posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:59 AM
Hmm...doesn't seem like they are advertising this season much. I'm a pretty big fan of the show, and haven't seen anything about it (and I even
have a subscription to EW, which I read all the time)...
I'm up for another season of Survivor though...
I just Googled and found the cast (and location is Nicaragua)...
A lot of eye-candy for the gals this season it seems. A little bit for us guys, but not in equal parts, that's for sure, hehe... The bikinis aren't
the reason I watch, but I'm not complaining either. Should be weird to see how a celebrity manages with these guys.
There's an idea, an all celebrity season of Survivor... Of course, getting that many to agree to it, may be's a rough show to be
[edit on 8-9-2010 by Gazrok]