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Are you noticing less flying nuisance insects this year?

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:49 AM
On the Texas Gulf Coast the flying insects were reduced dramatically by hurricane Ike. The spring after Ike, there was nary a red wasp or yellow jacket to be found. The web dwelling spiders were hard to find too, but I like those! The mosquitoes never slowed down. It was encouraging, the morning after the storm, I went out to survey the damage and a yellow butterfly went by. I wonder where that poor, fragile, thing was holed up all night?!

Now, it's business as usual with yellow jackets hiding in my shrubs, waiting to ambush me, and red wasps nesting in my lawn mower. The mosquitoes are out in force every time it rains. The spiders are back, but not like they were in years past. I miss the big, yellow girl that used to maker her web in my oak tree every evening.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:53 AM
I found this article related to the topic, Some of you might find interesting,

snippet from article:

"Scientists concerned by reports from the public that they are seeing fewer of the luminous insects each summer have turned to a network of backyard volunteers spanning much of the nation to track their range and numbers. Their observations may shed light on whether fireflies are indeed declining — a trend that could dwindle the targets for the childhood rite of passage of chasing fireflies."


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:09 AM
Just the opposite for me. I live on the East Coast in a suburb of Baltimore and I'd have to say the mosquito's have been significantly worse this year. Lightning bugs too but I like them, right around dark you see hundreds of them in my back yard. The local wildlife seems to have noticed too as a family of bats has moved into my attic, well the triangle vent part that allows air to circulate, not really in the attic. Anyway, every night I watch them swoop down and gobble up those damn mosquito's. It's cool to see but I could really go for about twenty more bats as the three I watch don't seem to eat enough to keep those pests away from me. I really can't stand winter but I am looking forward to a few months break from the mosquito's.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:29 AM
Another Midwest person here, and I think all of the bugs have moved away from the rest of you, and moved here. I have seen more bugs this year than any that I can remember and that is true for every type of cralwer or flyer, except for lightning bugs. Have not seen them at all this summer, not one, and we usually get a few almost every night.

There has also been tons of what my family and friends are calling 'fusion' bugs. I wish had pictures, but I do not, as soon as I see something that I think only crawls take off and fly, and things that I know fly, not have any wings, I kill 'em.

There are all mostly smaller, but little bugs that look like worms, are spreading wings, and just last week, I came across what I thought were some wasps, but they did not have wings.

I am heading to our cottage this weekend, so I'll try to take some pictures then, cause these bugs are not right and that is the the place that I have seen them the most, away from the city..

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:43 AM
In the NW it has gotten bad this year, if I go out the door I get bit. We had a very mild winter and about a week of summer so thats probably why.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Mike Stivic
I found this article related to the topic, Some of you might find interesting,

snippet from article:

"Scientists concerned by reports from the public that they are seeing fewer of the luminous insects each summer have turned to a network of backyard volunteers spanning much of the nation to track their range and numbers. Their observations may shed light on whether fireflies are indeed declining — a trend that could dwindle the targets for the childhood rite of passage of chasing fireflies."


We fortunately, do have quite a few in our backyard. We live in the country and I think they like the higher, unmowed areas. It is sad if they are disappearing, though. I love sitting on the back porch and watching them. PS I like your avatar. I used to watch that show with my dad.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by maybee

I am glad to hear they are still flourishing where you are.

One of my fondest memories as a child was hunting them with my sister and collecting them in jars to show our grandmother. It would be a shame for future generations not to be able to enjoy thier beauty.

I live in Conn. I cannot say I have been actively watching for them, but it does seem to me that thier are less here, I usually have a glance around the yard when I let my dog out for the evening.

Thanks for the compliment, I have a certian affinity for 70's and early 80's tv, and this "character" reminds me alot of myself, Minus the far left wing view on politics....


posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:04 PM
Here in the Northwest, there are plenty of garden spiders this year, and also lots of mosquitoes.

However, there does not seem to be as many bees, or wasps around this year.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:12 AM
I have heard lots of people mentioning this, and I have to say that we have NO shortage of mosquitoes and other bugs here in Kentucky. I have a small pool, and every week I empty out the skimmer.. i've done this for five years. My weekly bug bucket is on par or even slightly higher than previous years. Consists mainly of crickets, beetles, worms and spiders. Smells real good after being submerged in water for a week...

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:36 AM
Funny, because this year I noticed a huge increase in insects where I live. I am in NW OH area.

As far as fireflies go...I've seen them this summer, but not in the high numbers as previous summers.

Mosquitoes were really bad this year. Going outside at night, I'd have at least 5 of them on me at a time all the time. They bite, but most of the bites didn't produce a red, itchy bump.

Gnats in swarms could be seen all the time day and night. Several times at night when I went outside with a flashlight, I'd have inhaled a whole bunch of those buggers, through my nose and mouth. Talk about gross!

Flies were bad also. I think the attraction to my dogs poo in the backyard was the main reason.

Moths were and still are all over my patio door screen at night.

Bees lots of them in my garden.

Wasp/hornets--I have a nest of each and I don't like 'em!

Spiders are plentiful!

Usual garden insects--stinkbugs, Japanese beetles etc.

Slugs were EVERYWHERE this year!

I usually have a problem with moles, but none this year. Didn't see a whole lot of grubs this year which is unusual.

Not a single grasshopper. I've lived here for almost 10 yrs and I think I've only seen 2 grasshoppers.

[edit on 8-9-2010 by virraszto]

[edit on 8-9-2010 by virraszto]

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 09:41 AM
I live in Denmark, and the whole summer i havent seen more than 3-5 flies and mosquitoes.
I first think about it now, becouse I always remember the summer to be annoying, becouse of flies and so on. But nothing, only big big house spiders.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
I haven't noticed any change. It was very hot and bone dry for a while and parts of my lawn died out along with a small tree. It's been raining a lot since then and mosquitoes are plentiful now. I have heard a friendly owl at times. That owl I believe has cut down on the bird noise pollution. I have fake owls in my yard but the regular birds seem to ignore them.

How could bird songs ever be considered "noise pollution"?!

Cars driving by would be noise pollution. Industrial noise would be considered noise pollution. A guy with a jack hammer on the corner would be noise pollution.

I don't know about you but I am happy to hear the birds singing. I dread the day when there are no birds left to sing.

In stead of trying to keep them out of your yard maybe you should just put up a bird feeder and be grateful that you have song birds in your yard in the first place.

[edit on 8-9-2010 by DaMod]

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:46 AM
I live in southern Ontario, Canada and I've noticed a lot less flies and other small flying insects this year too.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:46 PM
Live in Kansas. Tons of Mosquitoes, average flies, lots of lightning bugs, hoards of small crickets, Cicadas showed up late but huge numbers.
Bottom line some stuff up some down, some average. What ever animal or weather change you believe is happening you will see and disregard what you don't believe. If you doubt me, tell yourself that people who drive green cars speed and can't drive worth spit.
I gaurentee that within 10 days you will be convinced of this false belief.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:18 PM
I live in N. Indiana - all your flies came our way

Very few bees, wasps and mosquitos. Very few fireflies - I miss them sitting on the porch in the evening.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Mike Stivic

Thanks for the link - it seems others have noticed a decline in the fireflies. I live in N Indiana but I also noticed this in Ky in 2009. I would love to see them return!

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:24 PM
Actually I have seen an explosion in the mosquito population that has been very unpleasant.

Here in New Mexico. Lots of strange bugs.

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