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Glenn Beck a part of a Nazi hegalian dialectic?

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posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 04:57 AM
Firstly let me state I do not personally know Glenn Beck and his intentions may well be honest,he certainly coherently and factually outlines the corruption of Obama inc and the undue influence of the 'progressives' and he may well genuinely believe that God and the Contitution are the answer all that aside however he is what he is and that is an organ of mass media,in his case a media outlet biased towards Republicans.

Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox certainly holds a Diocletian sword over his newspaper editors and I would imagine he would also vet his cable news channel content.Murdoch is certainly a member of the elite and would no doubt push their agenda if it were in his own self interest.

As you know America is a two party political system and whilst they play divide and rule games left and right with the masses they are largely financed by and beholding to essentially the same corporate and special interests.Having read Marrs' book The rise of the fourth reich I believe that as of world war two Nazis and Nazi minded people have penetrated the halls of power in the USA.The enthronement of corporations in league with the government and the military/technological complex are signs of National Socialism but the Nazis know that fascism has to be accepted by the populous,not thrust upon them.

I believe the powers that be have deliberately let moral decay,government corruption and waste set in as well as hard economic times so that the average person knows whats wrong and wants a change,and the change the powers that be wish to provide is fascism.The problem is to get the masses to rush towards your solution.

This is where Obama comes in I believe he has been groomed for a one term suicide presidency,that hes been set loose to fundamentally change America so much that the average citizen will turn against the left and look for an answer with the right.Of course Obama is clueless as to the powers that bes use for him.Heres where Glenn Beck steps in to start a revival for God,country and constitution which gains momentum until the right wing messiah appears at the next election,this man will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible-which is how the Nazis will take over.

So there you go,thats a possible as to Becks role,the reason for this brainfart is I see so many similarities between late 20's and early 30's Germany and the current day USA its not funny.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 05:22 AM
I fully agree with you. Although I'm not an american myself, I have always said that instead of whining about communism, you guys should start worrying about fascism, because that's where you're going. The tea party has all the ingredients to become a "nazi-esque" political movement.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by anglodemonicmatrix

Heres where Glenn Beck steps in to start a revival for God,country and constitution which gains momentum until the right wing messiah appears at the next election,this man will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible-which is how the Nazis will take over.

So there you go,thats a possible as to Becks role,the reason for this brainfart is I see so many similarities between late 20's and early 30's Germany and the current day USA its not funny.

You are thinking critically, but several of the premises you have cited are incorrect.

First, you have linked fascism with "right wing" politics. Fascism is a type of statism, where a central authority (in our case, the Federal Government)subsumes private industry. Another word for this is "Socialism" or "Progressivism". The Nazi Party was a "National Socialist" organization.

Barack Obama and those like him are textbook fascists. To a much lesser extent, your Republicans are also statists: They thrive on imposing their ideas and lifestyles on others.

The current U. S. Federal Government, with a heavy statist/leftist bias, is the closest we here have ever come to true fascism. Obama co-opted several key private industries (auto manufacturing, banking, healthcare), and has since ruled that it is within its purview to to kill American citizens believed to be involved with terrorist activities.

Read "Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark Levin. It sums all this stuff up very nicely without all the repub/dem ideology skewing the facts.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 12:54 PM
Man are you confused. Probably thanks to O'Reilly and Glenn Beck. It isn't Obama and the Democrats that are Nazis, it's the neocons and the Republicans that are the Nazis. Look at what Bush did to this country. Look what the right wing Supreme Court did with allows CORPORATIONS to use their money to buy public offices for their own candidates. Of course Fox News tells you it's the Democrats that are fascists so it must be true. After all Fox News is fair and balanced.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by damwel
Man are you confused. Probably thanks to O'Reilly and Glenn Beck. It isn't Obama and the Democrats that are Nazis, it's the neocons and the Republicans that are the Nazis. Look at what Bush did to this country. Look what the right wing Supreme Court did with allows CORPORATIONS to use their money to buy public offices for their own candidates. Of course Fox News tells you it's the Democrats that are fascists so it must be true. After all Fox News is fair and balanced.

Nah, no confusion.

You really need to take the time to think about the assumptions you have around these issues.

Democrats take demonstrably more money from the big corporations than republicans do, and thus are affected more by lobbyist directives than are republicans.

Democrats aspire to controlling private industry MUCH more than repubs do. Barack Obama's administration moved to absorb the auto industry, along with health care and banking/finance.

It was Obama's idea to kill, without trial/due process, American citizens who he believes are terrorists.

Every major military conflict in modern American history was the brainchild of a Democrat administration....WWI = W. Wilson; WWII = Roosevelt; Korea = Truman; VietNam = Kennedy & Johnson. The Arab/Persian Campaign was started under Clinton, but he "kicked the can down the road" by buying off the taliban until he left office.

There is more innocent blood on American Democrat/Progressive hands than on any other single American group.

Democrat politicians, much more so than republicans, desire to control every aspect of citizens' lives to the point that they want to tax what we exhale (Co2)! It is a tax for being alive, for crying out loud!

Democrats and progressives are pure statists/fascists, and they really want to engender the Fourth Reich.

I really hope you start doing more critical thinking. You are the victim of a huge psychological operation designed to destroy freedom and liberty.

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 03:39 PM

Glenn Beck needs his own forum here on ATS

He's a one man conspiracy even in his own head.

"It took me about a year to start hating the victims of 9-11"
- Glenn Beck

"Speak without fear"
- Glenn Beck

8-28-2010 Fact:
The one who preaches to "speak without fear" was wearing a bullet proof vest.

Fact Check?
Glenn Beck?

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 03:55 PM
Nazism, Socialism, communism, it's all boiling down to totalitarianism.

And yeah, we're being set up for a "scientific" theocracy. The Council on National Policy is a "right wing" version of the Council on Foreign Relations. CNP was founded by Tim LaHaye, author of the Left Behind series. CNP is a leading force in pushing "Dominionism", creating a "heaven on earth theocracy" which will create the climate for Christ to "be able to return". Obama is the fall guy to drive people into the arms of the Maitreya/ aliens/ Christ dictator. (Since they are going this route, they have to replicate certain end times scenarios to fool people into thinking that they have passed through Armageddon and are living in a Christian Utopia society. Obama is the fake "anti-christ" in this scenario, so look for his "reign" to end late June 2012, fulfilling the biblical account of the anti-christ's 3 1/2 year rule. 2012 being the fake end times scenario to fool people into accepting the new global dictator.)

A good place to start to learn about CNP and Dominionism (it's long but very good):

This article details Rand Paul's association with CNP (yes, Ron and (Ayn) Rand Paul are the means by which armed revolution is obviated, by placing a Paul in power to placate and fool the Patriot movement. It was the plan all along, I'm afraid.)

posted on Sep, 1 2010 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Ismail
I fully agree with you. Although I'm not an american myself, I have always said that instead of whining about communism, you guys should start worrying about fascism, because that's where you're going. The tea party has all the ingredients to become a "nazi-esque" political movement.

Complete nonsense. If you've been paying attention at all, then you should have realized that Glenn Beck does NOT represent the Tea Party. The actual Tea Party is nowhere near as organized or brainwashed by a central ideology, as the followers of Glenn Beck are.

Stop listening to MSM slander and try actually looking into what the Tea Party actually is - numerous organizations spanning all races, religions, levels of affluence, and political affiliation - the one thing they have in common is the desire to restore sound fiscal policy. I'm tired of people falling for the trap - Ron Paul is the central voice of the Tea Party, if anybody is at all.

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