posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by DaMod
Yeah, it's actually not too difficult, just get a full version of FRAPS
and after a few tweaks to FRAPS & SC2, you're good to go (for instance, you need to turn your volume on SC2 WAY down, otherwise your voice will be
drowned out)
and you should turn on the +20db microphone boost on your mic (it's under the sound options for recording devices) and, if your sound card allows for
it, turn the feedback for your mic down....otherwise, with that 20db boost, you're going to have a ton of feedback, even if using headphones.
Once FRAPS has recorded, use a program like Windows Movie Maker (thats the one I use) to compile the raw data into something manageable that can be
uploaded to Youtube.
By manageable, i mean that fraps will result in 3 to 4 gigabytes big for a single tutorial, depending on its length, so you need to compress that raw
data into something with a better compression rate...wmv is what windows movie maker uses
i can help you tweak all your settings if you can't figure it out (it took me hours of google searching to fine tune things and figure out where all
the options were)
Or, if you don't feel like going through all that, you can send me your replay file and i'll cast it for you if you wanted to write up a script or a