posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:31 PM
I get really sick of people who claim a party like UKIP is bad because members of it have turned out to be bad. They dont seem to realise that what
goes on in a party like UKIP goes on in every single other party, and often on greater degrees of disgusting. Those people were probably plants, and
obviously self-serving anyway.
There ARE good, honest people out there fighting for us, and people wont listen yet they lap up all the poison spewed by the MSM and our current
rulers. Parties like UKIP go against the grain so its in the current ruling parties interests to make sure nobody supports those that can actually
challenge the status quo. Can you imagine the chaos it would cause if UKIP actually got what it wanted?
I dont support any particular party, but people fighting on our behalf, who genuinely care about the welfare of our nation and future of this planet,
should definitely have our support.
Remember: Nobody is perfect! Including me, I didnt read the entire thread properly before writing the above - he's obviously got his vices but again,
theres not a person alive who has lived a blameless life.
edit on 9-9-2010 by EnactedEgoTrip because: yes