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Cops + Cameras = Bad Attitude. WHY?

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by psyko45

Arent most analysis fluid in nature? Isnt that why courts deliberate?

Yes and yes! That's why I said I was glad you wrote your comment they way you did. Maybe it's because I'm a woman that the LEO's actions at the actual stop really freaked me out. But, as it turns out, none of that stuff was the issue in court.

But after that is all said and done, I think it's possible that the single biggest reason the cops don't want to be filmed is because of stupid stuff like that. One guys gets carried away on his own adrenaline and a few days later 600K+ viewers on youtube have made him the laughing stock of the PD.
How embarrassing for him!!!!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by ThatDGgirl
reply to post by psyko45

Arent most analysis fluid in nature? Isnt that why courts deliberate?

One guys gets carried away on his own adrenaline and a few days later 600K+ viewers on youtube have made him the laughing stock of the PD.
How embarrassing for him!!!!

Thats what I meant when I said the cop should have just shot the biker. I didnt mean it literally. Its just that since he had already made a bad move, he should have confiscated everything on the spot, made an arrest on a C and I and the video would never have been released. I know that wouldnt have been the 'right' thing to do but it would have covered him and the department on the boneheaded stunt he pulled. And I can almost guarantee that any cop you talk to would tell you the same thing. Its kind of like the 'You lie and Ill swear to it' mentality.

My opinion is 'all the way or no way'. By the book 100%, or 'All Bets are Off'.

Whoever said ,"There never was much of a case" was correct. How many cases have we seen where cops get in trouble for actions caught on film...Rodney King, the recent BART cop shooting incident, and the list goes on.

The thing that sucks is that there are people out there who are on an active crusade to catch cops in the wrong. I think these people are busybody scum. But I guess its thier 'right' to be such.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by psyko45

The thing that sucks is that there are people out there who are on an active crusade to catch cops in the wrong. I think these people are busybody scum. But I guess its thier 'right' to be such.

2 questions for you.

Are these people 'policing' the police?
Isn't this what the police do to us? ie: speed traps or entrapment set ups

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by psyko45

The thing that sucks is that there are people out there who are on an active crusade to catch cops in the wrong. I think these people are busybody scum. But I guess its thier 'right' to be such.

I guess I'm a busybody scum then. I'm a freelance videographer/filmmaker and I shoot everything that even remotely looks interesting. I also shoot LEOs, firemen, ordinary citizens when they are heros besides being in the wrong. Perhaps if cops would concentrate on "protecting and serving" rather than dispensing their brand of street justice, their image would improve. IMO the internal affairs section should be replaced by citizen review committees to insure that cops don't become the judge, jury and executioner. After all the taxpayers/citizens pay your salary.

I would like to encourage everyone video everything. Camcorders are getting very small and can be hidden, like this one
or to your cell and upload your films to youtube or other video hostin site.
Make documentaries of your life. This is the cyber age....Live in it....participate.....record it.

Ordinary citizens have to live by the rules and are constantly recorded in their work place, malls, public places, stores, etc. Why should LEOs be given preferential treatment when performing their duties?

To turn a phrase oft quoted by right wing conservatives..."If you aren't doing anything wrong...why object to being under surveillance ?"
The door swings both ways.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by ThatDGgirl
reply to post by psyko45

2 questions for you.

Are these people 'policing' the police?
Isn't this what the police do to us? ie: speed traps or entrapment set ups

No, in most cases they are people who have someting aginst cops for whatever reason (tickets, or other previous trouble) and they cant wait to catch one doing something not by the book so they can say "See!! I told you so."

This biker in the vid wasnt policing anything, he was showboating his criminal actions and just happened to film a mistake made by an LEO, I dont call that policing anything.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by whaaa

You bring some very valid points.

Dash cams are in nearly every unit. But the thing is , there are people out there who dont just objectively film, they go out and actively obstruct LE activity and call it 'the door swinging both ways' , Heck Ive seen vids posted here on ATS where members actually went out trying to provoke LE into a bad reaction so they could film it. Thats just as vile as a cop participating in entrapment of any kind. The obsession with filming everything brings me to mind of voyeurism, which I see as a perversion of sorts. Not saying every photographer is a perv.

I dont like being filmed constantly as you mention, but I make the sacrifice because I believe it to be in the best interest of my family and my security.

How can an untrained civilian effectively monitor and critique a trained proffesion with any success? Sure they could offer suggestions , but replace IA? Doubtful. There are bad apples in every barrel, but in this particular barrel its not up to Joe blow with a Wal-Mart handy cam to get rid of them. Its up to the TRAINED men and women whose JOB it is to monitor these matters.

Fact is, alot of the time a busybody with a camera adds more danger to any already dangerous situation.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:35 PM
Everybody needs to get one of these. A cop told me they all carry them all the time.Key Chain Camera

I have one in both vehicles with old keys on them. Just incase

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by psyko45
reply to post by whaaa

How can an untrained civilian effectively monitor and critique a trained proffesion with any success? Sure they could offer suggestions , but replace IA? Doubtful. There are bad apples in every barrel, but in this particular barrel its not up to Joe blow with a Wal-Mart handy cam to get rid of them. Its up to the TRAINED men and women whose JOB it is to monitor these matters.

The TRAINED professionals are trained to uphold the "Blue Code" and protect the LEOs and the Dept. from civil and federal lawsuits. IA is a pathetic joke. One of my girl friends worked for the attorney Generals office.
I know how the system works. Who do you think you are fooling on a conspiracy site? Where we can spot BS a mile away.

Why am I not surprised that you fear the camera? Be professional and you have nothing to fear. It's that simple!

Never for an instant forget who you work for and who pays your salary.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by psyko45

This biker in the vid wasnt policing anything, he was showboating his criminal actions and just happened to film a mistake made by an LEO, I dont call that policing anything.

Agreed 100%....but when people come across a scene where it's OBVIOUS that the LEO has taken things too far (ie: 4 LEO's, 1 alleged perp already on the ground) because of adrenaline or ego, it SEEMS the reason for the cop wanting the cam is to cover their own ass because he/she KNOWS they've over-stepped some boundary. And yes, they're human, and god knows we all make mistakes, but when you choose the profession of LEO, aren't you choosing to be in a profession where the public is ALWAYS watching what you do with critical eyes? Isn't that a given? And IMO it should be like that.

...there are people out there who dont just objectively film, they go out and actively obstruct LE activity and call it 'the door swinging both ways' , Heck Ive seen vids posted here on ATS where members actually went out trying to provoke LE into a bad reaction so they could film it.

Completely vile, utterly stupid and a GREAT way to get arrested. But that's not what I'm talking about now. I don't believe all LEO's are bad. But even when an encounter is filmed and the LEO acts with perfect decorum, (and yes, I've seen plenty of these vids too) why do they ALWAYS want the camera to be turned off? Wouldn't that cover both parties?

I do appreciate your openness.... it's a good look at the view from the other side.

[edit on 6-9-2010 by ThatDGgirl]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Why am I not surprised that you fear the camera? Be professional and you have nothing to fear. It's that simple!

Never for an instant forget who you work for and who pays your salary.

I dont fear much. Maybe the old lady when I forget to take out the trash. If I did fear the camera, its only because Im not very pleasant to look at. I try very hard to be proffessional at my job.

Dont worry I wont forget that I work for my fathers landscaping company, and I appreciate every client that pays my piddly salary..LOL!!!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by psyko45

Dont worry I wont forget that I work for my fathers landscaping company, and I appreciate every client that pays my piddly salary..LOL!!!

Were you trying to mislead us into thinking you were a LEO when you said this....

I dont like being filmed constantly as you mention, but I make the sacrifice because I believe it to be in the best interest of my family and my security.

Landscapers are constantly filmed?
And it's in the best interest of your family and your security?

You must be an exceptional landscaper to be constantly filmed.

Have you seen this lately?


[edit on 6-9-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Im talking about the increase EVERYWHERE in cameras and surveilance, especially since 911. Sir or Mam you need to take a reading comprehension course at your local community college. I didnt insinuate or mislead in any way. And actually Im a pretty good landscaper. And I speak as an American when I speak of increased monitoring for security purposes.

You are so anxious to hate on a cop that it actually effects your cognitive ability to read and understand what you read, and then when you realize youve made a boneheaded choice you fall back on kindergarten tactics to try to save face. Its pretty funny but not worth any more of my time. I hope you choose to do some brain push-ups tonight [snip].

[edit on 6-9-2010 by psyko45]


Removed questionable remark

[edit on 6/9/10 by masqua]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 08:08 AM
HAHAHAHA!! That was funny! I'll admit I was "reading with prejudice" too!!

I think this is a valuable lesson. The "spin" ain't always in the writing!! And I'm saying this because I'm currently undergoing a rigorous self-examination of how I interpret what's coming from others. Even spoken words, when you can see someone's face and hear the tone of voice. Words are very tricky!

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 02:28 PM
Just put cameras on all the cops. A good cop shouldn't care as they will not be doing anything that will get them in trouble.

A judge just ordered that happen in NYC.

I have an entire rant on this elsewhere on ATS.

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