posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:15 PM
Browsing through ATS I came across the following signature (nventual):
By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall
return. Genesis 3:19
Dust, eh? This got me thinking...
References to prior texts such as the great flood and Nephilm found in Sumerian lore also to be found in the Christian Bible have lead me to believe
that the Old Testament is a rehashing or re(-)presenting or the same tales originating in Ancient Bablyon. I’m of the belief that early books of the
Bible’s Old Testament are a combination of historic truths, religious conjecture and more metaphor than the fundamentalist will ever care or concede
to admit.
Failing to ask the following in one question, I’ve asked five:
- What if the above verse from Genesis is a truth rather than some extraneous religious metaphor?
- What if this is one of truths that survived the Old Testaments rehashing of more Ancient texts?
- In the context of ancient astronaut theories (e.g. Annunaki, Chariots of the God et al), what if this was a dictum of man’s creator(s)?
- What if we literally came from dust, return to dust and that’s it?
- What if God, the Annunaki or whatever creator of choice, created us from dust (the elements of the earth) and to dust (the elements of the earth)
we’ll return? i.e. that’s it; no afterlife; afterlife was never the intention of our creators; we’re just an experimental species with low-grade
spiritual capacities; we live; we die; that’s it.
I guess this is my question then...
In light of what I’ve just described, if returning to dust is literally our terminus, how do you think the world and it’s people would react if
some event were to take place where we’d all abruptly learn this as a truth? What would collapse? What would change? What would be preserved?
My answer?
If this were to happen now, I think there would be a huge scientific and technological shift towards nanotechnology and life extension technology in
general. I believe the elite would delimit the technology from the masses in as many ways as they could.
If this was something that was known from man’s inception then I believe the elite would pacify the masses with delusions of an afterlife,
spectacular deities and religions. From the perspective of the elitist, any counter to productivity must be discarded; even if the counter is the
truth about the nature of your existence.