reply to post by AntiShyster
China is dumping U.S. debt, is actively buying up all the gold it can
(holds the world's largest amount), and is telling all its citizens to
buy all the silver they can.
Bernake, Fed. Reserve, and bambam planning on printing trillions more
of worthless money.
3 years ago, gold was at $600./oz. It is projected to hit $5,000. /oz
(yup, Five thousand dollars an ounce) before it is all over.
Silver is projected to hit $250.00/oz due to China's mass call to its 'citizens'
to buy all they can. China has even given some of its workers pay raises.
There are free newsletters out there that can give you a good beginning
handle on all finance(could start with reuters, world net daily, and then
branch out into the financial accounts)
All experts I know say unless you are smarter than they, stay out of the
stock market. From what I gather you were alluding too, there is a way
they can instantly manipulate these markets for desired outcomes.
There is some kind of electronic data that some of these companies have
access to that the other companies don't get for 10 or 20 seconds later.
Evidently this is enough for them to win at the stock market game.