Originally posted by schrodingers dog
Thanks guys ... so if I understand correctly, I just buy the basic Wii with the Fit Plus bundle?
Yeah.... most Wii packages come with at least one controller and some accessories.
The Wii fit or Wii fil plus is an additional bit of kit that allows you to use the board for exercises like runing, balance games and also keeps track
of progress and weight loss etc.
Many packages bundle the console and Wii fit together and to be honest, It's probably better to get a bundle as you get more for your money, as
opposed to buying it all separately.
And I should get the Sports bundle because some games like tennis are good exercise?
Most Wii packages include Wii sports and yes, It's very good fun and great exercise.
The variety of games and accessories make this a very worthwhile addition.
And then there is additional exercise software to purchase like the EA one?
Yes the EA one is very highly regarded and pretty good value too... Also there is a range called "My Fitness Coach" which are also very good.
They are all very similar I guess but people prefer different programs for different things.
Wii fit is a must.... the other are as and when you want really and are more fitness/exercise based than Wii fit.
They are essentially a virtual personal trainer.... and for the price, they are well worth considering.
Do I need any additional accessories or does it all come with the Wii Fit plus bundle?
Nope... everything you need comes with your Wii bundle and everything needed for Wii fit is provided with the game and board when you purchase.
As I said, your best bet is to get a bundle which includes Wii-fit and the console.
This seems like a good deal I guess (not sure of exchange rates)
Deal 1
Deal 2
Deal 3
Obviously you'll have to google deals relevant to your geographical location, but these (apart from deal 1) are just to give you an idea.
Hope this helps.
edit on 15/9/10 by blupblup because: (no reason given)