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The Rolling Memorial

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posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 03:04 PM
I got an email from my friend about this and it was pretty cool, keep in my mind i've never inserted hyperlinks or pics but imma try lol

This is a story about an amazingly patriotic couple. They are the owner operators of an 18 wheel rig. Their names are John & Amy Holmgren. They live in Shafer Minn. They had the idea for a rolling memorial to the victims of the 9-11 terrorist attack on our country. Their rig has every name of each person that lost their life on 9-11. This concept was thought up by John and Amy, and totally paid for by them. John says he will be awhile paying the loan off that he had to take out to do it but, thought this was the least he could do. Applied Graphics in Fargo ND did most of the work and Paul Kosenski did the Hand painting.

There are more pictures at the source but this really touched me. Regardless of who did it, the goverment, al qaeda, etc. many many people died that day and should be remembered.

Mods i'm sorry if i put this in the wrong place i'm still kinda new here

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 04:30 PM
That is so totally cool! Hats off to these people for what they have done. Hell, this is more than our own government has done so far, and ain't that a shame.

posted on Aug, 31 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Thats great. I really admire America and Americans - their patriotism is really outstanding - and something the rest of the World could learn something from.

If someone did something like that truck here in the UK, it would more than likely get vandalised by some idiot.
Things like War Memorials are defaced and even stolen here.
I despair sometimes.

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