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Who here hates working and looking for a job?

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posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 07:19 PM
Like the title states i hate looking for a job and i don't like working at all unless the job i'm doing is something i like to do but if it ain't then it sucks and is just depressing . Now you won't always get the job of your dreams in life but it should be something decent .

Now of course not every job is gonna be fun you will always have someone you don't like there or a picky boss and it ain't fun working with a picky boss . I don't have any bills or a vehicle payment/insurance so why bother working right , you don't get anywhere working , people always say you won't be successful without working .

Just depressing looking for a job is all and figured i would get this off my chest . What say you all about this ....

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 09:53 PM
Please close thread as nobody responded ffs .

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 10:00 PM
good rant, i think everyone hates it but this is life....

the only solution is education my friend

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:04 AM
It's not the looking or working I hate so's...

1. Starting all over at a new company. You're the new guy, and have to learn the ins and outs all over, when at your previous job, you were a "go-to" guy....

2. Trying to pay the bills while out of work...

3. The uncertainty of whether or not a given job will "fit" with you....

4. The uncomfortability of a job when it doesn't "fit", but you still need the paycheck...

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Akragon
good rant, i think everyone hates it but this is life....

the only solution is education my friend

It's depressing , i understand people working to support their families but for most its to support the consumer lifestyle .

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by PS3Geek

I can't say I hate working so much as I hate the job that I do right now, and have been doing for the last five years. I don't want to just up and quit though without having something to fall back on, but the job market in the area pretty well sucks. It doesn't stop me from looking though.

Mostly I feel like it's pointless. I don't have a family to support, just myself so I don't have to worry about if the kids are clothed and fed. I just can't stop myself from thinking that the only point to my job is to keep paying ridiculous prices for products, and to line my bosses' pockets with the almighty dollar. This turns to "is this what my life is all about?" and further depressing thoughts. This just makes me restless as I hate the feeling of being so tied down. Lately I've been cutting down on things I really don't need so I fret less over my money.

I'm just trying to find that kick in the butt I need to make changes. It'll have to come from me, but I'm working on getting myself there.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 11:40 PM
I had to work at a dead end crap store job once for a few months. I hated it, and it actually made me fear ever being in that hellhole ever again so bad that I became an A student.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by PS3Geek

I do have to say that it is flawed, especially in these times, that there is an increasing amount of jobs being advertised that demand no breaks in employment history and in some cases a credit check.
I understand that if the job involes handling cash or book-keeping etc, a bad credit rating may mean a larger motive for stealing but I fail to see what the heck a credit rating has to do with roles such as cleaning, security guard, administrator, marketing. I have seen many more entry level jobs demanding good credit ratings that have no link to financial dealings whatsover.
The thing that really grates me is that if someone loses their job through no fault of their own, it is not easy to find another job fast which means there will be a gap, the longer the gap is, the more likely the credit rating will decrease. Ultimately (as I am finding) you simply cannot ever get a job ever again regardless of education, experience, simply because there is a gap in your CV due to mass redundancies at your previous place of employment.

Great system we have here, if you trip up, it will ram its big boot up your backside and stamp in your face until you are completely ruined.

I am certainly growing tired of hearing the education line. This normally comes from a person who is yet to get the chop and go round the ferris wheel of unemployment that will not let you off no matter how loud you shout or how many degree's you have.

Personally I do not mind working. My only gripe I have about employment is that you have to hand an increasing amount of your salary over towards tax and some more towards a stealth tax called national insurance, only after this do you recieve your salary. Despite the fact that my generation will not recieve a pension but are still expected to pay into the pot.

It is always irritating that the notes you get in this country state clearly that they are a promise to pay you money. You work for this promise and before you even get the promise that you worked for, you pay some of the promises back to the system that promised this in the first place.

edit on 7-3-2011 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:00 AM
I suppose there are times where I feel this, but for the most part I have kind of an overwhelming feeling that I'm not living up to my full potential if I take the stance that work stinks. I mean don't get me wrong, there have been some terrible employers I have worked for. But looking into an empty fridge, an empty cupboard, an empty wallet, no electricity, or no heat kinda puts a little motivational factor into place.

I also was raised on somewhat of a ranch as a kid, so feeding livestock before the sun rose, and before I had put anything into my body, was a daily routine. Chipping ice out of the water troughs in the middle of winter had its fun moments, especially when one of those really cold snaps rolled in. Stacking/unstacking a couple tons of hay bales twice a year was a great workout, but was hell on my allergies. I hated all of it as a kid, but yet as an adult, I have never really sat down and reflected how much that lifestyle shapes you as a person.

I didn't have a real job until I had graduated high school and left home. But I can recall a time as a teen, where my father had put in a bid to demolish a building in town. I expected us to get the tractor and tear it down. Not what the old man had in mind. We dismantled it piece by piece and sold just about everything from the project. Made a bunch of cash and got in some great shape at the same time. And from that job, I learned that for me, I need to focus on the prize and not what I'm doing to get there, if that makes sense. If I can keep myself distracted as to why I'm working, I usually don't complain too much.

And to be honest, there isn't a whole lot of jobs out there that degrade the human psyche. Sure being a janitor doesn't have a lot of positive benefits to it, but how else does a building clean itself. And this isn't feudal Europe we're living in either. There isn't a class structure in place, and we can move to different areas to find a better job that suits us. Yes it is difficult if the monetary situation isn't perfect, but sacrifice is imperative if you must seek happiness. Cutting out trips to the fast food joint and getting rid of the cellphone or the other extravagant electronics isn't really that hard.

The sad thing i fear, is that we've lost that fortitude our ancestors had. And not ancient ancestors, but more of 2 to 4 generations past. We, as a race, have it so easy with the technological advances. And yet, we complain about doing simple mundane tasks, like going to work.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 12:28 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone , i gotta start looking for a job soon which sucks but what can you do right mostly farm work though for me ..
edit on 11-6-2011 by PS3Geek because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:44 AM
"Do what you love and you will prosper."

In the grand scheme of things, if you do what you love, you will eventually become good at it and that passionate output will probably have some value, for you, or someone else. You may have to do some tweaking in order to find a way to support yourself, but at least you won't be spending your entire life doing something you absolutely hate doing.

I'm sure it's uncommon people are 100% satisfied in how they earn their living, but you can work your way up, over time, to be more and more happy each day, until eventually finding bliss. Just figure out where you are now, on a scale of 1-100, and try to gradually work your way up at time goes on. Or look at it like a balance of 'Love/Hate' and focus on getting yourself in a position doing more that you love, and less that you hate.

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