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Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Home With AK-47

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
So what are you supposed to do when a mob amasses on your front lawn?

You ask them to leave and they stay. You say you'll call the cops and they laugh at you. What are you supposed to do?

It's as if hordes of anyone can camp out on your property and you can't do anything at all about it until it's already too late to do anything about it.

Call the cops and hope they get there before it's too late I guess. Then what do the cops do? Ask the horde to leave? If they dont leave? The cops draw their guns and make arrests? Taze or spray? They can use that amount of force to get people off of your property but you cant use any force to get people off of your property?

It's this kind of crap that makes for situations like the chav's in the UK walking around completely immune to law enforcement harassing and attacking anyone they wish. Even walking onto your property and into your home to assault you without any consequence.

You know of the Chav's!!!

Yes, they are rife and feral!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

you do not think logically
the man was threatened.
he did not use physical force
against the gang, he just
threatened them back.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:25 PM
I didn't read whole thread. I saw this a couple of days ago. He was charged with a class D felony.

Does anyone know if he will be allowed to own guns, in NY, since he would now be a convicted felon.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
So what are you supposed to do when a mob amasses on your front lawn?
It's this kind of crap that makes for situations like the chav's in the UK walking around completely immune to law enforcement harassing and attacking anyone they wish. Even walking onto your property and into your home to assault you without any consequence.

You are supposed to make lemonade and wait til the cops come to have theirs.
I'm so upset right now. Where is this law they are talking about and when was it established? Also, find out if it "applies to all citizens" because if we use it to disarm the cops - then they will want this law gone too.
And unfortunately, the PTB do pull stuff like this. For example a woman that was knocked out by her husband has no right to retaliate when she comes to, even with him standing over her. We let laws like this stay on the books w/o challenge for far too long. Americans have got to stop saying "That will never happen to me" and start saying "I'll be damned if that's ever gonna happen again!"

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by slugger9787
reply to post by rufusdrak

you do not think logically
the man was threatened.
he did not use physical force
against the gang, he just
threatened them back.

So are you saying that if 3 menacing looking guys came rushing at you saying they are gonna kill you that you would stand there and wait to see if they are gonna kill you? I use this because some won't defend themselves against one which is unfortunate, and this man stood against more than that.
So please, by law what was he supposed to do? And did you salute Bernard Goetz, NYC, December 22, 1984? If you did, then you sir are flip flopping, unless you feel its ok for a white man to shoot black kids but a black man can't shoot the ground to scare off grown people.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
First off, no citizen should be able to have a AK47 in their home. I don't care if you "have the right to bear arms." The concept of having a machine gun is illogical and dangerous to yourself, your family and the people that reside near by.

God, I question the intelligence of Americans sometimes.

Learn about weapons before you post something silly like this: That AK47 is NOT a full auto "machine gun" it's semi-auto, one trigger pull, one shot.

God I question the intelligence of Anti-gun nuts sometimes.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by AzoriaCorp

"Irrelevant?" Remember this man was arrested by the police not merely indicted by the press. There is a greater level of escalation if the gang had brandished weapons (a threat of deadly force) vs merely making verbal threats without a means to carry it out. In most states you cant exercise lethal force for trespassing on your property per se unless they actually break into your home and threaten you there. Again I dont believe that he should have been arrested for firing the warning shots into the ground. As to the "ricchochet" I never covered that scenario where the homeowner would have fired on the crowd (or a particular individual within same) and hit a bystander with either a ricchocheted miss or an overpenetration. If he had a right to fire then he is likely absolved of the responsibility of hitting someone (but that wouldnt prevent a bystander from suing anyway). I was referring to firing warning shots into the air as opposed into the yard. A shot that goes up most come down and a 7,62 x 39 can travel a decent distance (accuracy not relevant here) and possibly hit someone. But I would maintain that under the circumstances he had a right to run the thugs off his property with the shot into the ground but to not shoot to kill for them refusing to leave unless he was in imminent danger. That is where you either do what he did and if it doesnt work go inside, lock your door, call 911 and be prepared to unload your magazine if they break down the door. Under this scenario against those odds and after warning them of the potential use of deadly force (warning shots) then it is shoot to kill and no remorse or regrets.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I am sure he did not do the grass much harm by firing into it, that option was a lot safer than firing into the air. They are making the story more dramatic this way to get the NO GUNS crowd stirred up. American's are still armed to the teeth and TPTB cannot make a move on us until we are disarmed.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by hinky

He wouldn't be able to own guns anywhere.

He is not a convicted felon, he hasn't been to trial yet.. and I very highly doubt they would convict him. And that's if the DA doesn't drop the charges under the circumstances.

posted on Sep, 10 2010 @ 09:08 PM
Existing thread here:

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