some of the people we vote into those offices - they aren't going to fund things with any more intelligence than the mass brain-fart that put them in charge.

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