posted on Jun, 22 2004 @ 04:03 PM
So I'm dreaming about dying, of being buried alive, etc. I'm dreaming all the time about packing up my things, moving out of my house, and taking a
trip I didn't plan on going on (to Italy, to California, to Canada).
Now, the death part of the dreams I know could be interpreted as a "death" of some aspect of my life, or even a new beginning.
It's all the packing & compelled trip-taking dreams that are freaking me out. Also, the burying-alive stuff.
About my personal life right now: I've just taken on a very stressful new job position even though I haven't gotten over a 4-month illness...I'm
stressed-out & sick. I've been waiting for all those dreams about "you lucky kid, you finally made it in the world..." but they haven't come. All
my dreams seem negative.
Am I dying?