posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:03 PM
So, I didn't know what forum to put this in (haha as you can tell.) Figure it's kind of a social issue so...
First off, I know not ALL humans are afraid of bugs or spiders or insects or any other related organisms. But, it seems to me that a higher proportion
of people are creeped out by bugs than other animals, say for example, squirrels and possums, and I was wondering why this is.
My one theory is that we are less afraid/creeped out by animals more like us. For example, everyone loves dolphins and whales but no one would think
of swimming with a squid as an altogether pleasant experience. Dolphins and whales are mammals, so maybe we feel a closer kinship with them. (Not sure
where birds fit into this, so this theory may not make much sense haha)
Because seriously. Bugs are tiny compared to lots of other creatures on the planet that we find cute (elephants, giraffes, deer, etc). Why do they
creep us out so much?
Wondering what you all think.... Do you think it's just something intuitive in humans to think bugs are creepy? Something conditioned? Something that
really shouldn't have a thread written about it cause it's so obvious? Haha