posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by guyopitz
if you're really suffering from the hate and depression it make you feel.. and no fruit comes from them..
then meditate and breathe and consciously let go of those emotions...
i know it's difficult.. because recent studies have shown that anger in a male's brain gets the same type of reward hormones as sexual feelings
it's tough.. anger i there as a tool, it's purpose is to inspire one to change his surroundings to fit a more comfortable one for himself...
if that anger keeps flaring.. and you'r not doing anything directly to fix the situation.. then it's pointless right?
no point in feeling it.. it's just torturing yourself.
so the only other recourse would be to let it go.
- i totally hear what you're saying. .. i was getting the same way a few years ago...
especially when people blew off the things you're talking about when i mentioned it to them..
so i stopped talking about it because it was destroying my relationships... and making me feel like crap after EVERY experience involving it.
i decided to focus on love.
sound airy fairy?
as opposed to what then?
you know?
love is the answer.. and i mean real deep nonjudgmental unconditional love...just need to let your defenses and prejudices down.