posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!
No, this is a pro-woman, pro-life, pro-men, pro-family thread. An abortion involves many more folks than a pregnant woman and an abortionist. You
must take into consideration the best interest of the child - life, the father - Other family members that may have an interest in this new child.
Also the children that are already born are going to find out eventually that mommy killed my little brother or sister. She didn't want him and he
was killed. Why wasn't I killed? What if she wants to kill me sometime?
The father and his family have an
equal interest in this child. He provided his half of the procreation of a new life. He is half
responsible. Having children is so special that it allows two people to create with God! A new person, something that has never been created
before! A truly unique person. And we humans go against this at our own peril. The bond between mother and child is the strongest bond that is
Back to topic. If you were going to have an invasive surgical procedure, wouldn't you check the credentials of the surgeon at the very least? You
have extensive research when you buy a home or a car. These are your children! There are lots of small clinics that are un-licensed (you must have a
license to cut hair, drive a car, catch fish etc., but anyone who wants can set up the abortion chamber can do so!. They are not inspected or
regulated either. This particular death happened at an acupuncture clinic!
Please,please when you ask (like your computer) "Do you really want to delete this file forever"?
Think it over for awhile.