posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 12:17 PM
First of all I must say that I am a supporter of Stephen Bassett and the Paradigm Research Group, I believe Mr Bassett has the right idea in how to
get Disclosure. He's managed to get some focus on the subject and with so many different pieces to the puzzle his political methodology is surely the
most efficient.
One thing worries me though.
I'm also very interested in the work of Jordan Maxwell, his research on the use of symbols by the Illuminati and other groups who control us has
opened many doors to our understanding how these dark forces operate.
One of the symbols used quite often by these dark forces is the image of our Earth represented with the long', lat' lines shown to look like prison
bars around it. Alex Jones has also pointed this out.
I was shocked to find that PRG use this image on their "Exopolitics World Network" page : >>>>
It's probably just a coincidence but Jordan Maxwell tells us that where these symbols are used there's no such thing as coincidences, everything is
there for a reason.
Of course that's the Illuminati's policy with regards to these occult symbols not Stephen Bassett's but until it's clarified I know I'm still
going to worry.
Could someone please tell me I'm just suspicious and paranoid, I like Stephen Bassett and support his movement.