posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Lol, this thread just made my day for sick humour.
And the part that is funny, is how everybody is trying to use "Secular" logic to defend countries that would like to remove "Secular" from your
To say that this isn't "Muslim" wide is a fallacy...which branch, is it Sunni, is it Shia...maybe Sufi?
See, if ANY Christian nation did anything even close to what "Muslim" nations do, there would be a global outcry of condemnation.
If a "Muslim" country does is "not all" "Muslims" or " a few" extremists....
Until you guys realize that there is no relation between western Muslims and eastern Muslims you have already lost the train of thought neccessary for
They are completely different, and if it wasn't for the same title on the religious card, most of you would have figured that out by now.
To the mod, yes Christianity had a brutal period, which it has tried to grow away from. Islam has been around for slightly less time, and is still
stuck in that medieval, brutal period....why?
What has let one religion grow and one stagnate?
You will notice that I have quoted "Muslim" through out this post, and the reason is becasue there are many different types, and until we figure out
which type(s) are the violent ones, we can not bring resolution.