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Teen In Critical Condition After Botched Abortion

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by igor_ats

Originally posted by SUICIDEHK45
Two women die every day in the U.S. giving birth. Does that mean that we should outlaw giving birth?

Pregnancy is more dangerous than having an abortion. But I don't think that's what pro-lifers want to hear.

On the same line of thought, we should ban heart operations because there was a sloppy clinic once that caused the death of. . .

So, what is your point? Life is dangerous. Lot of folks die while eating from choking so by your example death by starvation is OK, nothing to worry about, they might have died eating,.... don't want that to happen so lets starve em.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by slane69]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

No need to be so offensive

1. I'm not trying to convince anyone into having abortions so how could possibly be forcing anything on anyone ? You said yourself you try to convince people, that is an attempt to stop them from doing it. No matter how you coat it, it's trying to prevent someone from doing it.

2. Intellectual dishonesty ? I interpreted what you posted, if you didn't want it to make out like you did have an abortion then you should have worded it differently.

I'm done discussing with you due to your disgusting personal attacks and false accusations, good day to you!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:39 PM
On topic, I wish this young girl the best and hope she recovers.

A dangerous procedure to be sure, even when done by a doctor.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by slane69

Huh ? He asked for proof that women die from pregnancy, I provided said proof. No point to make there at all, so don't try to make something from nothing!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Discotech

My apologies Discotech, that was unfair of me, my comment should not have been directed at you.


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:58 PM
Abortion is the only life and death issue that we are dealing with in today's society so far. Euthanasia is just down the road. The baby comes into being with a soul, part of her mommy, and equally part of her daddy. baby's heartbeat and umbilical / placenta are the means the baby creates in order to grow and sustain it. That heartbeat does not belong to the mother only , so it's not "her own body".

That baby also deserves the assistance and love of her father. But do we ever even consider the grief and anguish men feel? The situation is totally out of their hands and they can't do anything at all to save their babies.

How cold-hearted must an abortionist be to do any of these Frankenstein-type "Procedures "? The 2 M.D.'s in this story are just a small sample of what goes on in the abortion chambers. Did you know that "partial-birth abortion" is just a normal delivery until the head is ready to come out the abortionist stabs scissors through the back of her skull, suctions out the brains then the skull collapses and they pull out a dead baby. Did you know that said baby brings lucrative profits for research?

Did you know that at other places they do it differently. They just put the patient into labor, and after so long, a dead baby is born. But some survive and they are just left to die. You can get all of these facts online.

At one place the doctor brought to the nurse a set of twins! (how lucky) who were gasping for air because they were pretty far along in development. The nurse was sure they would use resucitation procedures because they were still alive. She was repulsed and sickened when the doc took them,smiling, and put them in a
bucket of water to drown. She quit that hospital right after this happened.

There was a Born Alive Protection Act written up and OB vetoed it.

Did you know that after a D & C (dilation and extraction) killing, he or she has to take the "tissue" (victim) which is always hidden from the other victim and "re-assemble the baby: head, 1st arm,
torso, 2nd arm and twolegs so that they know they got the whole body out?

Still think it's so simple? I could tell of many such stories and look them up online if you have the time.

Abortion hurts women!

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Starbug3MY
Euthanasia is just down the road. The baby comes into being with a soul, part of her mommy, and equally part of her daddy. baby's heartbeat and umbilical / placenta are the means the baby creates in order to grow and sustain it. That heartbeat does not belong to the mother only , so it's not "her own body".

I see alot of your examples are about late-term and post pregnancies (which have nothing to do with abortion). Did you know most abortions are early term.

Did you know Catholic hospitals refuse rape victims Emergency Contraception because it might kill a "baby".

Did you know there hasn t been a single pickett outside an IVF clinic despite Catholics stance on the value of a zygote (2274) in a test tube.

A simple question for you, at what stage of the life cycle does a zygote/embryo or fetus become a "baby" and deserve protection? btw i m not saying your a Catholic or anything, i'm just curious.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:14 AM
What a sad story on several levels.

Firstly, that teen should have been free to give birth - there are many loving parents who want a child - so we have to assume that either she did not tell her parents, or that her parents made her have an abortion.

Secondly, the anguish and suffering of that young girl.

Thirdly, the tragedy of murdering a baby whom someone would have loved.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknows
What a sad story on several levels.

Firstly, that teen should have been free to give birth - there are many loving parents who want a child - so we have to assume that either she did not tell her parents, or that her parents made her have an abortion.

Secondly, the anguish and suffering of that young girl.

Thirdly, the tragedy of murdering a baby whom someone would have loved.

To address your first and third point, there are literally thousands of children already available for adoption that no one will take, alot of the time because of their race, or their physical or mental defects due to the mothers drug abuse.

Before condemning one person, how about condemning the thousands that arent stepping up to the plate to help out?

Furthermore, most "pro lifers" are "conservatives" who are the first ones to complain when their tax dollars are spent helping people who cant afford babies.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by aching_knuckles]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
I wonder if the abortion death mills are required by law, to tell the mothers the FACTS about abortion, before the life is ripped from them.

Bladder Injury

Bowel Injury

Breast Cancer

Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy

Effects on Future Pregnancies

Failed Abortion.

And perhaps we should tell mothers to be the facts about being pregnant:

hyperemesis gravidarum
temporary and permanent injury to back
severe scarring requiring later surgery (especially after additional pregnancies)
dropped (prolapsed) uterus (especially after additional pregnancies, and other pelvic floor weaknesses -- 11% of women, including cystocele, rectocele, and enterocele)
pre-eclampsia (edema and hypertension, the most common complication of pregnancy, associated with eclampsia, and affecting 7 - 10% of pregnancies)
eclampsia (convulsions, coma during pregnancy or labor, high risk of death)
gestational diabetes
placenta previa
anemia (which can be life-threatening)
thrombocytopenic purpura
severe cramping
embolism (blood clots)
medical disability requiring full bed rest (frequently ordered during part of many pregnancies varying from days to months for health of either mother or baby)
diastasis recti, also torn abdominal muscles
mitral valve stenosis (most common cardiac complication)
serious infection and disease (e.g. increased risk of tuberculosis)
hormonal imbalance
ectopic pregnancy (risk of death)
broken bones (ribcage, "tail bone")

Less common (but serious) complications:

peripartum cardiomyopathy
cardiopulmonary arrest
magnesium toxicity
severe hypoxemia/acidosis
massive embolism
increased intracranial pressure, brainstem infarction
molar pregnancy, gestational trophoblastic disease (like a pregnancy-induced cancer)
malignant arrhythmia
circulatory collapse
placental abruption
obstetric fistula

We can all whip some side effects out of the air for anything from eating peanuts to major surgery
At the end of the day all surgeries can have complications so if you don't want to have an abortion, make sure you double bag.. If you're in a position that you want / need one it's entirely up to you.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

I condemned no-one.

There are many people in countries like mine, NZ, who are not allowed to adopt some babies, even though they want to.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:06 AM
i have a hard time finding sympathy for a person who came to a place with the intent to kill, and then they themselves get killed in the process. nelsons "Ha-Ha" from simpsons comes to mind.

oh the irony.

and of course everybody is going to scream for taxpayer $$$$ to help make it more "safe" to kill a baby.

heres an idea, be responsible. nobody dies.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:14 AM
i think its a double standard to consider the homicide of a pregnant woman "double murder", but then in the same exact society allow a doctor to perform the same act and it be ok. its all the same to the baby.

is it life, or isnt it.

make up your damn minds.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:27 AM
Mandatory sterilization at birth with the option to appeal for fertility restoration once intelligence and proper health screenings are deemed acceptable?
Would that be a better way to insure personal accountabilty and removal of guilt and risk?
You cant please everyone and you cant fix stupid.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker
i think its a double standard to consider the homicide of a pregnant woman "double murder", but then in the same exact society allow a doctor to perform the same act and it be ok. its all the same to the baby.

is it life, or isnt it.

make up your damn minds.

It's a matter of choice.. it is the mothers choice to have an abortion, if the mother is killed and the unborn foetus with her then it is not the mothers choice.

If you actually look at the law (Sec 1841 Protection of Unborn Children) you will see:

(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution—
(1) of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;
(2) of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or
(3) of any woman with respect to her unborn child.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Truth_Hz

read that statute to the baby.
oh wait.... baby dies regardless.....scratch that.

my point was actually court recognition of "life". i couldnt care any less how much consent the mother gives, shes only got 1/3 a say in the matter as far as im concerned.

if she doesnt want to have the baby, then she should be required to give the sperm back to its rightful owner in the condition it was when it was borrowed,or its harboring stolen property.see i can make it sound just as ridiculous as you. how bout copyrighting your dna and then suing for infringement.

you act like these women spontaneously impregnate themselves

and speaking of choice, what if the father chooses to not have the baby, regardless of the mothers feelings (as she would likely do to him). does that give him the right to perform the operation himself? no because it would be a double stand-.... i mean double murder.

what if the father is the one that wants to keep it, but the mother does not want to go through with a pregnancy and gets the abortion on her own. does she go to jail for murdering the fathers unborn child?

see where im going with this?

[edit on 7-9-2010 by RelentlessLurker]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker
reply to post by Truth_Hz

read that statute to the baby.

you mean Foeutus (which in turn is not viable until after 24 weeks)

I couldnt care any less how much consent the mother gives, shes only got 1/3 a say in the matter as far as im concerned.

tell that to a rape victim, to a young girl who was taking precautions but the condom split or the pill failed, or to a girl who's partner has walked out on them and they cannot look after a child on their own. ADOPTION I hear you scream. in turn have you thought about the mental implications of having to give up your child.

if she doesnt want to have the baby, then she should be required to give the sperm back to its rightful owner in the condition it was when it was borrowed,or its harboring stolen property
.see i can make it sound just as ridiculous as you. how bout copyrighting your dna and then suing for infringement.

What exactly have I made sound ridiculous, I have quoted your countries laws and used common sense.

you act like these women spontaneously impregnate themselves

I have suggested no such thing but babies are not always made out of "love" or in stable relationships.. you go on about the "murder" of these "babies" but do you stop to think for a second about the mothers and the intense mental pressure they are under?

and speaking of choice, what if the father chooses to not have the baby, regardless of the mothers feelings (as she would likely do to him). does that give him the right to perform the operation himself? no because it would be a double stand-.... i mean double murder.

not unless he's qualified

what if the father is the one that wants to keep it, but the mother does not want to go through with a pregnancy and gets the abortion on her own. does she go to jail for murdering the fathers unborn child?

hahaha, I didn't write the laws, I merely brought them to attention.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,

I am in no way advocating abortion clinics as a "quick fix" alternative to contraception however certain circumstances dictate a necessity.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
I wonder if the abortion death mills are required by law, to tell the mothers the FACTS about abortion, before the life is ripped from them.

Bladder Injury

Bowel Injury

Breast Cancer

Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy

Effects on Future Pregnancies

Failed Abortion




Laceration of the Cervix

More Miscarriages Later

Perforation of the Uterus

Placenta Previa

Post-Abortion Syndrome

Retained Products of Conception

Severe, Rapid Bleeding


Unrecognized Ectopic Pregnancy

And a few more problems and complications are relevant to the discussion but anyway. Make your choice from an informed location, not a fear location.


As for the OP, the MSM hides the facts of the problems with abortion, they do not want the facts to get out. But of course once and awhile something happens that shines the light on the problems of abortion.

And for those members that say to use protection, the society of today is narcissistic and take no responsibility for ones actions.

That is what you wanted and this is what you get.

Take responsibility for the lives you lead and the society you want.

There is no such thing as a life without responsibility, only in fantasy land does that exist. Maybe quit teaching this value system.

Actually, in some states, Missouri. And Oklahoma. And Louisiana. And Nebraska, the provider is required by law to lie. That's right, to lie. They are required to provide a brochure linking abortions to increased cancer risk, when even the most rabid right to lifers and doctor murderers have acknowkedged that the link is non-existent and was made up by a Christian fundie in Sri Lanka.
So now, these cowardly mysogonists are not content to murder doctors, they murder the truth. They are cowards because they fear pinning their political careers to a constitutional amendment banning abortion because they know it would never pass.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:53 AM
Casualties of one abortion=


The passage is "These two things are set before you always, life and death.
Choose life."

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Starbug3MY

This isn't about abortion. It's about people, the "doctors", trying to use the system to make money. These guys are crooks.

I suggest everyone read the entire article. Abortion isn't the boogie man here... Greed, ignorance and a lack of compassion are.

"The report that came to us was so egregious and the information in the complaint so serious, the state had to respond quickly," said David Paulsen, Md. Health Department.
Investigators say security at the hospital told them Dr. Brigham and Dr. Riley were circumspect about, "who they were, what happened and where they came from."
Brigham, the clinic owner, has no license to practice medicine in Maryland,

Make abortion the problem all you want, but my niece died from a staph infection AFTER giving birth... Should childbirth be outlawed?

These kinds of things happen every day in hospitals and clinics around the country. People die from accidents while ANY operation is being performed.

And as some people have mentioned, make abortion illegal and watch the number of "botched abortions" go through the roof!

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