posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 02:24 AM
This is a thread in reference to what many of us have faced with family and loved ones around the world. That is if you had something to say, what
would you?
Some of us have said something to loved ones about the dangers of today, whether it be about water, food, movies, music, or the REAL world, and have
been ignored.
This is a way to either express what you've either said or wanted to say to a loved one. Those of us that are sometimes consumed with the world have
no real strategy to make this as real as it is to us.
With open letters that we would share with others, can also help with the words that others may NOT be able to say. I for one have been hit at every
turn with accusations of being "to concerned", or paranoid, and I for one do not one to be labeled, but it has happened.
Even if some that want to make it clear and cannot with those that this is intended for, there are many skeptics, and this may open a whole NEW
We are the "teachers" of today, and also the students. We should learn from each other, and share the knowledge. So I will start with my letter that
I have said to family, but have been ignore.
Please if there is something that you want to share, or get off your chest, there are people out that think you opinion is important. Thank you in
advance. Good luck with all your endeavors, and share the knowledge, thus sharing the wealth.
Peace, NRE.
Dear Family,
I fear that you may be consumed with a world that is non existent. That you may face something in your lives that may be unnecessary, and complicated
by no fault of your own.
I know that hearing this may be scary, but I love you all very much, and would never want you to be in harms way. This is why I ask... I beg for you
to listen. We ALL are in danger!
I am not asking you to change your entire lives, just that you know the game, that you have unwillingly...(at first) played. Now the rules have
change, and you were not informed.
WE as ONE can make a difference.
Love XXXX.