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The Truth About The Epic Beard Man Viral Video

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:15 PM
I saved a few comments I liked when this was going viral.

These comments sort of reflect my view on the issue:


It's a shame, he clearly has some issues. Nobody came out of Vietnam with the same sanity they went in with.


People talking # about him have no clue what it's like to walk a mile in his shoes. Some of us are dealt a bad hand and it overloads the brain to the point of not being able to separate horrible events sometimes. He isn't crazy at all, he is mentally overloaded and not putting up with anymore bull# from people


This man is no #ing hero, he is no badass, he is an angel, faught through the hardest things in life. He beat life. He won. He stands against the unfair authority. He is an idol, and a man with the strongest heart.


Everyone calls him a "liar". He is not a liar! When you have extremly traumatizing events constantly throughout your life,events blend together. It is not an intentional lie it is a mind racing through all these events at the same time because horrifying events put your brain in a total different place than the average person.

I can't blame him for being who he is, we're all shaped by our experiences and surroundings and like mentioned some of us are dealt a bad hand.

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